View Full Version : WTD Leak Stereo 30 Plus Amplifier

20-07-2014, 12:27

I'm after a Leak stereo 30 plus amplifier :) Do any of you guys have one condition must be good and in full working order.

PM me if you have one £35 Plus P+P for a good one..

The Barbarian
20-07-2014, 12:33
I have a totally mint one & 'Stereo 70' but your not having it.:D Right things to watch for when buying them:

The lettering on the front & back are very fragile indeed & most often letting is missing.. The facia is all chrome plated, it has a very thin anodised aluminium inlay held in place by the potentiometers fixing nuts. The bottom part of the facia {the black bit} can be re painted as it is only black paint applied strait on top of the chrome..

Make sure you get the special speaker plugs with the amp as they are like hens teeth to get hold of.
Also remember back then the phono sockets did not have 3/4'' centres, they were more 5/8'' centres hence modern fat body phono plugs can be a problem.

Make sure you get the dummy knob with the plastic jack plug. looks better

Whats up with the 'Delta 30' basically the same thing in a new designed enclosure.

20-07-2014, 12:40
[QUOTE=The Barbarian;567072]I have a totally mint one & 'Stereo 70' but your not having it.:D

You can let go some of your gear can't you your just being greedy man...........:)

Good advice is there anything you don't know :D although i do get most of the info from you whenever i need it so can't really complain..

The Barbarian
20-07-2014, 12:56
Some things are classics so must stay. The Standard 'Stereo 30' was a germanium design, the Stereo 30 Plus' was Silicon.. The standard 'Stereo 30' has everything built on one PCB, the 'Stereo 30 Plus' has slot in PCB's a bit like the Armstrongs '400'/'500'/Quad '33' etc.. These amps including the 'Stereo 70' were ofc true H.J Leak products.. Sadly Rank acquired the company in 1969.

Try an Armstrong '521' they are dead cheap sound nice, the previous '421' was pretty much the same thing but in a different {Designer} enclosure but again that was a Germanium based circuit.. '521' is Silicon.

20-07-2014, 13:40
Why don't you go for the Leak "Stereo 70" amplifier - better IMO than the "Stereo 30" or "Stereo 30 Plus".

20-07-2014, 13:58
I've got a stereo 30 plus, cosmetically near perfect but it has not been used in almost 20 years so I am a bit worried about firing it up to test it. It was working perfectly back in '94. If you want it you can have it for the cost of the postage.

The Barbarian
20-07-2014, 14:03
I find the lower power amp to sound better. However the '70' has a row of press buttons similar to the Sugden 'A21'/'A48 Mk,I' the '30' has slide switches. Some people are fussy about these little things you know.


ps: Dan i much prefer the wooden sleeve with the Black leather effect trim around the bottom over the grey metal case.. You could also get a double teak case for the amps & tuners..

But as mentioned before the 'Delta 30/70' amps were nice looking,pretty much the same thing.. they even had a Goldring/Lenco 'GL75' badged up & finished in brown to match the 'Delta' Range

20-07-2014, 14:13
I've got a stereo 30 plus, cosmetically near perfect but it has not been used in almost 20 years so I am a bit worried about firing it up to test it. It was working perfectly back in '94. If you want it you can have it for the cost of the postage.

Hi Martin,

20 years is a long time to be sat i suspect it may need work but if you could search the price of postage maybe we could do a deal.? Its up to you if you would like to try it although always use cheap speaker speakers to test as you don't want it to take anything out in you main rig.


20-07-2014, 14:16
I always thought the slide switches looked 'cheap' (they are used on my Leak Troughline tuner), whereas I much prefer the push buttons of the Stereo 70 (though I can well understand your dislike of the lack of symmetry: with some buttons being pushed in, the others out). :(

Apropos the Leak Delta range - I think the styling is awful. But then some think the same of the black and silver look, preferring the older brown and cream livery.

The Barbarian
20-07-2014, 14:20
If anything Dan the PSU smoothing caps will be iffy, maybe various other Elco's..

However you back to square one with performing Electronics duties.

The Barbarian
20-07-2014, 14:26
I always thought the slide switches looked 'cheap' (they are used on my Leak Troughline tuner), whereas I much prefer the push buttons of the Stereo 70 (though I can well understand your dislike of the lack of symmetry: with some buttons being pushed in, the others out). :(

It's not that Barry as i use the Quad '33'.. i just think the switches are neater than the press buttons comparing the '30 & '70'. But the reason i love my Ferrograph 'F307' is everything is hidden behind a flap at the bottom..So neat & sexy those ferros..

20-07-2014, 14:28
Hi Martin,

20 years is a long time to be sat i suspect it may need work but if you could search the price of postage maybe we could do a deal.? Its up to you if you would like to try it although always use cheap speaker speakers to test as you don't want it to take anything out in you main rig.


I think will be about £20 to post. Not much more than that certainly. I'm not testing it though! If you want it PM me your address I will ship it next Saturday morning or maybe in the week if I take a day off (which I might). I think I have a crappy photo of it will see if I can post it up.

