View Full Version : maplin power supply

04-12-2014, 02:30
hi,can anyone help,ive got a nac 102, I believe maplin do a power supply that will run it,as I wont be using a naim power amp,its the voltage and ma rateing,any advice will be appreciated. yours Charlie

04-12-2014, 17:49
It would help if you could add a pic of the PS or a link to the Maplin site.

06-12-2014, 07:08
You need a single or dual rail 24v supply, with as much current as possible - while the 102 will draw less than 3-400mA, my experience is that more is always better. Be wary of any psu which includes current limiting - in the early days I tried a bench psu to power a NAC, is was terrible compared to a very simple linear supply.

07-12-2014, 02:23
hi,thanks for info,thats what I was looking for,im using a russ Andrews ps3 5 pin,so the maplin is to do job of napsc,il need to get a plug,yours charlie