View Full Version : WTB Headphone amp upgrade

steve s
09-10-2014, 19:55
I'm considering upgrading my Graham Slee Novo headphone amp and was wondering what's out there. I'll be using it with a pair of Sennheiser HD600's


09-10-2014, 21:06
I've just put my Naim DAC-V1 up for sale on Pinkfish today. If of interest, let me know and I can give you more info.


steve s
09-10-2014, 21:26
I've just put my Naim DAC-V1 up for sale on Pinkfish today. If of interest, let me know and I can give you more info.


I would love to buy it but unfortunately its way over my budget !! :eek:

11-10-2014, 15:19
Hi Steve, if you like the Slee sound, I have a Solo with PSU1 for sale. PM me if interested.


steve s
11-10-2014, 19:44
Hi Steve, if you like the Slee sound, I have a Solo with PSU1 for sale. PM me if interested.



Only just seen your offer, though I see its sold now. I've just, this last hour, bought a s/h Lehmann Black Cube off ebay so I'm now sorted but thank you anyway.............. any one want to buy a Graham Slee Novo ?


11-10-2014, 20:44
No worries Steve, I hope you enjoy the Black Cube!

11-10-2014, 21:07
I'm considering upgrading my Graham Slee Novo headphone amp and was wondering what's out there. I'll be using it with a pair of Sennheiser HD600's


research this

fabulous bit of kit. real bang for buck value imo.


or "project Polaris" if you prefer SS

11-10-2014, 21:17
had a few cracking amps in recent years.
GS solo srg, then ultra.
musical fidelity X-can v1, X-can v2, both modded as per Mike at rockgrotto forum.
panda amp again built by Mike.

in my opinion the "Project Ember" kicks ass with all of them.
join diyah forum above and get owners feedback.
these amps are designed by Solderdude, on the admin team.
plenty of support on the forum.
these amps can be bought pre-built or in kit form , if you prefer.

11-10-2014, 21:25
just read that you are sorted with a bcl.
missed that earlier.
but why not join the forum anyway?
maybe consider a headphone correction filter for your hd600?

steve s
11-10-2014, 21:58
Hi Simon,
Whats a headphone correction filter ? I don't know what it is but I want one !!

just read that you are sorted with a bcl.
missed that earlier.
but why not join the forum anyway?
maybe consider a headphone correction filter for your hd600?

11-10-2014, 22:27
Hi Simon,
Whats a headphone correction filter ? I don't know what it is but I want one !!


have a read on here.
basically the idea is to create the flatest frequency response for a given headphone.
join the forum and speak to Frans (solderdude) and Ian (rabbit), they "know their onions".
Frans is the brains behind it (headphone correction filter) and the amps on garage1217. Ian is a musician.
great guys both of them.
you have nothing to lose by joining a really friendly forum.
i have a filter for my lcd2 and Project Ember headphone amp. the sound is superb to my aging ears.

no i am not on commission ;)

11-10-2014, 22:31
this link is on the thread i pointed you to but easily missed.


steve s
14-10-2014, 13:30
Cheers Simon, I'll take a look. How do they feel about 'joinees' having very little electronics knowledge and not being a DIYer or modder ?


this link is on the thread i pointed you to but easily missed.


21-10-2014, 19:29
Cheers Simon, I'll take a look. How do they feel about 'joinees' having very little electronics knowledge and not being a DIYer or modder ?


sorry Steve, only just seen this.
i am no diyer , please dont be put off by the forum name.
plus , if you fancied any of the amps from garage1217 ,they are sold pre-built too. (my Project Ember was).
you will be made very welcome by the admin team and members.
with regard to my headphone correction filter, i got member Javier (in spain) to build it for me.
all i did was fit the board into a case, wired in the switches and sockets (i lashed it up :doh: , but sorted it with the help of Frans (solderdude) )
its a great forum, but relatively new so not too many members as yet.
again sorry for the slow reply, mate.

steve s
22-10-2014, 03:03
Hi Simon,

Was looking at the site the other day and there's some interesting stuff on there, I'll definitely be joining. I'll check out the Project Ember amp and the correction filter.

Got my Lehmann BC about a week ago now and have to admit to being a little underwhelmed. Was expecting to be a bit more amazed by it after stepping up from the Nova. It was s/h so it shouldn't need burn in. There's no denying its a very good amp, its very detailed with a great soundstage. I'm just not finding it a very involving listen at the moment with almost a brittleness to the highs sometimes. I'm wondering if its a synergy issue with the HD600's, both have a very neutral and analytical sound character...which is generally how I like it ? Maybe I should of gone valve.

Its only been a week though so I'll give it a chance, its still an improvement on the Nova. I'm having a new lead made up for the Senns to replace the stock one, (Van Damme cable/ Cardas plugs all round) so that might calm it down


23-10-2014, 18:20
Hi Simon,

Was looking at the site the other day and there's some interesting stuff on there, I'll definitely be joining. I'll check out the Project Ember amp and the correction filter.

Got my Lehmann BC about a week ago now and have to admit to being a little underwhelmed. Was expecting to be a bit more amazed by it after stepping up from the Nova. It was s/h so it shouldn't need burn in. There's no denying its a very good amp, its very detailed with a great soundstage. I'm just not finding it a very involving listen at the moment with almost a brittleness to the highs sometimes. I'm wondering if its a synergy issue with the HD600's, both have a very neutral and analytical sound character...which is generally how I like it ? Maybe I should of gone valve.

Its only been a week though so I'll give it a chance, its still an improvement on the Nova. I'm having a new lead made up for the Senns to replace the stock one, (Van Damme cable/ Cardas plugs all round) so that might calm it down


Hi Steve
i do not have technical knowledge about this subject, so i tend to listen to the advice of people i trust, that do.
i understand one of the most important things is matching amp output impedance with that of the headphone.
the beauty of the Project Ember amp (and Polaris, i think) is that you can change this setting easily with just moving a jumper on the board.
maybe i should start a thread for these amps. not sure whether discussing it on this thread goes against forum rules?