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View Full Version : Oracle CD2500 scoops Hifi News Award

Mr. C
05-08-2009, 09:01

The Oracle CD2500 red book player has been awarded 'Highly Commended' in this month's edition of HI-FI News magazine.

'It takes but an instant to hear that the CD2500 is simply sumptuous'
'It's got energy and drive in abundance, with plush textured bass that never fails to convey the drama of large orchestral works or the vigour of stirring rock or pop productions'
'It took precious little time to fall in love with the Oracle, it appeals to the heart rather than the head, thanks to the energetic manner it which it describes a musical event, drawing into the music and compelling you to pay attention'

John Bamford commented in September 2009 edition




Mr. C
01-09-2009, 14:09
We have now added new pages for the Oracle 2500 CD player and the Oracle CD2000 transport.

