View Full Version : Computer Speakers for Work

20-05-2014, 07:01
I have limited desk space and a limited work budget and can play music for the first couple of hours since I get into the office at 6am every morning. Spotify is my friend. However, the small Logitech speakers on my computer have been driving me mad with their nasty tinny sound - it's no wonder, as they're USB powered :(

So with little money available and no real ability to audition I have plumped for these. I have no idea if they'll be acceptable but they got the best press for around £50.


What do others use for work?

20-05-2014, 07:10
Having my own office and being left on my own most of the time I have slightly more

Started many years ago with an Akai tape deck, Nait 1 and Kans
That has become Pioneer CD player, Chord CPM2600 and Isobariks

Main reason to come to work

Ali Tait
20-05-2014, 07:13
Had a look at those too Martin, being site based, I can play music most days in my office. I ended up getting one of these, as the Bluetooth is handy, and it's very portable-

http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/1416318.htm?CMPID=GS001&_$ja=cgid:8710166942|tsid:41408|cid:177974942|lid: 55245998342|nw:g|crid:38919881822|rnd:853955405800 3379879|dvc:c|adp:1o4

Not the best sound in the world, but not the worst either.

20-05-2014, 07:22
Acoustic Energy Aego M's.


Use these at my desk, swear you were listening to a set of meaty bookshelf speakers.
Really fill the room, clear with bass you can feel.

20-05-2014, 08:11
I picked up a pair of Logitech S-0264B computer speakers for a fiver from a charity shop.
They are the ones with an ABR as well :eek:

certainly can't call these tinny,

:cool: Alan

20-05-2014, 08:13
Started many years ago with an Akai tape deck, Nait 1 and Kans
That has become Pioneer CD player, Chord CPM2600 and Isobariks

Grr, if only! I don't have that kind of work environment.

20-05-2014, 08:14
I ended up getting one of these, as the Bluetooth is handy, and it's very portable

There seem to be a lot of those single-unit bluetooth speakers, Ali. However, I wanted stereo and don't need any kind of wireless connection.

20-05-2014, 08:15
Acoustic Energy Aego M's.

Look good, Gary, but way above my work budget.

20-05-2014, 08:19
I picked up a pair of Logitech S-0264B computer speakers for a fiver from a charity shop.
They are the ones with an ABR as well :eek:

