View Full Version : Slic Cable Reviews

13-05-2014, 00:48
****Posts from the Trade section thread now moved to 'Strokes of Genius'
This is the place to put your reviews.****

Well I have finally decided on my new RCA interconnect:

It is to be the SLIC cable

I have put the SLIC through some very tough exercises since I have had it and have decided to go with it against some extremely good cables

I have NOT included the name of each cable I put the SLIC against, apart from the Gotham, as I don't want to upset anyone, and it's not that important to me who the cables are made by only how well they perform:

These are my findings in price order:

1) Gotham at £20. For the money the Gotham is excellent value for money but it just doesn’t ‘cut it’ in my system. Someone has said that “if the Gotham doesn’t perform well in your system then it must be a problem with YOUR system” or something very similar to that...... but I don’t think for one minute there is anything fundamentally wrong with my system. The Gotham just doesn’t have what I am looking for in a cable. I found it rather 'matter-of-fact' and without any feeling at all. It simply got on with job in hand but lacked the emotion that music should have. In my view just because it is a good 'studio' cable doesn't mean it suits the hifi world does it??

2) A cable costing £300. The £300 cable is excellent but I had a problem with it's bass response which was rather droning, and again it didn't have the ‘feeling’ or ‘emotion’ of the SLIC

3) A cable costing £200. A very good cable which I have heard in another system where it performed extremely well indeed, but in my sytem it couldn't cut it with the SLIC

4) A cable costing £100. A really excellent cable which equals the SLIC in so many ways BUT misses out on the ‘emotional and real/natural sound’ of the SLIC

I hope that helps some people ;)

13-05-2014, 08:41
as much use as a chocolate teapot if you won't name the other cables

13-05-2014, 08:46
Well I have finally decided on my new RCA interconnect:

It is to be the SLIC cable

I have put the SLIC through some very tough exercises since I have had it and have decided to go with it against some extremely good cables

What were those 'exercises' please?

I have NOT included the name of each cable I put the SLIC against, apart from the Gotham, as I don't want to upset anyone, and it's not that important to me who the cables are made by only how well they perform:

These are my findings in price order:

1) Gotham at £20. For the money the Gotham is excellent value for money but it just doesn’t ‘cut it’ in my system. Someone has said that “if the Gotham doesn’t perform well in your system then it must be a problem with YOUR system” or something very similar to that...... but I don’t think for one minute there is anything fundamentally wrong with my system. The Gotham just doesn’t have what I am looking for in a cable. I found it rather 'matter-of-fact' and without any feeling at all. It simply got on with job in hand but lacked the emotion that music should have. In my view just because it is a good 'studio' cable doesn't mean it suits the hifi world does it??

Why not; what do you see as the differences between the hi-fi and 'studio' worlds?

2) A cable costing £300. The £300 cable is excellent but I had a problem with it's bass response which was rather droning, and again it didn't have the ‘feeling’ or ‘emotion’ of the SLIC

3) A cable costing £200. A very good cable which I have heard in another system where it performed extremely well indeed, but in my sytem it couldn't cut it with the SLIC

In what way?

4) A cable costing £100. A really excellent cable which equals the SLIC in so many ways BUT misses out on the ‘emotional and real/natural sound’ of the SLIC

In what ways did it match the SLIC?

I hope that helps some people ;)

You say you have not listed all of the cables you have compared this cable to - in fact, other than the £20 Gotham, you haven't listed any of them other than to say one was £100, one £200 and one £300!

I'm afraid that I don't find this of much use.

rubber duck
13-05-2014, 10:41
I have put the SLIC through some very tough exercises since I have had it and have decided to go with it against some extremely good cables

I've only dipped in and out of this thread so apologies if I'm repeating what's been said. The only way to gauge the sound of a cable (perhaps more so than other components) is to try it out in as many systems as possible. Simply inserting a cable into an existing system where individual components may have been selected to offset or counter/balance the characteristics of other components may not tell us how a cable sounds and may in fact reveal how the system actually sounds. I'm not suggesting Bev's system is coloured or unbalanced, but simply that "tough exercises" really need to involve inserting a cable into different systems, and preferably different sounding systems. An ideal cable should then allow us to hear the sound of that system, for better or for worse.