20-07-2014, 14:29
Yes I always thought that was a neat styling trick - hide all the little-used controls and switches under a flap. Yamaha did the same with their CT7000 tuner. :)

20-07-2014, 14:34
http://i903.photobucket.com/albums/ac233/Macca_photos_2009/Picture019.jpg (http://s903.photobucket.com/user/Macca_photos_2009/media/Picture019.jpg.html)

20-07-2014, 14:57
Hi I'm after a Leak stereo 30 plus amplifier :) Do any of you guys have one condition must be good and in full working order.

Why do you want one Dan? I had a couple years ago and did not rate them greatly. As an alternative from the same period, a Rogers Ravensbrook sounds much nicer.

The Barbarian
20-07-2014, 15:37
I think will be about £20 to post. Not much more than that certainly. I'm not testing it though! If you want it PM me your address I will ship it next Saturday morning or maybe in the week if I take a day off (which I might). I think I have a crappy photo of it will see if I can post it up.

You can post that for less than £8

20-07-2014, 17:51
You can post that for less than £8

With who?

If I'm posting stuff I take it down the post office and pay Parcelfarce whatever crazy sum they ask for and take the insurance on top. Then it's job done and I can get on with my life. I'm not sitting in all day waiting for some bloke to turn up, knock once then run off down the street get into his truck and speed away before I can even stand up let alone get to the door to open it.

If Dan wants it he can have it -even untested it is worth more than £20 and if it is less than that I will charge him exactly what Parcelfarce charge me.

Now if he lived overseas different matter as I can send it with work for a 75% discount and if anything goes wrong or I get messed about I can get it sorted without all the mucky muck.

The Barbarian
20-07-2014, 17:54
48 hour Works out about £7.50 with the VAT & PP fee i use this all the time.


20-07-2014, 17:59
Yes but I have to wait in for them to collect. Okay, the odds are I would be stopping in all day anyway but I want the option of being able to go out if the need or opportunity arises. I don't like to be chained down, I never book train tickets in advance either, even though it is usually cheaper, because I don't want to be tied to a time and I might decide at the last minute not to travel at all.

The Barbarian
20-07-2014, 18:11
Yeh i understand. I know our driver he's like clockwork, comes the same time every time.. What about Hermes they offer drop off points

20-07-2014, 18:34
I don't think they have any round by me and anyways Hermes have a worse rep than Parcelfarce. Which is saying something. Post Office is only 5 minutes walk away plus you get the satisfaction of creating an enormous queue behind you since the staff are as casual and unhurried as a millionaire strolling down his private beach.

20-07-2014, 19:02
Actually think about this I could take it into work and leave it with the 24 hr security and Dan can arrange collection anytime using whatever service he wants. Let me know if you want to do that Dan, since according to Andre you will have change from a tenner.

21-07-2014, 11:04
Hi Martin

I have decided to pass on you offer as i would like a fully working one without any work to do granted it may not need any but doubt full but thanks anyway

Still looking..........

21-07-2014, 11:37
Okay Dan. The offer is there if you change your mind.

21-07-2014, 11:54
Okay Dan. The offer is there if you change your mind.

Well, if its going begging ? :whistle:

Dan, maybe you could try and get in contact with "Hifi Hangar" I've seen them sell a couple of Leak's in the past month & both have been 10/10 minty mint collectors quality condition not to mention all checked over by their resident tech. They usually ask about £50 but that does include a warranty making it more than fair IMO.


21-07-2014, 12:53
You are like a magpie, James, but if Dan doesn't want it then it is yours.

Really you would be better off coming up here in a van and I will just load you up with stuff. Plenty to go at here, working and non-working ;)

21-07-2014, 13:35
Here's an idea if James would like it to buy it and give it the once over or check it to see if its alright and then if he wants to pass it on afterwords as i have no idea of electronics and would like someone to run over it first IE for safety reasons just an idea up to you guys what you want to do......:)

21-07-2014, 19:17
Dan, maybe you could try and get in contact with "Hifi Hangar"


Good suggestion. Nice people to deal with!

22-07-2014, 21:36
Here's an idea if James would like it to buy it and give it the once over or check it to see if its alright and then if he wants to pass it on afterwords as i have no idea of electronics and would like someone to run over it first IE for safety reasons just an idea up to you guys what you want to do......:)

Sorry, forgot to check back in on this thread.

I don't mind giving it a check over pro bono for you Dan but don't want to being paying for the privilege myself... If you don't mind paying Martin to post it to me & then me to post it to you that's cool :)

08-08-2014, 11:35
Hi Martin,

If you 30+ is still their i will have it.?

08-08-2014, 12:05
Yep still here I will see if I can get it out to you in the post tomorrow, but I will be a bit busy so if not will be in the week.

Martyn Miles
16-09-2014, 17:42
Why do you want one Dan? I had a couple years ago and did not rate them greatly. As an alternative from the same period, a Rogers Ravensbrook sounds much nicer.

I supplied one to somebody who wanted it to run into his Tannoys. He was delighted and wouldn't have anything else than the little Leak.
We all have our preferences. Some might like the Rogers , like you.
I don't get too worked up about amps. When my Quad was in for repair I used an Arcam Alpha. Sounded lovely...

The Barbarian
16-09-2014, 17:54
Thats it some people however listern to music other are too obsessed with hifi

25-01-2015, 09:16
Martin do you still have your stereo 30 plus?

I could always get work done on it......?

25-01-2015, 09:38
I thought you changed your mind. Anyways yes you can have it if you want it - replied to your PM.