 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAFoAeAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAADAAMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEBQYAAgMBB//EADkQAAIBAwIDBwIFAgQHAAAAAAECAwAEEQUhEjFBBhMiUWFxg RSRMkKhscEj0RVS4fAkU2JyksLS/8QAGQEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEAQUA/8QAIBEAAwABBAIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECEQMSITEEQRMiMv/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AlYbaQ4/pt8CiVtJBgGN/QcJre35jO1FjmpPQ1GdjByS0k/5T/wDia7x2b8QyhAPmK7ws3TNez6hbW2PqLqOM9QzjP2r2MmN47N1 t2xnhJ32250BPdWkUxFxPGjIfECc8Pv5UTqlw/wBIgtZN55EjWRTyDEZI+M1zmtkga34YWaBWJYIuTxdGIHMc/nHlWpL2A6foItbhr2PjtLYyRbjjaQLk+3P7gVrEBGR9TG0IOwZ iCuT6gnHzigrqfS4VeT6r6K+G8cgQqW+CPEPStI+0enC2QXpdJ SpV07hyPLy5H+aLa/SB+RdNjtoQqEbEnyofuMg7Vy0fUrG6sZTBcccdsd2ZSCExtnPl y+3nSaG6a6WfVVu5DPA/eCzDEKsAOD4epxk533xQ7WF8iHvcgbYoeS2HEcimvCGUMN1bqO ooaRDGxz8GhDFrWw3wCD71pfWeYRKEzgb7ch0+KMmbPTA9DWy3 Qa2MRIVscPi6jpvWmMl7mMKCeEZrKeSrDJ4pGhBHUnn8VlEA0c 4ypXmKT3nam2t2aOCJppFOCeQBpvCBwj0qH122+n1m5UbK5Ei+ zf65otOVT5A8jUqJzIVc6/ql2jsJRDHsGEW3PlS0hnOXJc+po/S9Fn1JgIVJHXFGT6H3LFEnzKPytyP2qlJI59U67Yx7OXctxogt woZ7KZHzxb8IbkP1o/VtSu75ms9JjlESD+vOq788cKnlmozM8EksKSmITLwSAkgHB649 qc9nlnnhcRRySSl8NKFdiox7gD33NBsSeRy1aa2jXTNBuEniji RbeVlZ5JmYvIARgHoBvy2zz8qYrpsF1PbpqBeZbyPjjl2UiXhB x5A8JJG3Rq102DUI7hbYXpTvTxSMyCR1OM8LMeZxyA8vuXqkhg tDp1+ImZgDBLGSq+H853yhXY8/Lcb4Ftt8DZicZaFz2q2VsunPHGq27HMkC73OQOFGA/MSFyfQHkTQ/a+3/wAG0SztmQrfqWPeAcLID+IbeeQMUw0a0g1DU2DfU4NuZEmMhB2 PCCOW5LMc+nTJATduZbmWK1W8finj44pW/wAzBscXyAD81rXKQvLw69E3FqN9bEi3vJ4/RWwKOj7U61CoZ5klU8hIg3oOO0aUsxIVAccRHWukujyrH3qEvG eZxTHMv0IV0umPtD7RzanfLaXFtGrMpPFGT0HkapF04ybzN3YP JepqC7LBrbtNbBufjXbcHwGrq4upt8eD/tqbUlTXBfoU7jkHuXgs0YIgMmSMMMn79KygWTvJgpO7NuTWUKG MItmLYz+tT3bKKM3NpcRspJVo34WBxjcf+1FrqEcw/pxmcn8MUYJHuxA/SvdctjPo0sjmZ5ogHAEbLHEBzCgjyzud6ZC21yK1a3w0jfQ9Sb TtNBtwOJ1Az+9CHN3co6M5lY+MEbA+lLLG8kgHCArIfynlR3+I vwlYkSEMMHh5/eqkn0c5g+sKGuZZE/K+cjr0NPraebT2W9s7GSLTL1V7xlkVAjqCMqxOFz643HPJpKqK 5C8XQ7edVfYKYy6dPYvJwm3c9duE/wCz96DVWFkd4/NY6NoNdsp+7t9LsbqeeKTi7qNBtsc+LJHXz61yj0C81m4mutVc LcKuYrJQRwY/CGzzGfLb1qgSNJJTNGSkYXgiI24upb5OPt615fWs0tpIU41kjX iidW8SPjbH9utIVJdFjh0ss07OXcN+02oQRBYZMRx7YIVQNseW TUf29IbWXUcmKt84UfxVJoM0tjosFothcfVqg4QVwjk78TPyA3 yc7jyNS3a+Aw6nBE795J3Kl2xjLF2J/U/tRRzYrV40xdwd5aDgP4HPHjmM9aYWuolbdrRUzHnwswwT70o72 S3ndkbh3Pz716+ouykKkanzUVQ+CI6aTwr2ntAvLvWA+VNWssZ cnoKg9HbGtWbE796P1zX0JySg6VLrLkv8V/VgaRpDKJmIwu3iOBmsrleEBNzWUtFALpzxGJGtuHuzuCOtNkjS eJomGVZSp26GozS5V0i+7iSdGtJjmOQPsreR322qrhuS8f8AQC qmMtNKCEX2z+L9vWtaaYM2nPJEW1u6ymArmRHMR9SDirfR9Fih QZAL/mcjJJ8hU/NGLXtMGfiKTFZlLjBbOQT9wat9NIZee4O9WT9jl2trZzu9Gikg YsONRuRjcDzGPvU7psQ0vtOsU4DxXC8OWG2eh/arx3WK3JOMkYUeZqK7RxiSF7yDdrSVWBHPh2B/XFa5zlIyL2tMsIFEkoBzwpua8R2mZixJz0FcrO5W5sYXtySZkB YjkD1Fd4WEIxHz6t5VCdhPKC2iRFYqANtwTvmvl/aGX6vWTIORkCj2BAFfT1lX6dxw7nmT1r5ddwOmqxwSDBWdUHqM 7H5Apul+iXyG9p2tdMTh7yRA8jeLxclHStbvTLeVSCgRujoMYp 3DwNCjKea4+RsRXC4Qb1SpTWSHJKW9tJa6vaq/NbhAfuKu2XjicDcipPU2xqlnjn3kXF8NVVKxhznmDjGOdS6vaL vF6aFd0jAHiBArK1upy5y/6dKyllDPfoIJ4TFKqujjcEVxto30WVRdJ9TZcXgnxxPAfUdR6i jbeaEjIkyPQUUksR2yT57VuTzjPKFXbFY3XT76JwyEmPjQ7EEZ B/Q/etdP1d4lHGCSNg6nBPvSvWYhJeS22nrIsCBpAhbwhgMuVH2Hvm t7C8gWSJO7UsxBLseWfIVVpSmsM5uvX2bKQX13eDgt4n3GC5PT 3P8AFd4LODL2k13GZ5UKGBQdg2x3O2RnPxXNdQtrXhSaZXHMog 4m/Uf786DN0n1jXVtH3TvnHeEEknyH9yaqUqVwSttsZ9i7iQ2U1g4 w9tIVOegJ/v8AvVGsTgDJX3LCpaCFZu0F1ewkdzLCjyKOYlOOIem+T7Yp8Bi Vht6Yrm6qxbOxoPdpphhRBFNK7hjHGWAU88b187jma+1+0ldQD JdxbLy54r6AjJh0k/AylT6g1B6fbNadqLW2k3KXsOD5jJ/jFFo/oV5X5OEd89rLICOOMscr/Ir2bVYuHKq5PkTQdz+Nj5saBkzk1XUogTMnmaS5SVjuXB26b1c XUTSTusYz556V8/kbh3B5HNfTJpIreM5cHK7+bGpdZcot8V8MS3cCwKc7sT4Sf4r2 tLsyXUuy/A5CspJS7S7AoQUOVOV6MB+9MbaQM3uKV2hOOZ50bD+I+wrcG7j XRdNjimuZ5EbjmdgoJzhD/O5qeijkhne13LRyNHgDxHB2qrUnB3POlE9zcJfMEnlUYOwcjrT Yprkl1YTSQTp+h3s+GEYhTqznB+3P9qfWWiW8OPqGaV/sv25n5Jqfgu7n6mP/AIiXfn4zvTSG4mLSZmkPi/zGvVqVRkxE+h6qRxxkRIFTGFUDAG9eJNFx8XeoSOnFUveXM/Hw9/Jw+XGaDyc0od8haXF1Agy88a+nFkmkOqXlu+oWl/bcTTQSKzDhwGAOR5cvjn6ClOT5mtHJ8zWqtryhd1uWGCzLKxY9 225J5j+9BzB0Us6EADc45UwcnzNK9aJ+kxk7sKatamxD00kBlx ct3cBLuwOFUb02l1vXJAALGIdDlDk4+fapaGWSJy0UjI2MZU4P MUTbXNwZ1JnlJzndz/0//I+w8qKuezJbXRWR3mpnT5Je9iWVFLFEUbY55zuNvvWVMXN1cS+ GWeV1BOAzkgVlBgLs/9k=

