View Full Version : Wanted: JVC MX-S6 or Similar

13-05-2014, 15:23
I'm after one of these....

I'm after it for my living room, reason being... I have my nice system downstairs at the moment - my lovely Pioneers with my Wharfedales etc... BUT the kids keeping poking about at it... I'm scared they are going to ruin it. SO rather them ruin it I'm after something like the above - decent looking/sounding and cheap as chips - not worth alot so can be easily replaced if it gets ruined! - and space is a factor at the moment!

I will put my good system in my Man Cave (Loft Conversion) out of the way and it might aswell live where the vinyl lives....

Not a bad little system, had one a while back in my kitchen and was a great little system!

Anyone got one they want to part with that could ship it to me.... not too fussed about speakers as I have a spair set.
