View Full Version : Krell FPB 600

07-06-2014, 12:37
After having a rethink about parting with my Soundlab electrostatics I've decided to offer up my big Krell. The big 'statics are going into storage for another day.

So here it is:



There's a pretty comprehensive review here: http://www.stereophile.com/solidpoweramps/829/

It's conservatively rated at 600W into 8 Ohms, go to the 'Measurements' section in the link above and it says this...

when I tested the FPB 300, this nominal 300W amplifier actually produced 470Wpc into my 7.5 ohm high-power test load. The '600 matched this achievement by measuring 945Wpc continuous into the same load (935Wpc into a scaled 8 ohms). This is a huge output, well nigh on 30dBW, and sounded it! Rated output level is 28dBW, 600W, 8 ohms—and this amplifier could hold to this level at all loads and frequencies, 20Hz-20kHz, 8 ohms down to 2 ohms.

Driven on a toneburst equivalent to peak program duty at 8 ohms, it reached to touch the 1kW line, while at 4 ohms it attained 1.85kW, and for 2 ohms 3.53kW. And for 1 ohm—wait for it—an amazing 6kW! These are single-channel results, but, measured as short-term ratings, they should be available from both channels simultaneously.

However, it's not just about the numbers (impressive as they are!), this amp has proved to be an extremely musical device and more than a match for the numerous valve amplifiers I've owned, and NOTHING else has come close to driving the Soundlab's so well! I'll be very sad to see it go but it'll be a lot easier to replace than my 'speakers when less lean times return...

I'm looking to recoup my outlay as much as possible so I'm offering it up at £3500 ono. I'm willing to haggle a bit particularly if anyone has a nice 845/211 push-pull valve amp to offer, WHY? Although I do need to raise about £2K in cash.

I don't have a 'box' for it so collection is my preferred option, but I'm willing to deliver (or meet up) up to 150 miles or so. This is 90Kg of muscle amp and is definitely a two man lift. I'm based near Redcar in the north east, post code TS11 8BS.

Please feel free to ask questions, and a demo is welcome. :)


P.S. I can add more photo's if/when someone comes round to help me move it!

07-06-2014, 14:37
Bloody hell, I hope you don't regret passing this amp on, as it was one of the very best at the time and an excellent price for a power amp retailing well over £12K I remember - and things haven't really moved on since then! Instead of going for an inferior valvey thing, why not look out for a good clean KSA80? These were sublime at a lower, but still high, power level and will also drive anything out there. I don't remember them running hugely hot either, so caps may still be in serviceable condition for a few more years...

07-06-2014, 16:06
Hi Dave, I'm sure I WILL regret it I'm afraid, but it's too late now!


09-06-2014, 06:40
Back up for sale!

Some people.... :doh:

09-06-2014, 07:01
Hi Mikey,

Where do the valves go? :scratch:



09-06-2014, 07:20
In the space it'll free up!

09-06-2014, 08:43
Hehehe... Nice one. Anyway, I presume that the Krell is 'collection only'? :eek: :eyebrows:

How much does the fooker weigh??

Anyway, mate, good luck with the sale. It's probably one of the best 'bad-ass' muscle amps around!


09-06-2014, 08:48
I presume that the Krell is 'collection only'? :eek: :eyebrows:

How much does the fooker weigh??

Definitely... It's about 190lbs in old money, or 90 of those new fangled Kilogram thingies!

11-06-2014, 00:42
Would also be interested in taking stuff as P/X. WHY? :)

12-06-2014, 11:07
Last price drop before eBay... A nice even £3k. :)

13-06-2014, 18:38
Sold STP. Again! :D