Jeez - what the hell is that meant to be, Alan? All I'm getting is a load of gobbledygook, and no image! I think your link must be broken somewhere... Could you fix it please, matey, as it makes the thread look rather untidy? Ta! :)


Ali Tait
20-05-2014, 08:31
There seem to be a lot of those single-unit bluetooth speakers, Ali. However, I wanted stereo and don't need any kind of wireless connection.

It is stereo Martin. Sounds ok for what it is tbh.

Gordon Steadman
20-05-2014, 08:35
Jeez - what the hell is that meant to be, Alan? All I'm getting is a load of gobbledygook, and no image! I think your link must be broken somewhere... Could you fix it please, matey, as it makes the thread look rather untidy? Ta! :)


What do you expect?? He's a technical guy after all. I'm sure he can see the image in his mind's eye, just reading that stuff.

20-05-2014, 08:36
Shit, I forgot about that! :doh: :D


20-05-2014, 08:36
Here's what I use:


They don't sound 'tinny', if anything they're a bit on the warm/soft side.

20-05-2014, 08:38
My 'computer speakers for work' are the Celestion 66s I use in the lounge! :eyebrows:


20-05-2014, 08:40
My 'computer speakers for work' are the Celestion 66s I use in the lounge! :eyebrows:


I don't actually 'work', but the ones I linked to are the ones I use when watching stuff on the iPlayer.

20-05-2014, 08:43
I don't actually 'work'...

Indeed, old chap. It's a rather vulgar activity, fit only for the lower orders ;)


20-05-2014, 09:01
Grr, if only! I don't have that kind of work environment.
I shared an office for many years and by accident got my own back in 2009.
That's how it will stay.
After the recent move and thoughts on proximity to speakers I am now in the magic triangle !