13-05-2014, 11:00
Hi Bev.

What you are after in an interconnect is a good design. An interconnect should not add things to the sound but give you a 'matter-of-fact' representation of the recorded music through your source, amplification and loudspeakers. That's what professionals are looking for so why not try and take that theory though as much as possible in to hifi?. Everything from source equipment to amplification, speakers and so on.

I see that you are passionate about things which is what AOS is all about but for me cables shouldn't be a major issue in the degree of change that you are hearing/describing, that's the equipment's job really. Cables are the icing on your hifi cake.

That's a good advice.

13-05-2014, 11:07
(...) An ideal cable should then allow us to hear the sound of that system, for better or for worse.

That's right.
The ideal cable does not alter the sound in any way. It just lets it flow.
But, since it doesn't exist, I guess we should try to find the cable with the best electrical properties possible, so it doesn't affect the sound. Ideally, capacitance, resistance and impedance should all be zero.

Gordon Steadman
13-05-2014, 11:22
. An ideal cable should then allow us to hear the sound of that system, for better or for worse.

That is: have no sound at all?

Ali Tait
13-05-2014, 11:32
That's right.
The ideal cable does not alter the sound in any way. It just lets it flow.
But, since it doesn't exist, I guess we should try to find the cable with the best electrical properties possible, so it doesn't affect the sound. Ideally, capacitance, resistance and impedance should all be zero.

I'll be very interested indeed if you find a cable that has no resistance at room temperature.

13-05-2014, 11:38
I'll be very interested indeed if you find a cable that has no resistance at room temperature.

That is why I said it doesn't exist.
Capacitance, impedance and resistance of the cables, and of the equipments themselves, can all affect the sound. So, I guess if those are as near as possible to zero, it would be ideal.

Don't you agree?

Ali Tait
13-05-2014, 11:41
Yes, I do. However, given the dearth of room temperature superconductors, that is not currently possible.

rubber duck
13-05-2014, 12:22
All cables will impose their own sound. But we need to be sure that we are correctly identifying the sound of the cable rather than the interaction of the cable with the system or what it reveals of the system. If my system was warm and woolly, and I've balanced this with lean, bright sounding cables, a more neutral or revealing cable will sound warm and woolly. I may therefore declare my cable better in my set-up but this is an entirely separate issue from which cable is better.

13-05-2014, 13:48
I'm going to throw my oar in here and say that no cable has a 'sound' of it's own IMHO.
It is the interaction of the kit at both ends of the cable that will alter the perceived sound. Or to use the best word, the synergy of the Source/Cable/Amp as a whole.


13-05-2014, 13:52
I'm going to throw my oar in here and say that no cable has a 'sound' of it's own IMHO.
It is the interaction of the kit at both ends of the cable that will alter the perceived sound. Or to use the best word, the synergy of the Source/Cable/Amp as a whole.


Thoroughly agree!

13-05-2014, 14:27

13-05-2014, 16:28
...... I'm not suggesting Bev's system is coloured .....

Klipsch Heresy ...

Far from my idea of a neutral speaker, but I guess your mileage may vary.

13-05-2014, 18:09
All cables will impose their own sound. But we need to be sure that we are correctly identifying the sound of the cable rather than the interaction of the cable with the system or what it reveals of the system. If my system was warm and woolly, and I've balanced this with lean, bright sounding cables, a more neutral or revealing cable will sound warm and woolly. I may therefore declare my cable better in my set-up but this is an entirely separate issue from which cable is better.

Post of the year so far, Jeff, and likely explains 90% of the negative comments aimed at the Gothams! ;)

What you've just written is *so* fundamentally correct, it almost makes me jump up and down with the excitement of demented daftee... I do hope people take note.


