View Full Version : Not for Hi-FI, for Music !

28-04-2014, 07:42
I always wanted a 'Classic' Rega System



................... and now I've got one :)

28-04-2014, 08:42
Nice one Mike, I'll bet that little rig sings like a bird. :)

rubber duck
28-04-2014, 10:15
I always wanted a 'Classic' Rega System

Er, you forgot the turntable!

28-04-2014, 11:44
Er, you forgot the turntable!

True. I sold my TT and all of my vinyl a couple of months back and don't really want to go there again.

Audio Al
28-04-2014, 11:56
I sold my TT and all of my vinyl a couple of months back and don't really want to go there again.


Not for Hi-FI, for Music ! :scratch:

The music IS in the groove ;)

If you are happy with you system , so be it :)

mr sneff
28-04-2014, 12:54
Nice set up, though the speakers could do with a more substantial footing :lol:

28-04-2014, 16:52
lovely set up mike...

28-04-2014, 17:24
Brings back very happy memories :) Can you try the Alya's t'other way round? May not make one iota of difference due to the narrow baffles, but convention used to put the tweeters on the inside to keep diffraction to a minimum. I once bought some Alya cabs and transplanted some EL8 innards into them (same innards!). My Dad ended up using them and was very pleased. I couldn't live with the almost total lack of deep bass though!

This little system would definitely be classed a High Fidelity in my personal opinion. Are you using a 'Couple' interconnect?

28-04-2014, 18:31
is that a Beresford 7510 at the bottom Mike? ...the rega stuff looks fine:)

The Barbarian
28-04-2014, 22:44
Dunno about that Breeze block Mike


01-05-2014, 20:43
Brings back very happy memories :) Can you try the Alya's t'other way round? May not make one iota of difference due to the narrow baffles, but convention used to put the tweeters on the inside to keep diffraction to a minimum. I once bought some Alya cabs and transplanted some EL8 innards into them (same innards!). My Dad ended up using them and was very pleased. I couldn't live with the almost total lack of deep bass though!

This little system would definitely be classed a High Fidelity in my personal opinion. Are you using a 'Couple' interconnect?

Yep, using a Couple (Mk1) IC.

01-05-2014, 20:43
Dunno about that Breeze block Mike


Totally agree Andre. Hideous thing.

01-05-2014, 20:45
is that a Beresford 7510 at the bottom Mike? ...the rega stuff looks fine:)

It is indeed Grant, a modded one. I can't remember, did I buy it from you ?

01-05-2014, 20:47
No but I have one too..its missed as well. Darn good sounding as well
Just thought it looked like mine .

05-05-2014, 07:31
True. I sold my TT and all of my vinyl a couple of months back and don't really want to go there again.

Ha! fooled me.
I'd assumed with a monicker like idlewithnodrive you were a vintage tt nut! Wrong!

I sympathise with your feelings on the vinyl stuff. :thumbsup: - I've still got my tt rig but I haven't used it for months. Digital does it for me.

Nice looking system, btw - I used to have Rega Jura speakers - lovely fruity midrange and great bass, but a bit lacking in sheer scale. I enjoyed them so much I bought a second pair and balanced one atop the other to address the aforementioned lack, and called them Jura Supertowers. :mental:
Lessee - here they are :lol:


05-05-2014, 08:45
That picture worries me Jerry :mental: It looks like something I would do myself :lol: The only thing stopping me is my sensible wife .

05-05-2014, 09:04
You know, I am going through a similar thing myself just now. I am toying with the idea of giving up on vinyl, selling the Thorens and the Heed and giving all of my vinyl to my closest friends. At this very moment though, I am not sure I can.

05-05-2014, 09:12
As someone who has an all Rega main system I can only say that that adding a TT is a great move, enough to get me back into vinyl after many years. My p3-24 with TTPSU sounded beautiful from the off when hooked up to a brio. I know some get wound up at the suggestion but there is a certain synergy going on which puts a smile on my face every time I play it.

05-05-2014, 09:23
I love the wonderful depth that vinyl portrays between the speakers and I adore the wonderful relaxed way it presents music to my ears but, ultimately, I find it all far too distracting with the analogue artifacts it also presents.

08-05-2014, 17:01
I love the wonderful depth that vinyl portrays between the speakers and I adore the wonderful relaxed way it presents music to my ears but, ultimately, I find it all far too distracting with the analogue artifacts it also presents.

I just found that the cost, the effort (cleaning etc), the availability and the variable quality of new and s/h vinyl all finally added up to too much hassle.

My all valve (filters and output stage) CDP puts back a lot of the Analogue feel and is just so much more practical.

I started off feeling regretful but now I feel liberated and I'm actually listening to and enjoying a far more varied range of music.

17-05-2014, 17:47
Very nice - one of these days I gotta get something from Rega.
