View Full Version : Dangerous subject

Gordon Steadman
28-09-2014, 13:58

A while ago, whilst the Quads were hors d'combat, I had to decide which of the other speakers in the house were going to have to try and perform somewhat above their capabilities.

The three candidates were:
Teufel Ultima 800
KEF 101
My homebuild 12" / HF1300 / T27

At the time, in the small (5 x 4 metre) music room downstairs, it was the KEFs that won the day. I had always preferred them to the LS35As, being somewhat more 'live'
However, since of the mid ranges on the Teufels failed, I had replaced them with a paper coned unit (the Teufels were titanium) from some JBLs. The balance remained the same but the sound was much improved. So much that they were now preferred to the KEFs - just as good at the top and clearly better at the bottom end which would be expected.

We have got the upstairs lounge to the state where its going to have to wait until next year before any more work gets done - funds being the major delay. However, it has a sofa and a floor and walls and stuff so the speakers are now up there driven by the Pioneer A757. A proper 100 watt 80s special - much better than expected in fact.

Switching between the two shows that the Teufels are very clearly the 'better' speakers. Very evenly balanced and very hi-fi indeed. My bitsas on the other hand lack quite a bit of mid range detail, not too surprising as the 12" has to carry that bit up to 3500 htz. However, they have a lovely warm and tactile bass and the treble is clean and natural.

Sitting listening to both in turn, it was very clear that I preferred the bitsas now in spite of the obvious problems. Music is just that, I'm listening to it instead of the speakers.

So here we have an objectively good speaker against a subjectively good speaker although the wrong one is definitely 'better' than the other!! I'm glad they are not my main speakers or would have to go out and find a pair that did both things. Fortunately, the Quads are now doing that downstairs (thanks Alan:))