View Full Version : Wanted RB250 arm

04-06-2014, 21:51
Looking for a RB250 arm or any reasonable arm to go on my SL1210 cheaper the better ;););)

Cheers Gerry

04-06-2014, 22:05
My experience is that the RB250 and RB300 can sit rather low on the Technics, depending on the chosen cartridge weight and height. This makes for awkward armlifter use and I've also known the counterweight to foul against the back of the arm pillar as the arm is raised if using a very light cartridge.

04-06-2014, 22:37
So what arm could I fit thats not silly money I do have the option of having the deck with a original arm.

04-06-2014, 22:46
I've not tried one, but I reckon a Linn LVV would fit the bill for about the same money, you might need to experiment with mount plates. Some might suggest the Rega R200, but the bias adjuster belt is a weak point as they rot away and you can't get them now. A Mission 774 should fit if you use an SME mount, nice arm, I use one myself. There are loads of options and many on AOS will have tried some.

05-06-2014, 00:08
What is the budget?

05-06-2014, 03:52
Between £70-£100 is all I can afford

Audio Al
05-06-2014, 04:34
Why not improve the std arm , lots of members have with a re wire, better head shell and wires , better cartridge , fill the inside of the arm tube , heat shrink the outer tube etc

05-06-2014, 05:49
That was going to be my suggestion.
I have read somewhere about ear plugs being used as a filler. An interesting concept.
I was tempted to have a play with a rewire and the other mods listed, but I know that I will stick my Funk arm back on anyway.

05-06-2014, 07:27
but I know that I will stick my Funk arm back on anyway.

Indeed, I modded my stock arm, Cardas rewire, ADC Headshell, AT PCOCC Head Shell Wires, Filled the inside of the tube and fitted a KAB Fluid Damper. Good but not in the same league as the Funk. I've also just sold the Planar 2 (sorry Gerry, literally sold it on Saturday) I picked up with the intention of fitting and modding the arm in my second Techie on the strength of how you (Kevin) compared your RB251. Sorry Gerry, not really relevant to your original post. I still think a modded stock arm represents excellent value for money though and well worth the time involved as a first port of call. PM me if you're interested in a KAB Fluid Damper or if you need a Rega Arm board, I have one sat here doing nothing.

If you do plan on fitting an RB250, unless you can pick up a modded one for a bargain I'd suggest keeping an eye out a Planar 2 locally, take the arm and sell the other bits separately. I just sold mine (in excellent condition) for £125.00, if you can pick one up for that sort of money you can sell the plinth with motor for ~£40.00, platter ~£20.00 and dust cover ~£20.00, that way the arm would owe you very little.

05-06-2014, 08:51
Why not improve the std arm , lots of members have with a re wire, better head shell and wires , better cartridge , fill the inside of the arm tube , heat shrink the outer tube etc

I agree with Al. If you are limited on budget, stick with the stock arm. It's not bad anyway and you can do a fair bit to improve it.

05-06-2014, 10:29
Maybe this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rega-RB250-Thorens-Labelled-/251543441591?pt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_HomeAudioHiF i_Turntables&hash=item3a912850b7

06-06-2014, 11:13
I'd recommend Sumiko headshell, external re-wire (Van Damme) + Kab Damper with that budget, unless you find a bargain.

I'd put original 774, Nima, Tabriz , Hadcock on a longer term plan for a proper upgrade.

07-06-2014, 09:15
I'm getting the kab dampner and the guy is doing me a good std arm will a bit of luck he is also gonna fit Rca plugs to the deck so I can try different leads as I am away only on the phone so searching is a nightmare anyone got the links to filling the arm and the heat shrink mods .I have a few spare sets of sobethene feet would they be ok to mount under the deck .as I can't work I am looking for cheap diy mods .I am away in Cornwall in the camper for three weeks so can only use the phone now an then due to reception .

Cheers Gerry

07-06-2014, 10:54
These are the best I have, both conerned more with rewiring the tonearm than expressly filling or applying heatshrink but you should get the gist of it:



Filling the arm is very simple, I just used cotton wool as Jim (6L6) has in the AoS thread above, some people have used ear plugs. As I was rewiring the arm at the same time I wrapped the wires in cotton wool and fed it all down the tube with a zip tie.

I didn't try the heatshrink, I did plan to but then bought a new arm. You can see from the second link it's just a matter of cutting the heatshrink to the right length and applying heat. I have seen a particular type of 3M heat shrink (can't remember what grade) recommended for this but I don't know whether that would make any difference.

And for something a bit different, here is Ken's (Qwin) take on a stock tonearm mod.


Also check out the PSU mods Ken and Jim came up with,


Ken has no PCB's left but if you're handy with a soldering iron you could wire it point to point.