View Full Version : CROFT SOV amplifier - Can anyone tell me something about it?

07-10-2014, 18:08
I have the chance to trade a Benchmark HDR dac against a Croft SOV amp.
I really like the Benchmark but : I choosed Yulong DA8 to be the one; I allways wanted to have a croft.
Before to proceed with this trade, I'd like to have opinions about this SOV Croft.
I searched in the web and nada! Why? I'm a litle relutant because no one speaks about this amp...
Can you help me here?

08-10-2014, 06:53
Hi Francisco,

Another audiofool in France here. As far as I understand it the Croft SOV is a series 5 amplifier.
The series 5 is a virtual copy of the Leak Stereo 20 but with double the number of output valves - EL84s run in ultra linear mode.

If you have the chance of this I would go for it. I could give it the once over for you if you are prepared to travel down to Indre.

I'm a bit of an enthusiast with valve amplifiers and I design and make my own,

:cool: Alan

08-10-2014, 08:12
Changing a Benchmark DAC for a tired old Croft Series V? Hmm!

The Series V is a lovely amp though, is easily serviced and reminds me of updated Quad II's but without the 'glorious' over-colouration in the latter.

08-10-2014, 15:07
Hi Francisco,

Another audiofool in France here. As far as I understand it the Croft SOV is a series 5 amplifier.
The series 5 is a virtual copy of the Leak Stereo 20 but with double the number of output valves - EL84s run in ultra linear mode.

If you have the chance of this I would go for it. I could give it the once over for you if you are prepared to travel down to Indre.

I'm a bit of an enthusiast with valve amplifiers and I design and make my own,

:cool: Alan

Hi Alan!
I wrote to Glenn from Croft and he kindly said that he made only two or three of these SOV.
I am glad to know that it is a copy of Leak 20, because I once had one, upgraded by a friend, and sold it.
When I heard it in a relaxed way with the guy who bought it, I almost cryed. It was so good! I made the demonstration with an entry level speaker of Xavian. He noticed my grief and told me that he could give it back to me, but I knew how found he was of it, he had already paid me, so I let it go.
Well, at least I made someone happy.

The fact that the SOV has more power is good news for me.
Here (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6568u05jxnuxd1m/AAAjzQXLInrC8cSVX3b-4Ib1a?dl=0) are two pictures of it. I can send better pictures when the amp will be with me...
I will send a Benchmark HDR to the owner of the Croft. Fair trade I think.
I may have to change the "lictics". May be you can guide me once I'll have some nice pictures posted.
(I am trying to write in a proper english here, please feel free to correct me, I'll thank you for that)
Can you send pictures of some works of art and tech of yours? I am very curious about it.

Ali Tait
08-10-2014, 15:11
No EL84's in there by the look?

08-10-2014, 15:19
Changing a Benchmark DAC for a tired old Croft Series V? Hmm!

The Series V is a lovely amp though, is easily serviced and reminds me of updated Quad II's but without the 'glorious' over-colouration in the latter.

Hi Dave
The sov is in very good condition with litle use and today these dacs are very affordable in the used market.
I also had an old pair of quad II, but I prefer the Leak. The Quad II was somehow a deception for me, to soft, or round, for me.
Although I have a friend who has the old panels from quad and his pair of quadII really work well with it.
What I liked about the Leak was it's musical engagement and vivacity - and sound scene, it will work well with my full range, sure.

08-10-2014, 15:23
No EL84's in there by the look?
It uses a single 6AS7G double triode per channel

08-10-2014, 15:26
What a coincidence.
:drugs:I just had a reply from Glenn :

Hi Francisco,
I guess nobody wanted to buy one. The bias is very difficult to set – it drifts constantly and varies with temperature and mains voltage. It uses a single 6AS7G double triode per channel with C core output transformers and the output is 20-25W. It has paper in oil caps in there which leak and will need changing to polypropylene types. I would prefer to use my current amps.
Best regards,

I'm speechless

Ali Tait
08-10-2014, 15:48
So not a copy of the Stereo 20 then.

08-10-2014, 16:08
No, it's not a copy of the Stereo 20 or even a Croft Series 5, which used EL 84 output valves.

This amp appears to be something different from the 'dark days' when Glenn disappeared from the scene. Personally, I would suggest you consider a Croft 7 or 7R as Glenn recommended.

08-10-2014, 16:08
So not a copy of the Stereo 20 then.!!!!!!! arghhhh!!!!!

08-10-2014, 17:48
No, it's not a copy of the Stereo 20 or even a Croft Series 5, which used EL 84 output valves.

This amp appears to be something different from the 'dark days' when Glenn disappeared from the scene. Personally, I would suggest you consider a Croft 7 or 7R as Glenn recommended.

