View Full Version : WTD DJ suitable headphones

09-10-2014, 18:10
Anyone with a nice pair of DJ suitable headphones for sale? HD-25s would be nice...Thanks!

steve s
09-10-2014, 20:51
They've got HD25 SP-11's here for £89 new which is a great deal

http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Sennheiser_HD25SP_II_Headphones/SENN-HD25SPII?CAWELAID=1830896745&CAGPSPN=pla&gclid=CjwKEAjw5NihBRCZmdLkuuTHyWYSJACtCY0J876FeN2r q1He0R0S_alKnObLptXEXCCvoJtXqmdKTxoCRB7w_wcB

Alternatively Richer's have got them for £99 but I think the price match

steve s
09-10-2014, 21:45
BTW I've had a pair of HD25sp's for about 12 years .... I've used them for both DJing and at home and they always sound excellent. You can wear them for hours DJ'ing and hardly notice you've got them on and everything on them is interchangeable (tho i've only ever had to replace the lead twice and treated them to velour pads once) I definitely recommend them.

A word of warning, I've had 2 pairs of the Pioneer HDJ 1000 phones previously and both pairs snapped across the swivel joint within a couple of months. They were quite expensive but think they've got a design flaw ..... I would avoid them.

10-10-2014, 09:35
Cheers for the info Steve, will check it out-much appreciated!