View Full Version : Linn Index

11-09-2014, 19:57
Any opinions on Lin Index bookshelf speakers? Looking for a smaller set of speakers that will fit in a recess in a room.

Also considering the Celestion 3 as an option. Any other recommendations would be most welcome.

11-09-2014, 20:15
Any opinions on Lin Index bookshelf speakers? Looking for a smaller set of speakers that will fit in a recess in a room.

Also considering the Celestion 3 as an option. Any other recommendations would be most welcome.

I had a pair of Index 2's a while ago, I quite liked them, although rather oddly, when paired with the older Linn Majik amp they had no oomph or low end presence until fairly loud. When used with a different amp they sounded pretty nice for the price.

12-09-2014, 10:03
If you need something small with a bit of 'oomph' you could do a helluva lot worse than a pair of Mission 760i's or its improved sibling, the 780se. I have been running a pair of 760i's for a couple of months now and they are astonishing, even bettering my ART Skibo's in some respects ;)

12-09-2014, 16:42
Are they bookshelf speakers? I had a pair in a kitchen system, I liked them but they are not very accurate (accentuate the bass IMO) - completely inoffensive sound though. Depends on amp I guess, I used vintage Nad 3020 & A&R A60 to drive them.

12-09-2014, 17:47
Any opinions on Lin Index bookshelf speakers?

Deadly dull and boring. As has been suggested, they are inoffensive because they do nothing wrong, but they also do nothing much! :)

Now a pair of these are in a different league: http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?34221-FS-Mordaunt-Short-Pageant-Series-II

Or these which are very compact and sound great: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MISSION-780SE-SPEAKERS-780-QUALITY-HIFI-MUSIC-CENTRE-SPEAKERS-/161412460317?pt=UK_AudioVideoElectronics_HomeAudio HiFi_HiFiSpeakers&hash=item2594eeaf1d

12-09-2014, 18:05
Are they bookshelf speakers? I had a pair in a kitchen system, I liked them but they are not very accurate (accentuate the bass IMO) - completely inoffensive sound though. Depends on amp I guess, I used vintage Nad 3020 & A&R A60 to drive them.

If you've owned a pair then you must be aware that they are very small speakers. I am also very surprised to hear that your pair accentuated bass and as such you didn't consider them accurate, certainly not an accusation I could throw at the pair I have here. I own several amps and the wee Missions sound fab hooked up to all of them, perhaps it was a siting issue... :scratch:

EDIT: Or were you referring to the Index's?

12-09-2014, 18:37
I wouldn't say they are small speakers, certainly not bookshelf. I have a pair myself in the loft.

12-09-2014, 18:42
I've liked all Linn speakers I've owned [Index II, Nexus & Keilidh.] None set the world alight but they sound "nice" & don't draw attention to themselves.

12-09-2014, 18:52
I wouldn't say they are small speakers, certainly not bookshelf. I have a pair myself in the loft.

Again, Index's or 760i's? If 760i's then mine must have shrunk in the wash... :lol:


Not mine by the way, mine are camera shy... hehe

12-09-2014, 19:16
The Index's.

14-09-2014, 13:18
If you've owned a pair then you must be aware that they are very small speakers. I am also very surprised to hear that your pair accentuated bass and as such you didn't consider them accurate, certainly not an accusation I could throw at the pair I have here. I own several amps and the wee Missions sound fab hooked up to all of them, perhaps it was a siting issue... :scratch:

EDIT: Or were you referring to the Index's?