13-05-2014, 18:27
I will be making no further comments on the SLIC as I think I've said all I need to.... it's only a cable.... :D:D

13-05-2014, 21:11
Hmm... .

31-05-2014, 23:24
Well it has taken me quite a while to finally decide on my main RCA cable and it is to be the SLIC cable !! ;)

I have had other cables to try against the SLIC and they have been very good indeed, however the SLIC has 'SOMETHING', which I can't quite put my finger on but every time I put it back into the sytem it makes me smile and I get really into the music, it is certainly very real sounding and emotional, so the SLIC stays in the sytem

I can only thank David for being so patient with me in deciding which cable is to stay in the system ...... thanks David

I can really recommend the SLIC and I urge others to try it out in their system, you have 30 days to trial it so there is no risk.... it is certainly highly recommended by me

Thanks David for such a super product and for being so patient :youtheman:

03-06-2014, 01:30
I hope the following makes some sense to other peeps..... ;)

I think that while you are evaluating new equipment, including cables, you loose direction slightly.....

I think you just listen out for differences between the new and old, and you don't really enjoy your music as you are always comparing the items.. I'm sure I am not alone in that thought :)

As some will know I have taken an absolute age to decide that the SLIC RCA cable is a keeper

However now I have decided that the SLIC is a permanent fixture I can again just enjoy my tooooooons.... without constantly comparing it to other cables :D:D

I am findng it quite a new lease of life... if that makes any sense whatsoever ;) ;)

03-06-2014, 08:14
the irony is that had you chosen the other, once the decision was made you'd probably be in the same place. :-)

know exactly what you mean about listening to differences

04-06-2014, 19:44
Klipsch Heresy ...

Far from my idea of a neutral speaker

Well Jerry I don't really care whether my Heresy's are neutral or not because I like what they do... whether that is coloured or neutral I care not :D

04-06-2014, 19:55
the irony is that had you chosen the other, once the decision was made you'd probably be in the same place. :-)

I know what you mean Mark but actually I believe that had I sent the SLIC back I would for ever be missing what it did in my system, if that makes sense.... and the fact that I can make that statement I know that I have definitely made the right decision in keeping the SLIC

Do I think it's a lot of money for a piece of wire ? well yes I do ! but to be honest it really is that good.... :D

05-06-2014, 02:44
Ooops there are a few posts by me which seem to be a bit higgledy-piggledy... let me explain:

I said, in post #1, that I'd "finally decided on my new cable" but that wasn't strictly true as I had one other cable arrive to try...sorry about the Boo Boo I also said, in post #17, that I would make "no further comments on the SLIC" but after things settled down I have made other comments, sorry about that Post #19 is where I made a definitive decision on the SLIC, after trying 5 other cables, it took me a while but I got there in the end !
I just wanted to be clear on the above posts as reading them through again didn't make too much sense in the order they arrived :doh:

The posts, after the last one above, seem perfectly ok and in order.... I think :D

05-06-2014, 02:57
Doesn't matter how we get there Bev , as long as we do :D Interesting journey though . Enjoy the cable .

06-06-2014, 09:53
£500 + a part-ex Rega DAC would get you something like a second-hand Young DAC with PSU. There's one for £745 here: http://www.hifi-forsale.co.uk/moreinfo7.php?prod_title=m2tech_young_dac_+_linear _psu&p=&prod_id=10991&bq=young&offset=

Yes we're all entitled to use what we want and like what we want but in this context I do believe the above would offer a far more significant upgrade.

rubber duck
06-06-2014, 10:30
Well Jerry I don't really care whether my Heresy's are neutral or not because I like what they do... whether that is coloured or neutral I care not :D

Jerry's post was in relation to how we evaluate cables in our system. I've no doubt the SLIC sounds great in your system but the question is whether this is a reflection of the cable or the cable's interaction with your system.

06-06-2014, 17:35
Jerry's post was in relation to how we evaluate cables in our system. I've no doubt the SLIC sounds great in your system but the question is whether this is a reflection of the cable or the cable's interaction with your system.

