View Full Version : Wanted: 6 or 8 way mains block

18-04-2014, 07:15
Hi all,
My old power surge tower has decided to fail on me. Just wondered if anyone has a half decent mains block for sale. I don't want to pay over the top say around £35-40. I maybe tempted to go higher :lol:

Been looking at these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Merlin-Cables-Tarantula-6-Way-UK-Mains-Block-/390742684605?pt=UK_Computing_Sound_Vision_Audio_Ca bles_Adapters&hash=item5afa1433bd
Anyone had one before? or can someone recommend me one please.

18-04-2014, 10:13
Tacima CS. 629 I think it is, and within your budget.

18-04-2014, 12:34
Tacima CS. 629 I think it is, and within your budget.

But has powerful built-in filtering which some may wish to avoid wanting a pure simple design like http://www.mains-cables-r-us.co.uk/mains-extention-products/52-silver-plated-diy-mains-block.html#

if I my say so

19-04-2014, 06:58
Thanks for the advice chaps, I think ill go the DIY route.

19-04-2014, 08:42
youd be better off withe Merlin....
Hi all,
My old power surge tower has decided to fail on me. Just wondered if anyone has a half decent mains block for sale. I don't want to pay over the top say around £35-40. I maybe tempted to go higher :lol:

Been looking at these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Merlin-Cables-Tarantula-6-Way-UK-Mains-Block-/390742684605?pt=UK_Computing_Sound_Vision_Audio_Ca bles_Adapters&hash=item5afa1433bd
Anyone had one before? or can someone recommend me one please.

19-04-2014, 08:48
And If you can stretch to it...this is an excellent mains block... made by supra..with 50 quid off...


19-04-2014, 16:19
And If you can stretch to it...this is an excellent mains block... made by supra..with 50 quid off...


Look great but a little over my budget. Thanks for looking it up for me tho. Cheers! :cool:

19-04-2014, 19:01

19-04-2014, 20:09
this is a superb mains block too...quite rare...

19-04-2014, 20:50
I have a couple of these, seem to be good quality units at a very fair price

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OLSON-6-WAY-PLUG-EXTENSION-LEADS-/281294579863?pt=UK_DIY_Material_Electrical_Fitting s_MJ&hash=item417e76a897