View Full Version : Wtd Zeta or SME 309 tonearm.

14-06-2014, 18:33
On the hunt for a Zeta tonearm or an SME 309 preferably including phono cables. Must be in full working order.

The Grand Wazoo
14-06-2014, 19:21
Ha! that's a coincidence - the postie handed me a box with a Zeta in it this morning. I've got two now & you ain't 'avin' either of them, sorry!!

14-06-2014, 19:26
for the Goldring ???

The Grand Wazoo
14-06-2014, 20:00
In all seriousness Steve, the Zeta is a lovely arm and I would persevere until you find one for yourself. It will be worth the wait. It's a very versatile device so will work with a wide range of cartridges if you know how to set it up properly.

14-06-2014, 21:22
Well, that was helpful!

Ha! that's a coincidence - the postie handed me a box with a Zeta in it this morning. I've got two now & you ain't 'avin' either of them, sorry!!

14-06-2014, 21:24
Indeed Alf
for the Goldring ???

14-06-2014, 21:28
I think it would be a great partner for my Lenco Chris. What do you think? Do you think it would be better than an SME 309?
In all seriousness Steve, the Zeta is a lovely arm and I would persevere until you find one for yourself. It will be worth the wait. It's a very versatile device so will work with a wide range of cartridges if you know how to set it up properly.

The Grand Wazoo
14-06-2014, 22:40
Well my new one is going on my G99 and I'll be strapping my spare Koetsu Black onto it and I reckon it'll be a fantastic combination.
I have a huge fondness for SME because I come from Steyning and know lots of people involved in the company (past and present) and, because of this I've heard lots of their arms in all sorts of different systems. However, as I was saying to someone the other day, there are just a very few turntables that they gel with in order to give their best.

14-06-2014, 23:00
Well my new one is going on my G99 and I'll be strapping my spare Koetsu Black onto it.

That's going to sound superb Chris.

The Grand Wazoo
14-06-2014, 23:15
It is indeed -and my plan for world domination is coming together rather nicely!

14-06-2014, 23:19
It is indeed -and my plan for world domination is coming together rather nicely!

Ah. Well we could do with somebody sensible(ish) in charge. ;)

The Barbarian
15-06-2014, 19:56
If yew like the 'Zeta' You might like the Mission '774SM' or 'Mechanic'

15-06-2014, 21:39
Thanks for that Andre

If yew like the 'Zeta' You might like the Mission '774SM' or 'Mechanic'

16-06-2014, 18:27
Well my new one is going on my G99 and I'll be strapping my spare Koetsu Black onto it and I reckon it'll be a fantastic combination.
I have a huge fondness for SME because I come from Steyning and know lots of people involved in the company (past and present) and, because of this I've heard lots of their arms in all sorts of different systems. However, as I was saying to someone the other day, there are just a very few turntables that they gel with in order to give their best.

Hope you're not going to abandon the Decca ffss/H4E combination Chris.

Good news about the Zeta: one of the best arms ever to have come out of the UK.

Mr Kipling
16-06-2014, 22:15
I wouldn't have thought there was a huge number of them made.

As Andre says there is also the two Mission arms. I think all three were produced by the same manufacturer. Not sure if they were called GB Something Or Other.

16-06-2014, 23:31
I wouldn't have thought there was a huge number of them made.

As Andre says there is also the two Mission arms. I think all three were produced by the same manufacturer. Not sure if they were called GB Something Or Other.

The cartridge mounting block for the Decca Mk. V and VI models was made by GB engineering, who I believe also made the Zeta arm. The use of the Decca cartridge was said to have played a big role in the design of the Zeta. There do seem to be some superficial similarities between the Zeta and the Mission arms; however given a choice, I know which one I would go for.

Mr Kipling
16-06-2014, 23:48
The Mechanic was Mission's top arm and has a similar design integrity as the Zeta.

16-06-2014, 23:54
The Mechanic was Mission's top arm and has a similar design integrity as the Zeta.

Absolutely, the Zeta, Mechanic and SM were all made by GB Tools London the Mechanic is probably the rarest of the three and easily equals the performance
of the Zeta but usually demands a higher price that's if you can find one. They are all great arms though

The Grand Wazoo
17-06-2014, 00:13
Very early Mechanics were decidedly ropey - the design was a definite attempt at a progression on from the Zeta.
Early Zetas had a reputation for sticky bearings at about 2/3rds of the way across a side but by about 1986, they were fine. My first Zeta, the gold arm-tubed model was one of the first 20 made but the bearings are good and always have been. The Beyer microphone cable output lead was better than you might think, despite the slightly shonky earth wire made from a length of QED 79 strand!

I believe Mick Gray, the designer has a nephew who is an AoS member.

21-06-2014, 19:13
I use a Zeta with DL304 Denon on a Funked vector Pink Triangle PT1. It's a great arm for sure.

The Barbarian
22-06-2014, 12:33
An arm i always held in high regard as i did the 'Zeta' was the Logic 'Datum S'..I used to have a 'Datum S' on my Logic 'DM101' it was a fantastic arm easily as good sounding.. The 'Datum S' was silver wired with top notch bearings.. Don't get it mixed up with the 'Datum II'