View Full Version : New member syaing hello

10-06-2014, 09:37

I'm nicklas from south of Sweden checking out this forum. I play guitar a bit but the interest have been just as much about the about the gear as the playing, building a few amps and pedals. This tech interest has spilled over to hifi a bit. I was given a Pioneer system from the 70s some years ago. PL12D turntable and SX424 receiver with the pioneer speakers. I since have bought some more speakers from Swedish designers, Sonab OA14 and Olle Mirsch 4-90 expert speakers. I enjoy listening to both CD and vinyl through this system. It could be jazz from Buchet, Charlie christian etc to Blues from Canned Heat to Pop from Beatles or soul from Junior Walker, progessive from YES to rock bands like Queen Wishbone Ash etc.

I also have some tube HIFI amps which I hope will be restored by me at some point, Heathkit AA151 and obscure HNF Stereo 212.

The reason for signing on here was the knowledge about Step up transformers you guys have, I recently aquired some tube equipment containing Jorgen schou transformers marked with ratio 1:40 20ohm to 30kohm. I don't need any SUT for my MM pickups. However JS seem popular for some MC and SPU pickups, but since there are many types of transformers from JS I'm looking for opinios if these types could be used. I should probably start a thread with some pictures of them.

10-06-2014, 11:37
Hello Nicklas and welcome to AOS.

You've come to the right place for SUT advice. Why not post some questions under the Analogue Art thread. I'm sure you'll get plenty of answers.


10-06-2014, 11:51
Welcome to AoS Nicklas.

Nice introduction.

Regarding your question about the Jorgen Shou SUTs, Jorgen Shou supplied transformers to Ortofon for the SPU series of cartridges. In general 1:40 step up ratio is a bit high for the majority of MC cartridges, though for some Ortofon designs having an output of 70uV they might be OK, however the cartridge will "see" an impedance of 47000/(402) ~ 30 Ohm, which is really a little too low. The off-board transformer supplied with the Ortofon SL-15 cartridge had a step up ratio of ~ 87:1 and that worked well.

There are few hard and fast rules, so why not just try them and hear what they sound like.

Welcome again

10-06-2014, 19:19
Thank you for the warm welcome Barry and Geoff.

Barry that is real helpful information, thing is I unfortunatly don't have any suitable pickups("just" a few MM like Shure M75, ortofon FF15EO MKII and Pickering V-15) and it will be too expensive for me to buy MC or SPU pickups by chance.

I will post in the analoge art thread suggested.