My pair of 7 monoblocks are burning in very nicely and sounding mighty fine with the 25R :cool:

However, if the OP is desperate for a genuine Croft valve amp look no further than my uber special Glenn modded S4s running KT120's on ebay at http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171478370724?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649

Shameless advert I know :ner:


08-10-2014, 17:54
No, it's not a copy of the Stereo 20 or even a Croft Series 5, which used EL 84 output valves.

This amp appears to be something different from the 'dark days' when Glenn disappeared from the scene. Personally, I would suggest you consider a Croft 7 or 7R as Glenn recommended.

I agree you you!

08-10-2014, 17:55

My pair of 7 monoblocks are burning in very nicely and sounding mighty fine with the 25R :cool:

However, if the OP is desperate for a genuine Croft valve amp look no further than my uber special Glenn modded S4s running KT120's on ebay at http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171478370724?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649

Shameless advert I know :ner:


Nice! I'm jealous...:lolsign:

08-10-2014, 18:03
Ahh... very interesting, I've used 6AS7 (or 6080) in one of my OTL amps.
I'm up for a challenge to tame this SOV beast Francisco,

:cool: Alan

I'll link to some pics later ;)

08-10-2014, 18:53
Changing a Benchmark DAC for a tired old Croft Series V? Hmm!

The Series V is a lovely amp though, is easily serviced and reminds me of updated Quad II's but without the 'glorious' over-colouration in the latter.

Believe you me it would require servicing......:mad:

Even so Will be looking into some Croft stuff soon.....

08-10-2014, 20:57
I can't wait to see it. I already tols the SOV seller that I will not take the amp... I really don't like to do this, but I guess I've the right to change of decision.

08-10-2014, 20:58
Ahh... very interesting, I've used 6AS7 (or 6080) in one of my OTL amps.
I'm up for a challenge to tame this SOV beast Francisco,

:cool: Alan

I'll link to some pics later ;)

I can't wait to sthose pictures. I already told the SOV seller that I will not take the amp... I really don't like to do this, but I guess I've the right to change of decision.

08-10-2014, 21:05
Well, In the other hand I will receive a pair of neat Dared VP 20. I traded my Yulong D18 that is on my desk, doing nothing, for the Dareds.
With luck I will hear them this weekend.
I will post about my impressions, if someone is interested.

09-10-2014, 07:17
Interesting to discover the info on the SOV. I wonder if it stood for Single Output Valve (per channel of course).

Here's a little jumbled history of my valve amp constructions.
The first prototype phono preamp:


An all triode phono amp that I use in my system, internals and bling blue LEDs:




I made my first OTL power amp in 2000:



I'm onto my third OTL now, here are all 3 together (unfortunately the first has developed a faulty mains transformer):


The internals of the middle low power OTL:


The internals of the 25W on the right of the group picture:


I have built one fully balanced MC/MM phono preamp with separate power supply:


Here is the usual phono stage that I build, now in the 'Plus' version:


...and finally the internals of the MC/MM phono amp:


:cool: Alan

09-10-2014, 08:56
Man, these are stunning peices of hifi! I admire your work and knowledge.
They are all beautiful, the pre line amplifier is very nice too.

Yes, the SOV is a single end output valve.
I t breakes my heart to say to the owner trhat I will not make the trade,
he was piss... and he's right. He even took it to the
technician to measure the caps, adjusting the bias, etc.
Is this SOV so bad? Sort of saying...

Back to your gear, congratulations.

09-10-2014, 09:41
Hi Dave
The sov is in very good condition with litle use and today these dacs are very affordable in the used market.
I also had an old pair of quad II, but I prefer the Leak. The Quad II was somehow a deception for me, to soft, or round, for me.
Although I have a friend who has the old panels from quad and his pair of quadII really work well with it.
What I liked about the Leak was it's musical engagement and vivacity - and sound scene, it will work well with my full range, sure.

I do NOT disagree at all, the Stereo 20 is a very fun and funky little amp as long as it's not pushed hard. Glenn is a lovely chap to deal with too, so service will never be an issue.

Appreciate the comments about the Benchmark too, if you can later buy one at a good price. maybe not the most characterful of DAC's, but I firmly believe that most produced examples are about as good as it gets, whether you like it or not ;)

P.S. Just read the posts in-between. At least Glenn is being honest here, but will be able to refurbish it should you buy it anyway. The Series 7 is incredibly simple, drives most modern speakers without huge character and with NO temperament at all..

http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q8/DSJR_photos/croft_Series7.jpg (http://s132.photobucket.com/user/DSJR_photos/media/croft_Series7.jpg.html)