View Full Version : Mini Royd Sapphire Opinion.

13-09-2014, 23:48
Some of my little opinions.

Every once in a while, I like having a little listen to my Royd Sapphire MK1 speakers.

It has been interesting listening to my Royd Sapphire.

To my ears, the Sapphire sounds best with good recorded ''simple'' music. Anything badly recorded or over complex, they are a mess!

For a laugh, I played some songs from ''Franz Ferdinand'' 2004 album. The Sapphires sounded absolutely dreadful. My ears were bleeding!!. I also had the same dreadful results while playing a Basement Jaxx CD :rolleyes: I don't want to go into detail, so please don't ask!

Later on, I put on Leonard Cohen's ''Ten New Songs'' album and what a big change! Lovely big informative sound coming out of the Sapphire. I can hear and almost feel the old man ''grumpiness'' in Leonard's voice.

These Royds are ported but the bass is very tight, which doesn't boom.

My relationship with these Royds is a love/hate one :D
