View Full Version : SP14 Tube Pre (based on Aikido)

24-11-2014, 12:28
It has been almost 4 months that I have been completed my Sp14 pre. Since then I have supplied some tubes, those are as follows;

- 4 quad matched Sylvania GTB Chrome top (http://www.ebay.com/itm/PLATINUM-MATCHED-PAIR-SYLVANIA-6SN7-GTB-CHROME-TOP-/131111425780?pt=Vintage_Electronics_R2&hash=item1e86d996f4)

- 2 matched Sylvania VT 231

- 2 matched RCA 6SN7 GTB (http://www.ebay.com/itm/G29-Matched-1-pair-RCA-black-plate-6SN7-TUBES-AMPLITREX-AT-1000-Tester-/261429844157?pt=Vintage_Electronics_R2&hash=item3cde6ed8bd)

- 2 matched Raytheon 6SN7 GTB (http://www.ebay.com/itm/G86-Matched-1-pair-Raytheon-black-plate-6SN7-TUBES-AMPLITREX-AT-1000-Tester-/251481954748?pt=Vintage_Electronics_R2&hash=item3a8d7e19bc)

Based on my personal taste, within those tubes my ranking is
1. Sylvania VT 231
2. Sylvania GTB Chrome top ( a price/performance tube, detailed, airy, big and seperated sound stage but not silky and not tube type romantic (I coıuld not explain different way what I mean :) )
3. RCA GTB (not bad but not as detailed like top 2 and even not as airy as Sylvania GTB Chrome top)
4. Raytheon GTB (actually I did not like at all, not good from all side)

BEST MATCH now I had Sylvania VT231 at input and Sylvania GTB Chrome top as output.

I wonder how 1578 and 5692 tubes will be.
I am not a bass addicted guy and listen mainly Jazz trio, quartet ... groups , vocal albums and classical, so I am not after KenRad VT231 which is talked generally one of the best bass.

I will be glad if there are other sp14 or Aikido Octal owners and will share their opinions about tubes they have. Because not every tube acts the same in every tubepre with different schematic design.

Also did you check if rectifier tube makes difference... Because at some designs makes and some dont, as I read generally.