View Full Version : WANTED: Moving Iron Cartridge, e.g. Grado Reference series

30-05-2014, 15:02
I'm particularly interested in trying a Grado Reference cartridge; Sonata, Master, or Reference. I have a Platinum and enjoy some of its qualities so I'd like to see how much the higher models give.

I'm interested in other Moving Irons too, but I'm primarily searching for a Grado.

Otherwise any MM or MI that is known to be a good match with a Croft phono stage.

30-05-2014, 15:17
I'm interested in other Moving Irons too, but I'm primarily searching for a Grado.


I'm not letting go of my Musicmaker III (which I believe is a pimped Grado Signature) or my Glanz :) but what about these?





30-05-2014, 15:40
Thanks a lot for those links Peter. I've mailed the guy with the Grado, although it looks like an old advert.

I actually went to see Lenn Gregory earlier this week and he is retipping an old Grado Sig I have, so that is going to be my starting point.

How do you find your Music Maker compares to the 2M Black and your other interesting cartridges?

30-05-2014, 15:54

I prefer it to the Black, good though the Ortofon is. They are on different arms and tables so take what I say accordingly, and I don't think the Black is fully played in yet.

The MM III is an excellent compromise between MM and MC. It much more satisfying in the treble than the Black, warmer and more solid than my Cadenza Blue, lower noise floor than the MMs I have on my Trios: it has really good dynamics and it just makes me want to play "just another side"- it is more MC like than any non-MC I've heard but without the sterility and thinness that sometimes comes when you go down that path.

I use it a lot during the day when I am working.


Oh, and Marco will make me wash my mouth out with soap, but I'd have this cart any day over either of the 103s I've got going. A lot more accurate overall, especially at the top end:sofa: