View Full Version : Tubed Preamp Suggestions/

07-09-2014, 16:04
Hello Everyone,
I'm just getting back into audio after many years away. I managed to buy a mint set of Infinity IRS Betas. I will be driving the mid/high towers with a pair of VTL 450 monoblocks and the woofer columns with a Phase Linear 400. I have not chosen a preamplifier yet. I have been looking at CJ, Audio Research and McIntosh. Any thoughts or suggestions out there? I know everone has their own taste in what sounds best but I'd like to hear what everyone has to say.

Eagle owl
07-09-2014, 16:59
Hello and welcome Michael. :)

07-09-2014, 17:04
You should put Croft on your shortlist as well.

07-09-2014, 19:41

08-09-2014, 15:46
I haven't heard a valve pre-amp with valve power amps that I like. (Perhaps I should get out more). I use a solid state pre ( Audionet) with my valve amp, and I've heard good valve pre's with state powers.
So, I would recommend Audionet, but also have a listen to Chord Pre's.

Spectral Morn
08-09-2014, 15:49
My suggestion would be a VTL preamp, keeping it in the family will possibly be a better match than the items you have mentioned.

Regards Neil

08-09-2014, 19:00
modwright well worth a look , bd audio is in Malvern and very happy to demo
extremely good value at 2.7 for a pre amp

coherent , mr c has a lovely puresound L10 with low hours . very good sound and nicely made

bonzo on here is selling the arc ref 3 which will be sublime

I rarely see vtl pre amps sadly but they are built like a Mercedes but tend to fairly pricy as so rare

08-09-2014, 23:30
What source components are you going to be using?

11-09-2014, 21:22
A plug for C-J Preamp from me... I love my ET3 to bits, and the ET3 SE, ET5 and above are available state side for slightly more realistic prices than over here.

How are the bass towers and main speakers to be connected? Does each channel require two pre-outs post volume control?. Do you want or need balanced inputs or outputs? A bit more info about your systems configuration and your tastrs and preferences would help us suggest something.


Rick E
14-09-2014, 10:20
I've had lots of pre's. The one I've never thought about moving on is the Graaf gm13.5b. It's a joy to listen to and use, uses 6922's of which there are many flavours available, has 2 gain settings to cater for power amp sensitivity, and it's a quality item throughout. Most importantly, it's really musical and manages to squeeze more from the recordings than all the others I've had. Fit and forget.

14-09-2014, 20:41
that's a very good suggestion the Graaf is a fantastic sounding preamp and would normally be one of my own recommendations however because the op is in the US it
would seem silly not to recommend the Atma-sphere MP-1 one of the finest preamps I have ever heard with a fantastic MC phono stage and headphone compatible.

17-09-2014, 07:58
There are to Art Audio VP1 valve preamps on eBay, a beautiful looking one for £750, possibly less. I have two AA amps and they are the business. Paul who posted above has a VP1. A A can usually mod it if necessary to suit your needs.