I agree with you Jeff when you say it could be that the cable is interacting with my system, but I guess it doesn't really matter what is going on, whether it's the cable itself or the interaction between it and the system as long as what's coming out the other end sounds superb

Likewise it maybe that the other cables I tried could also have been interacting with the system but in their case I wasn't liking so much what came out the other end

However when it all comes together, for whatever reason, if it makes me happy that's all that matters to me ;)

06-06-2014, 17:43
£500 + a part-ex Rega DAC would get you something like a second-hand Young DAC with PSU. There's one for £745 here: http://www.hifi-forsale.co.uk/moreinfo7.php?prod_title=m2tech_young_dac_+_linear _psu&p=&prod_id=10991&bq=young&offset=

Yes we're all entitled to use what we want and like what we want but in this context I do believe the above would offer a far more significant upgrade.

You may well be correct Neil but I love my current system just the way it is so am not wanting to change anything, however the choice of cable to me was a tweak to the system to extract just more of what I already had, and love

I believe introducing other/more electronics would have distracted from a system that I really enjoy as it is

I hope that makes some sense... ;)

06-06-2014, 19:21
However when it all comes together, for whatever reason, if it makes me happy that's all that matters to me ;)

Bev, it is a rather sad state of affairs really. I avoid making any comments anymore on here about my system/changes etc as this hobby is so subjective that any changes I make are unlikely to meet with any credulity.

I have a totally bonkers system (Yes, it still includes the Klipsch) but also other speakers that combined give a total air moving capacity of nearly 100" :D (Oooh size does matter Matron)

If I were to list it all, including cables I would probably be escorted off AOS by heavily armed bouncers. However, it really does it for me. Totally effortless, bass extension to die for with the tightness of a very tight thing.


06-06-2014, 19:38
If I were to list it all, including cables I would probably be escorted off AOS by heavily armed bouncers. However, it really does it for me. Totally effortless, bass extension to die for with the tightness of a very tight thing.


Ooo - you are a tease, Rob. ;)

Personally, I'd love to see a full breakdown with pics of your system! :thumbsup:

06-06-2014, 19:50
Bev, it is a rather sad state of affairs really

What did you mean by that Rob?

I am really glad you are still using the Klipsch, they certainly work for me.... I for one would love to know the make-up of your system... and the MOST important thing about it is that YOU like it, same with myself and my system ;)

06-06-2014, 20:01
If you stick your head above the parapet, you are more than likely to be shot at. I got the impression that you were being somewhat "sniped" at. If that is not the case, then I have read more into the thread than actually exists.

06-06-2014, 20:42
If you stick your head above the parapet, you are more than likely to be shot at. I got the impression that you were being somewhat "sniped" at

Yes you are correct I have been "sniped" at a bit, but that's fine, and I expect it now!!. It just needs peeps to understand that we don't all buy the same gear and we don't all hear things the same and our values maybe different to each others... and that's all good....

My choices in hifi equipment, including my choice of the SLIC cable, are JUST that.. MY choices !.. and I am mighty happy with that :D

06-06-2014, 20:58
you are correct I have been "sniped" at a bit

Don't let the buggers get you down Bev! :) Seriously though it's the intent that matters. We each take a bit of a dig now and then and as long as it's not malicious, generally, it's all part of 'forum life', so to speak. But you seem to see it that way in any case. Any untoward comments are likely to get short shrift here.

07-06-2014, 08:39
Ooo - you are a tease, Rob. ;)

Personally, I'd love to see a full breakdown with pics of your system! :thumbsup:

Yes, so would I. The correct solution in audio is the one that works for you, it is the people who are telling you that you are doing it wrong who are the ones lacking credibility

Mr Kipling
07-06-2014, 09:22
You're doing it all wrong, mate. You don't want that… You want this…

Didn't Harry Enfield do such a character?