Gordon Steadman
20-05-2014, 09:46
I use some Diamond 7 Pros. Quite adequate for casual use. Cost under £10 on eBay. Driven with the Rogers Ravensbrook, they sound fine if not exactly the last word in clarity.

20-05-2014, 10:00
They don't sound 'tinny', if anything they're a bit on the warm/soft side.

The ones I have are Logitech S-150 and they have to go!


To those who can dictate their work environment and have big speakers and amps - ner!

20-05-2014, 11:41
Image link:rolleyes: now removed.
I tried to edit 3 times after posting but occasional the system no worky.

You'll have to amend your post now Marco, such untidiness :eyebrows:


20-05-2014, 11:47
Russ Andrews do a nifty very small amp and speakers, RAVE

Out performed a very nice little active Creative by a reasonable distance

20-05-2014, 11:48
The ones I have are Logitech S-150 and they have to go!

Have you tried using VD cables?

20-05-2014, 12:05
Russ Andrews do a nifty very small amp and speakers, RAVE

Yes but...

That's £225 before you add speakers, and my desk does not have a great deal of space etc.
You understand that I would spend a lot more if it were my business and my money?

20-05-2014, 12:06
Have you tried using VD cables?


20-05-2014, 15:03
Yes but...

That's £225 before you add speakers, and my desk does not have a great deal of space etc.
You understand that I would spend a lot more if it were my business and my money?

Not via Ebay !

Roy S
20-05-2014, 15:14
in the magic triangle !


20-05-2014, 17:18
Cheapest upgrade I ever did, moving the chair

20-05-2014, 17:43
Have you tried using VD cables?


Sorry, if I'm being thick, but I don't get that one! :scratch:


20-05-2014, 17:54
Sorry, if I'm being thick, but I don't get that one! :scratch:


I was jokingly suggesting that Martin's crap computer speakers could be 'improved' by the use of Van Damme cables.

20-05-2014, 17:57
Ah, I was trying to see some hidden and deeply clever inference to 'VD', as we usually know it! :eyebrows:


Naughty Nigel
20-05-2014, 20:24
Whenever I am looking for speakers (especially cheap/small ones) I find that tapping on their sides or tops with my knuckles soon tells me whether the sound is likely to be coloured or not. If it sounds like an empty plastic box when tapped then it will probably sound like an empty plastic box when plugged in!

If you can tuck a small amplifier away somewhere then a pair of Wharfdale Diamond 9.0's (I got a pair for £39 from Richer Sounds) will sound much better than almost anything from PC World.


20-05-2014, 20:46
Unfortunately, as I've said before, I don't have the space for a separate amp and speakers the size of Diamond 9s, despite liking the latter.

In this case (and no other), I've had to buy cheap and buy blind. It's an experience!

20-05-2014, 21:06
Ah, I was trying to see some hidden and deeply clever inference to 'VD', as we usually know it! :eyebrows:


As YOU know it mibbay! :)

20-05-2014, 21:36
Yur jokin', man, wi all the manky wee Motherwell slappers you've dipped!! :eyebrows:


21-05-2014, 07:03
Unfortunately, as I've said before, I don't have the space for a separate amp and speakers the size of Diamond 9s, despite liking the latter.

You have your priorities wrong !
Work life balance and all that stuff

21-05-2014, 15:22
I have...

A very small amount of desk space
An office that is shared with two others (I will finally get my own in a year's time)
A budget of £50

The first two hours of each morning are mine, though!

Techno Commander
21-05-2014, 17:03
I used Behringer MS16's (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Behringer-MS16-Personal-Monitor-System/dp/B00181T20O) for a while. Pretty good for less than 50 notes.

21-05-2014, 18:14
I did look at those, Andy. If the Creatives are crap, I'll try them next.

21-05-2014, 18:30
I have a slightly older Creative model than the one you have bought Martin. I use them with my Mac just to listen to YouTube etc and I love them. All depends on what your expectations are though!

21-05-2014, 18:32
Just good enough for work listening will do fine, Julian. Better than the small Logitechs would be welcome, but I'm not expecting them to bother my Ushers!

21-05-2014, 19:40
If you can find them the Videologic Sirocco Spirit were good 2 channel actives, way above usual computer speakers, but still compact.

21-05-2014, 20:28
I have...

A very small amount of desk space
An office that is shared with two others (I will finally get my own in a year's time)
A budget of £50

The first two hours of each morning are mine, though!

I put my Isobariks on the floor

One of the benefits of running the place is I get to choose