View Full Version : WTD: Magnesium (ADC or the like) Headshell for my PS-6750 TT

06-12-2014, 17:36
Has anybody got a Magnesium Headshell knocking about that they are not using ?

The standard Sony one on my PS-6750 TT is a real pain to adjust accurately enough for my cart, which is VERY set-up dependant, so really looking for a headshell with a bit more adjustment.

Is there anything out there ?

Thanks chaps.

06-12-2014, 19:17
Hello there,
I can offer you an ADC LMG-1 headshell, in good condition, at £25.

However, based on your desire for adjustability I can also offer an Audio Technica MS-9 magnesium headshell (info available on the net). It weighs 9 gm as the name implies, has a damping strip bonded to the top, and incorporates adjustment for both azimuth and overhang in the same manner as the Jelco headshell does azimuth only. I'd sell that one for £48.



06-12-2014, 20:31

I'll take the LMG-1 off you please. I think I already have an MS9, which doesn't work, as the Black has a threaded body.

Please PM payment details.



Hello there,
I can offer you an ADC LMG-1 headshell, in good condition, at £25.

However, based on your desire for adjustability I can also offer an Audio Technica MS-9 magnesium headshell (info available on the net). It weighs 9 gm as the name implies, has a damping strip bonded to the top, and incorporates adjustment for both azimuth and overhang in the same manner as the Jelco headshell does azimuth only. I'd sell that one for £48.