07-06-2014, 13:46
Now that I have been put on the spot, I feel somewhat coy about revealing all :o

I need to take some up to date pics and will post details tomorrow......promise:D

15-06-2014, 11:02
£500 + a part-ex Rega DAC would get you something like a second-hand Young DAC with PSU. There's one for £745 here: http://www.hifi-forsale.co.uk/moreinfo7.php?prod_title=m2tech_young_dac_+_linear _psu&p=&prod_id=10991&bq=young&offset=

Yes we're all entitled to use what we want and like what we want but in this context I do believe the above would offer a far more significant upgrade.

That's an old Ad, I bought that. :)
(Unless the seller has another one?)

The Young/Linear PSU is a level above the Rega, I know I sold one to buy the Young!

15-06-2014, 11:11
Hi Bev,
Interesting thread.
My advice is to always keep an open mind about changing kit and always try to hear new stuff if you can.

Every piece of equipment I've had I've enjoyed, its just sometimes you hear better.
System synergy can play a major part, especially with regard to cables.

I thought I had the best cables I was ever going to have, but heard a set that had better synergy with my Edingdale speakers. I sold them on knowing someone else would find them fantastic in their system.
Works for interconnects too. ;)

Not heard the SLIC, I'm sure they sound fantastic.

15-06-2014, 11:23
Got to say this - my £10 Belkins also sound fantastic and have complex internal conductor gauges apparently (look back a couple of years on here and see) - but then, I don't listen to the 'gear' any more and bloody good job too, as I can't afford to get on the merry go round that is audio-'upgrading.'

15-06-2014, 13:21
Got to say this - my £10 Belkins also sound fantastic and have complex internal conductor gauges apparently (look back a couple of years on here and see) - but then, I don't listen to the 'gear' any more and bloody good job too, as I can't afford to get on the merry go round that is audio-'upgrading.'

Totally hear you Dave, This game has the potential to drive you bloody nuts for sure not to mention the money (or the lack of for the majority of us as well as other financial priorities). That said the tests and reviews some of the members undertake are invaluable and much appreciated. I'm really aiming to get to that place though when enough really is enough and I appreciate what I've got and get back to the heart and what should surely be the root and point of it all - enjoying the music !!!

15-06-2014, 17:20
Got to say this - my £10 Belkins also sound fantastic and have complex internal conductor gauges apparently (look back a couple of years on here and see) - but then, I don't listen to the 'gear' any more and bloody good job too, as I can't afford to get on the merry go round that is audio-'upgrading.'

I don't disagree with your sentiments, Dave. However, what's that got to do with Slic? If we're going to moderate non-Slic threads for off-topic (and unwanted) Slic input, then in order to be fair, the same has to apply the other way round...! ;)


04-08-2014, 01:22
Hi Bev,
Interesting thread.
Not heard the SLIC, I'm sure they sound fantastic.

You are right Gary about the SLIC however I don't think it has a 'sound' to it really...... I know it's a bit of a cliche to say that about a cable but it's certainly true I think about the 'old' SLIC.....

Please don't shoot me down for posting about the SLIC, I was just revisiting some old threads and thought I'd do a tiny reply.....

04-08-2014, 09:31
Just to FULLY quote from my original post Bev... :)

"My advice is to always keep an open mind about changing kit and always try to hear new stuff if you can.
Every piece of equipment I've had I've enjoyed, its just sometimes you hear better.
System synergy can play a major part, especially with regard to cables."

I thought I had the best cables I was ever going to have, but heard a set that had better synergy with my Edingdale speakers. I sold them on knowing someone else would find them fantastic in their system.
Works for interconnects too.

I've not heard the SLIC cable so cant comment on its sound.
Dave Brook knows his onions when it comes to cables (as does Mark G, Brian, Paul etc) so I'm sure its good.
Again, as with everything hifi though, system synergy can come into play.

You are right Gary about the SLIC however I don't think it has a 'sound' to it really...... I know it's a bit of a cliche to say that about a cable but it's certainly true I think about the 'old' SLIC.....

Please don't shoot me down for posting about the SLIC, I was just revisiting some old threads and thought I'd do a tiny reply.....