View Full Version : New hearing aid, different sound.

19-06-2014, 19:32
At the ripe old age of 56 I picked up my hearing aid at the hospital today(one only so far), quite a difference immediately as I ventured outside, first job was to turn the treble down on the van stereo, much better now, so tonight I picked a random cd and played a bit, not sure I like the sound now, will need a longer listening time over the weekend, anyone else experienced this?

19-06-2014, 19:57
What is the frequency response of your hearing aid Martin? :)

Gordon Steadman
19-06-2014, 20:24
At the ripe old age of 56 I picked up my hearing aid at the hospital today(one only so far), quite a difference immediately as I ventured outside, first job was to turn the treble down on the van stereo, much better now, so tonight I picked a random cd and played a bit, not sure I like the sound now, will need a longer listening time over the weekend, anyone else experienced this?


Everything was horrible to start with but eventually, the brain adjusts to how things sound with the aids in. So the sound I now hear when I'm playing the guitar is the same when a recording of the same instrument is played on the hi-fi.

If the hearing aid is set up properly, you will be hearing stuff you have missed for a while.

Look on the bright side, you will effectively be listening to a whole load of new music.

19-06-2014, 21:27
one of the hifi mags had a feature recently on audiophile hearing aids
not too long before we get fitted with 32bit/784khz Spdif or Usb sockets in our skulls
make mine a valve phono stage please

20-06-2014, 21:06
What is the frequency response of your hearing aid Martin? :)
Don't know but I will find out, why?
I have tried a different setting on the hearing aid which tamed the brightness a bit and so things are starting to sound better, tried some more music and new bits are popping out of stuff that I had not noticed before, and o0n the plus side It doesn't need to be so loud anymore, not that I'm gonna turn it down. Ta guys.

Light Dependant Resistor
21-06-2014, 01:03
Don't know but I will find out, why?
I have tried a different setting on the hearing aid which tamed the brightness a bit and so things are starting to sound better, tried some more music and new bits are popping out of stuff that I had not noticed before, and o0n the plus side It doesn't need to be so loud anymore, not that I'm gonna turn it down. Ta guys.

Hi Martin
I have had 2 years experience building hearing aids and their circuitry. Your audiologist will likely have a test booth and can provide you a print out of the hearing aids frequency response.
There are two sides to this though, namely that your hearing may have changed and its usually a good sign if you are noticing higher frequencies. The task then for your audiologist is to
match what you hear to what the aid is providing. A simple understanding being if you have loss at low frequencies, then the aid is compensated to assist you in this particular frequency range
whilst also protecting your available hearing range, and not over doing the compensation of the frequency you may or may not have loss with.

Very nice you are enjoying your music.

Cheers / Chris