View Full Version : WTD: Cartridge for TD125 / SME3009

24-05-2014, 07:31
I've now nearly finished building up my Thorens TD125 turntable. I've just bought an SME 3009 s2 non-improved with detachable headshell and now all I need is a good (ideally period) cartridge for it. Then some of the black stuff and away I go :)

Something like a Shure V15 II or similar with a Jico SAS stylus would probably be ideal, although I would happily consider alternatives.

Please let me know what you have that would be suitable as I'm desperate to get it up and running.

24-05-2014, 11:41
Mike, I have a mint Shure V15xmr cartridge body you can have, you can get a Jico stylus for it if that helps.

24-05-2014, 13:38
How about an SAE 1000 from Thakker?
I believe it was produced in the late 70's.

24-05-2014, 14:50
I see member 'high.spirits' has today listed an Ortofon VMS30 Mk.II here in Private Exhibitions. No price quoted, but it is a well regarded MM cartridge (bit of a classic really). It would be a perfect match to the SME and is of the period. I'd sooner have the Ortofon than one of the Shure V15 series.

24-05-2014, 18:58
.... It would be a perfect match to the SME and is of the period. I'd sooner have the Ortofon than one of the Shure V15 series.


24-05-2014, 19:00
I've enquired but no response yet :(

24-05-2014, 19:13
If anyone else would like the Shure give me a shout i will pop it in the post , dont want owt for it.

24-05-2014, 19:21
If anyone else would like the Shure give me a shout i will pop it in the post , dont want owt for it.

That's very generous of you Ralph.

Come on Guys, Shure improved the V15 after the Mk. III version, when they realised 'trackability wasn't the be-all and end-all of cartridge design.

24-05-2014, 19:22
If anyone else would like the Shure give me a shout i will pop it in the post , dont want owt for it.

I'll have it please Ralph. I did PM you about it but got no response.

24-05-2014, 20:02
Sorrry Mike blind as a bat ,and hopeless on the computer , let me know details and i will send off to you .