View Full Version : Tips and advice on mount floorstanding speakers

19-11-2014, 23:39
I have allways had bookshelf speakers mounted on stands but I now got a set of Kef Q35 which are on spike going through
the carpet to a concrete floor . I have heard some people mount them on granate chopping boards and Some use the spikes some use soberthone bases with no spikes any advice as like I said I have never used floorstanding speakers

Cheers Gerry

19-11-2014, 23:48
A concrete floor is perfect with spikes as long as you accept the fact that the spikes will wear on their points. Make sure all the spikes make contact with the concrete. If you use pads, granite boards or anything else between the floor and the spikes, all you're doing is producing a less rigid interface. Not necessary and not good. Sorbothane will not work unless you remove the spikes and the sorbothane will just create a less rigid footing in any case. Personally, I'd use them exactly as they are.

19-11-2014, 23:56
When I had floorstanders I used the spikes but had them sitting in cups even though I had heavy carpet and underlay on concrete. It worked well for me and allowed me to move them without the threat of ripping carpet or having to lift them. I tried it with spikes only and never noticed any difference.

Spectral Morn
19-11-2014, 23:56
A concrete floor is perfect with spikes as long as you accept the fact that the spikes will wear on their points. Make sure all the spikes make contact with the concrete. If you use pads, granite boards or anything else between the floor and the spikes, all you're doing is producing a less rigid interface. Not necessary and not good. Sorbothane will not work unless you remove the spikes and the sorbothane will just create a less rigid footing in any case. Personally, I'd use them exactly as they are.

+ 1

20-11-2014, 00:25
I use granite boards (£12 each from asda) and spikes. The carpet isn't mine so the granite is there to protect the carpet as much as do something good for the speakers. But, I will say that they did something nice for my speakers in the room they are in and the floor they are on. Whether it would be the same in a different room, or with different speakers - no idea!

20-11-2014, 00:35
I use granite boards (£12 each from asda) and spikes. The carpet isn't mine so the granite is there to protect the carpet!

Spikes will penetrate through carpet without damage (unless you have some strange sort) and rest on the hard surface beneath. If you move spiked speakers and see residual holes in carpet, a bit of poking round the edges of the holes with a thin knitting needle will close them.

20-11-2014, 00:37
Cheers at least i know im on the right road now to sort the tow in on them

20-11-2014, 00:38
Thanks. I should also say that I don't know what is under the carpet.

20-11-2014, 07:53
Just cos they are called floorstanders, don't assume that is necessarily how they perform best. ;)

Many a 'floorstander' at my place has been substantially improved by raising them a few inches or more off the floor.

As an example, some Epos ES30 floorstanders were quite transformed by use of low stands ....

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/EPOSES302_zpsd9bd713e.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/EPOSES302_zpsd9bd713e.jpg.html)

Midrange clarity as well as bass definition and imaging noticeably improved. :thumbsup:

I started off experimenting by supporting them on baked beans tins (Asda, I think) and finding that worthwhile I invested in the low stands seen in the pic. Just a few tens of £ off eBay. :)

Other floorstanders this little trick has worked well with are Quad stats (both 63 and 57), Martin Logan CLS2z stats, ProAc 140, Infinity RS2.5 (major improvement here, some nasty colouration cleared up) and quite a few more. Here are the Quad 57 'floorstanders' ....

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/Quads57sathome_zpsb15d531c.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/Quads57sathome_zpsb15d531c.jpg.html)

'scuse the clutter. :eyebrows:

20-11-2014, 09:00
Were they the budget range of baked beans Jerry, or from higher up the range?
It would make a difference. :)

20-11-2014, 09:34
Jerry is quite right.

With some floorstanders, in some rooms, getting them off the deck is beneficial. I have my own large floorstanding speakers on nine inch plinths, mainly to move the tweeter axis into a position that suits me, but it cleans the bass up slightly too. It's all down to experimentation, finding out what suits in each environment.

20-11-2014, 09:40
Were they the budget range of baked beans Jerry, or from higher up the range?
It would make a difference. :)

Definitely budget range ;)

20-11-2014, 09:53
I found that using the budget ones gave me sloppier mid range, and a splashy treble.....

20-11-2014, 11:23
I found that using the budget ones gave me sloppier mid range, and a splashy treble.....

That's because you didn't have them cryogenically-treated....

Always worth experimenting with all the different options. In my current room the floorstanders I've tried work fine just sat on the floor (carpet and underlay on top of concrete) with no spikes.

20-11-2014, 13:28
That's because you didn't have them cryogenically-treated....

Always worth experimenting with all the different options. In my current room the floorstanders I've tried work fine just sat on the floor (carpet and underlay on top of concrete) with no spikes.

Oh come on...that's just plain silly.

Who on earth puts their tins of beans in the freezer? ��