View Full Version : French electricity

Gordon Steadman
13-09-2014, 16:33
I'm beginning to think there must be something funny about the mains here. Then again, maybe its just me.

I've had several things pop of late, one of the Quads, a valve amp transformer, a mid range on the teufels. What more could happen?

Ha. Teufel recommend a minimum of 100 watts per channel for the Optimas so I though we'd give it a go and see how they sound. Got the Pioneer A757 down from the bedroom and hooked them up.

Sounded fantastic, great treble and deep controlled bass.......but....only from one channel. Swapped the leads and sure enough, its the amp. Its been totally reliable through gawd knows how many house moves and bashing about but now it dies on me.

At this rate we are going to be down to only one system:eek:

I suppose it could be that everything, like me, is just getting old:(

13-09-2014, 17:34
I am beginning to wonder about your mains Gordon. I will have to put the meter on it next week. I'll also bring down a step up/down transformer that I've got lurking around, just got to put an output socket on it :doh:

So much kit, bound to have a few failures :scratch:

:cool: Alan

Gordon Steadman
13-09-2014, 18:09
I am beginning to wonder about your mains Gordon. I will have to put the meter on it next week. I'll also bring down a step up/down transformer that I've got lurking around, just got to put an output socket on it :doh:

So much kit, bound to have a few failures :scratch:

:cool: Alan

Hmmm......... are you sure you are going to have enough time to watch any of the motor racing?????:lol: