View Full Version : Options for connecting a DAC to a transport

24-04-2014, 21:29
Back again with more numpty questions (bear with me).

Here's the back of a Dac I bought this week -


For now I intend to use a Rega Saturn as the transport but I haven't connected the two yet as I have a tendency to blowing things up.

The 2 analog terminals on the rear of the DAC go to my preamp right?

I connect to the transport via the DAC's digital terminal or via the XLR-looking thing on the right hand side?

Which is the better option please?

I only have 'normal' RCA-RCA interconnects at the moment - can I use these until i get a dedicated cable?

And where does SPDIF come into all of this?

Thanks in advance.

25-04-2014, 07:30
Which model is it?

The AN 2.1?

The analogue outputs go to your pre-amp, the Digital RCA is the digital SPDIF input, the XLR to the right is probably balanced digital input with the switch selecting between it and the SPDIF RCA....

25-04-2014, 07:35
This the one?



25-04-2014, 18:37
Many thanks for clarifying.
Its an upgraded 2.1 level C signature with the AD1865NJ DAC chip, Mundorf Silver in oil and Audionote copper foil caps, silver RCA outputs, fancy pants Blackgates, extra Tant resistors, two 33:1 step down I/E core single ended OPTs, the driver board from AN M2 preamp and the Signature digital board. There's a good dose of AN silver wire in there as well.

I haven't used it yet but I suspect it might be a good DAC.

Has anybody compared the two inputs?

25-04-2014, 19:15
Seems to me that a Rega Saturn does NOT sport an AES/EBU digital out (which normally is connected using an XLR connector) so thats not an option. Use the normal digital coaxial RCA connector/cable. It will do just fine!
Atb Mike

25-04-2014, 19:45
Thanks Mike, that's me sorted.

25-04-2014, 19:56
To me, that XLR input looks a bit of a bodge, it's crooked and a screw looks like it's coming out. Has somebody fitted it themselves?

25-04-2014, 20:35
I'm told it was put together by an electrical engineer.
I'll have a proper look in the morning.

26-04-2014, 12:41
I'm told it was put together by an electrical engineer.
I'll have a proper look in the morning.

That would be a yes then :lol:

So many electrical engineers Ive come across dont seem to see aesthetics at all, only that things are electrically correct! "That will do, it works fine.."

26-04-2014, 16:41
Hi Nat, gotta agree with you there. The AES/EBU slot looks a bit wonky but I've no use for it at the moment.
I've just bought a digital cable from Maplins, fired the DAC up and spent the afternoon listening to some familiar tunes - right now its left me with a big grin on my face, so I can assume the unit is electrically sound (fingers crossed).