View Full Version : Help needed for speakers

15-07-2009, 12:14

I'm from Portugal and need some advise for Speakers.

Well, as i cant find Monitor Audio Studio 6 and i'm very tired of looking for....

I'm looking for a nice pair of Standmount Speakers to mach with my new (2hand) Accuphase E305V.

I have now Monitor Audio Gold 7 and the sound is very good (i had a Marantz PM6002), but whit the Accuphase i need better speakers.

I prefer 'bass reflex' to front of the speaker (like Studio 6), because i only have +- 2,90 Meters from the speakers to my audition point...


Steve Toy
15-07-2009, 13:36
A pair of Focal 806s should do it.

15-07-2009, 13:48
Thanks for the reply Steve :)

Steve Toy
15-07-2009, 14:01
2.90 metres is about average. The Accuphase amp being quite smooth is well suited to near-field listening. The Focals will be a good match for their phase coherence although care needs to be taken with the choice of stands.

15-07-2009, 15:39
There are many stand mount speakers out there. What is your budget ?

15-07-2009, 20:57
Focal speakers are a bit brighter than average - but so are Monitor Audio, so if you like that sound then the Focals will give you a more sophisticated and musical presentation, I think.

But as Dave says, there are lots of choices and you should perhaps look around more before you take the plunge!

15-07-2009, 21:29
I never listen Focal speakers... i will try to find someone or some dealer near me to i can try ones...

I will look arround before i take my choise.

I already had buy a pair of studio 6 from UK for £300 plus postage, but after 2 moths waiting the speakers never arrive... well finaly i have my money back... so i guess my budget is £300 maybe a litle more...

My hope is that some of you can have this type of amplifier and let me know (Advise) the best speaker to fit in ... i am looking for old good speakers...

Near me i have a dealer whit Proac, Dalli, etc... i have to go there with my amp and try some...

All the best


15-07-2009, 21:43
Focal speakers are a bit brighter than average

I broadly agree with this statement, but IMHO this does not apply when you step up to their speakers with Beryllium tweeters.


15-07-2009, 21:47
Near me i have a dealer whit Proac, Dalli, etc... i have to go there with my amp and try some...

Go to see your dealer with open mind and ears - if it sounds right to you then it is.

Just don't make a purchase based on a 15 minute demo - if your dealer does not allow you a good long demonstration period then he (or she) does not deserve to have your custom.


17-07-2009, 08:21

Yesterday i aquire a Pair of Rogers LS6... I went home a litle bit late, so i couldn't test them as i should...

The speakers are really in good cosmetic and working conditons, with no marks, etc...

The diferences betewen my Monitor Audio Gold 7 and the Rogers LS6, apart of the size, are that Rogers have a depest bass and have a really nice midrange, but the MA have a better tweter....

I have a litle problem with WAF... the Rogers are ugly :(

Well this weekend i gonna test them the writght way :gig:

Is not the type of Standmount Speaker that i am looking for, but it was a good deal and in HiFi only testing on our listening space we can achive our goal...

PS: For now i think that i gonna keep trying...

Thanks for all who read this....

José from Portugal

17-07-2009, 09:31

Yesterday i aquire a Pair of Rogers LS6

The diferences betewen my Monitor Audio Gold 7 and the Rogers LS6, apart of the size, are that Rogers have a depest bass and have a really nice midrange, but the MA have a better tweeter....

Ummmm .... actually, I suspect that the Rogers tweeter is much better than the MA, but you have got used to a sound that is brighter than it really should be. MA speakers are a bit bright, so maybe you prefer that sound?

Live with the Rogers for a week or two and see if you can adjust to them - I think they are the more accurate speaker!

That assumes your wife does not throw them out before then. ;)

29-09-2009, 19:52

I went to the dealer, almost 3 months ago, and tested my amp with Sonus Faber, Dali, Proac, Visionic, etc... all mornig. I also listned, with other amps, B&W CM1, Monitor Audio RS1, etc.

Well after this journey i bouth a second hand, mint black Proac 1SC and i'm very hapy with them:):):) . I have them from 2 months now.:)

I didn't forget the Monitor Audio Studio 6, but they are hard to find. I have a friend that have a pair of Stuido's 6 and we gonna make a chalange with my Proac's on my house with my equipment.

Proac's are fast and delicious to listen. Very good definition on Higher and Lower frequencies.
