View Full Version : For Sale: Koetsu Signature K Red Cartridge (Rosewood Body)

16-07-2014, 22:33
The legendary Koetsu Signature K Red cartridge, just returned from Koetsu Japan having undergone a full rebuild to current Signature specifications by Fumihiko Sugano. Zero hours on this beauty in an aged rosewood body (approximately 30 years maturity on the rosewood). Melvin Ang of Koetsu said that the sound on this cartridge will be stunning due to the nicely aged rosewood body.

New retail is £3500, yours for £2699.99 ono. Don't forget to keep checking my Audio Bahn Facebook page.

https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10488138_665288833551864_1229382424353887555_n.jpg ?oh=443253aef8e2e3db27075180be908367&oe=5436CAA3

Spectral Morn
17-07-2014, 08:47
If this is a Trade Sale (?) it really belongs in the dedicated Trade Room

Regards Neil

21-07-2014, 21:18
My profile needs changing as I am not really trade, just a hobbyist who repairs and re-sells audio on a very small scale ;)

21-07-2014, 21:33
Hi Craig,

Got a link to your Facebook page, for Audio Bahn, so we can have a look and judge how much trade activity there appears to be? Cheers :)


Spectral Morn
21-07-2014, 22:10
My profile needs changing as I am not really trade, just a hobbyist who repairs and re-sells audio on a very small scale ;)

If you listen to it, use it and after a period of time move it on - box swapping - that's not trade but if you buy it, recondition it, fix it etc with the sole purpose to sell it - to make any profit - then that to my mind is a business and not a hobby.

Now whether its full time or not is irrelevant, its about intent and motive. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with that - as long as one pays all the appropriate taxes etc - and more power to you, but the personal sales section isn't the place for this kind of activity - imho - but the trade room is.

Regards Neil

21-07-2014, 22:16
I would tend to agree.


22-07-2014, 10:30
Hi Craig,

Got a link to your Facebook page, for Audio Bahn, so we can have a look and judge how much trade activity there appears to be? Cheers :)


Here you go:


I am actually disabled so cannot work, this started off as a hobby repairing other peoples audio, then I got asked to sell some items via my Audio Bahn page taking a commission of each sale by some friends. I just seem to acquire pieces of audio equipment that my wife tells me I have to sell lol. Obviously I want the FB page to look professional but I offer no trade facilities such as warranty etc. any repairs performed by third-parties may include some warranty.

If you guys deem me still as trade is it possible please that you move my ads to the trade section rather than deleting them? I would appreciate it if my ads for the Syrinx tonearms which have already been removed from the Private Exhibitions be moved too although the PU3 is now sold so you only need to move the PU2 ad ;)

Many thanks,


22-07-2014, 10:38
If you listen to it, use it and after a period of time move it on - box swapping - that's not trade but if you buy it, recondition it, fix it etc with the sole purpose to sell it - to make any profit - then that to my mind is a business and not a hobby.

Now whether its full time or not is irrelevant, its about intent and motive. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with that - as long as one pays all the appropriate taxes etc - and more power to you, but the personal sales section isn't the place for this kind of activity - imho - but the trade room is.

Regards Neil

What if someone to give you a gift and you didn't want it, if you then sell it for profit does that make you a business? ;)

I am disabled and have made the relevant government authorities aware of everything I do and never has that affected the financial support I receive from them as they view what I do as a hobby. In a true commercial sense it is not a business. My wife's accountant also verified this ;)

Spectral Morn
22-07-2014, 10:52
What if someone to give you a gift and you didn't want it, if you then sell it for profit does that make you a business? ;)

I am disabled and have made the relevant government authorities aware of everything I do and never has that affected the financial support I receive from them as they view what I do as a hobby. In a true commercial sense it is not a business. My wife's accountant also verified this ;)

A one of sale no but ongoing yes, I think so, even if its low key - that's just my opinion. Its a fine line but up to the AOS admin and Marco to decide what status to give you. I was originally simply asking the question why a trade seller had placed what looked like a trade ad in the civilian selling area. Of course trade do from time to time sell off personal stuff in here but stock is sold in the trade area and your post didn't come across that way to my mind.

Re your FB pages they come across/look like a business to me, in my opinion the way you have written and constructed them put some long established bricks and mortar audio specialists to shame.

I wish you all the best.

Regards Neil

22-07-2014, 11:04
Hi Craig,

Thanks for the info, and I wish you all the best with your venture. However, there are two options available to you:

1) We remove your trade account under the name of 'ListeningEar' and simply change your status to that of a Registered User, under the name of 'Craig', or whatever other username you wish, in which case your current and future ads will be placed in Private Exhibitions (the non-trade classifieds section).

2) Leave things as they are, in terms of your trade account, but in which case all your ads, current and future, will go into Trade Impressions (the trade classifieds section).

Let me know which option you'd prefer :)


22-07-2014, 21:38
Hi Marco,

Could I opt for option 1 please, could I ask that all the messages on this Koetsu ad that relate to my selling profile be deleted so the for sale item is not unduly cluttered?

Email me direct at craigland67@gmail.com with any changes to user name etc.

Many thanks,


22-07-2014, 21:42
Hi Craig,

No problem. I'll get to that later. Btw, having thought about it more, there's no reason why we can't leave the name 'Listening Ear' as it is, with your first name of Craig, but we'll take the trade bit off :)


23-07-2014, 00:52
Sorry folks, another accountant here ...

HMRC do not know the meaning of the word "hobby", not in their vocabulary. You are either trading or you are not. Buying something with a view to making a profit is usually trading. Single transactions can be considered to be trading, but they may alternatively give rise to a taxable capital gain. Even gifts are potentially taxable if you kick the bucket within 7 years. Selling unwanted gifts is unlikely to be trading as the items are not acquired with a view to making a profit. The fact that your Koetsu is unused is a strong indicator of trading, as is the mere fact that your 'business' has a name. Box swappers, if they are like me, have little fear, as the chance of selling for more than cost is a faraway dream. That said, my last AoS purchase was a Koetsu Urushi Gold with a new Expert Stylus tip for £1,400. I could probably sell it for more, but no chance ... keeping it indefinitely.

As Marco suggests, if you think you are trading, get some proper advice as it is incumbent on you to self-assess and HMRC trawl the web.