View Full Version : Just for a little fun and education

30-08-2014, 19:24
Following on from AudioAl's post that l have a new cartridge:) and that l love my DL103 and the rich, full and very cohesive sound it produces, are there many cartridges that share this cartridges characteristics? l should add at various price points from buttons to expensive carts, just for a bit of light hearted fun whilst learning at the same time?:)

30-08-2014, 19:31
Well I'll probably get shot at dawn for this, if not sooner, but I've tried a fair few of the budget carts (always been scared of buying an expensive one and breaking it!!). Of the usual suspects (Rega Bias and Elys, Grado whatever colour it was, Goldring 1000 series etc) my favourite by far is the Audio Technica AT120e. I have one in my Little Pink Thing and it sounds great - just so musical. I think it's hard to beat at the cheapy end of things. IMHO. :)

30-08-2014, 19:44
Clearaudio Aurum classic is my main one at moment and it sounds very detailed yet rich and satisfying too. not sure how far up the ladder it is though. quite fancy a change so will watch this with interest....anyone got a Grado Prestige Gold ??

30-08-2014, 19:56
Guys, if you've not heard one of these, you don't know what can be achieved at moderately 'budget' prices.


I've not heard anything at this price that comes remotely close!

30-08-2014, 20:05
Wow - I'd never even heard of that one. It seems to be about £500-600 which is beyond my rather pedestrian idea of 'budget' but its certainly in the realms of possibility for someone graduating from a good mm or an entry level mc.

Guys, if you've not heard one of these, you don't know what can be achieved at moderately 'budget' prices.


I've not heard anything at this price that comes remotely close!

30-08-2014, 20:28
Another cartridge that is musical like the 103 is...... the Stanton 500, have one on my lightly modded Teechy on some days with the wind in the right direction nothing else will do.:)

31-08-2014, 08:44
Any of the Nagaokas. Balls, lots of detail and just a drop bit of rich, creamery butter. I really don't know why anyone uses anything else ;)