View Full Version : RAF Binbrook

10-08-2014, 09:09
http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab240/Haselsh1/RAFBinbrookNissenHut2014_zps44c0c8f0.jpg (http://s867.photobucket.com/user/Haselsh1/media/RAFBinbrookNissenHut2014_zps44c0c8f0.jpg.html)

Abandoned Nissen Hut at the former military base that was RAF Binbrook. The speed with which this RAF station was reclaimed was astonishing and all that remains now are a few rotting corpses amid the long grass.
I remember the early eighties and the BAe Lightning interceptor that was stationed here. A true sight to behold.
Pentax 645 camera with its standard 75mm f2.8 lens loaded with Fuji Acros 100 rated at 80 ISO and developed using Paterson FX39 developer.

10-08-2014, 10:59
Love that, Shaun. Very atmospheric! :thumbsup:


10-08-2014, 11:02
Yes, nice shot. My type of piccie, I go for unusual views myself. Must start using the cameras a bit more.

The Black Adder
10-08-2014, 11:06
Ahh.. nice pic matey... love it.

I know the place well, I used to go there when I was in the ATC as a kid... Great place, bags of history.

10-08-2014, 11:12
My Dad knows Binbrook, he was an RAF pilot and has flown from there. I might try and pinch that picture and show it to him if you don't mind Shaun? I put the poor fella in a nursing home last week, so his flying days are most certainly at an end now. Having said that the RAF certainly gave him a great life :)

10-08-2014, 11:58
My Dad knows Binbrook, he was an RAF pilot and has flown from there. I might try and pinch that picture and show it to him if you don't mind Shaun? I put the poor fella in a nursing home last week, so his flying days are most certainly at an end now. Having said that the RAF certainly gave him a great life :)

By all means grab a copy old chap. I don't mind one little bit.

10-08-2014, 12:03
Lightning interceptor ah! My all time favourite plane..best ever IMHO. Its ceiling is still classified

10-08-2014, 12:17
Lightning interceptor ah! My all time favourite plane..best ever IMHO. Its ceiling is still classified

It was a toss up between the Lightning and the F4 Phantom at the time I believe. Something approaching 90,000 feet was claimed if I recall.

10-08-2014, 12:39
I remember a publicity photograph back in the sixties for the EE Lightning which showed both crew members wearing space suits in case of ejection which must say more than the authorities imagined about the possible altitude of the thing.

10-08-2014, 12:50
Brian Cox went up in one and was thrilled to bits. Took a week to get the smile off his face. Went to 60k to see the outer atmosphere, pretty much straight up too pulling enormous g,s

10-08-2014, 13:32
Whilst I am on the subject of military remains; here is a photograph of some old wooden posts at the site of the bombing range that is RAF Donna Nook on the Lincolnshire coast south of Cleethorpes and North Cotes.

http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab240/Haselsh1/DonnaNookPosts2014_zps5cfa4dba.jpg (http://s867.photobucket.com/user/Haselsh1/media/DonnaNookPosts2014_zps5cfa4dba.jpg.html)

This place is still in use so you have to tread very carefully if you venture too far out onto the sands.

10-08-2014, 13:33
My Dad knows Binbrook, he was an RAF pilot and has flown from there. I might try and pinch that picture and show it to him if you don't mind Shaun? I put the poor fella in a nursing home last week, so his flying days are most certainly at an end now. Having said that the RAF certainly gave him a great life :)
Hope he settles in OK Tim . It's always sad to see the strong loving intelligent people , who we relied on so much as kids ( and as adults sometimes ) , go downill like this . The same happened to my dad . Dementia reduced him to a wheelchair bound shadow of his former self . I'm sure he's in a place which is more suited to his condition. My dad lived nearly 600 miles in Cornwall so we didn't get to see him as much as we would have liked . He passed away 4 years ago .:(

10-08-2014, 13:40
http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab240/Haselsh1/ColdWarRemnantsatHorseshoePointAOS_zpsa34b6c38.jpg (http://s867.photobucket.com/user/Haselsh1/media/ColdWarRemnantsatHorseshoePointAOS_zpsa34b6c38.jpg .html)

Remnants of a cold war back in the seventies taken at what used to be the RAF North Cotes missile base close to Grimsby in Lincolnshire. This photograph was taken like the others this summer during 2014.

10-08-2014, 13:42
It is unbelievably distressing to watch your own personal hero turn into something he should never be. My father died having just turned over in bed one night. I guess if there is a way to go then that would be it but of course for the poor souls left behind there is no goodbye and we have to live with that.

10-08-2014, 17:12
It has been a tough time guys, thanks for the thoughts . . I hope he will find peace soon. It's all rather undignified for a very proud man and makes you ponder about there being a better way?

Great pictures though Shaun and I have just been poking around your website, some great shots there. I really like moody black & white shots, so for me they tick a lot of boxes as far as art goes ;)
I used to live in Lincolnshire (Stamford) so some of the pictures strike a chord.

10-08-2014, 21:49
It has been a tough time guys, thanks for the thoughts . . I hope he will find peace soon. It's all rather undignified for a very proud man and makes you ponder about there being a better way?

Great pictures though Shaun and I have just been poking around your website, some great shots there. I really like moody black & white shots, so for me they tick a lot of boxes as far as art goes ;)
I used to live in Lincolnshire (Stamford) so some of the pictures strike a chord.

I am quite sure there is a better way, some of us may agree, some of us may not but one thing is for certain and that is that no matter how hard the suffering gets; life is unbelievably precious and needs to be clung onto until the very last breath. I heard of my father dying from heart failure and I saw my Mom die from cancer; I intend to live my life as though every second were my last. Is that so bad...? I guess not but it makes for a difficult life at my own choosing. I shall never be satisfied until it is over and even then, I doubt I shall be truly happy.

10-08-2014, 22:05
I intend to live my life as though every second were my last. Is that so bad...? Shaun, thats exactly what to do. We all die, somehow, somewhere sometime, and its best we don't know when its coming etc. Enjoy life when you can; I damn well intend to.

I've lost dad, mum and son, but will still try to enjoy life as I only get one.