View Full Version : M2Tech Young DAC with Avondale PSU

16-04-2014, 08:46
Boxed and with original wall-wart psu as well as the Avondale (no original box for the Avondale). Unmarked and fully working. Still a really good sounding DAC.
£650 for both + postage at cost. A very reasonable price !

16-04-2014, 09:19
You need pictures.

The Grand Wazoo
16-04-2014, 13:18
Hi Martin,

Could we please have a picture of the actual units you are selling? This is now a mandatory requirement for all members when selling equipment on the forum.

If you're unsure of how to post pictures, there are guides here (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?14874-Step-By-Step-Guide-to-Linking-to-Photos) and here (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?2-How-to-host-and-embed-images-in-your-posts) to show you, and if you are struggling with it, then Dave (Synsei) will do it for you, see here (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showt...r-sales-thread)


17-04-2014, 07:11
Sorry, I didn't know. I should have read the conditions first.
I didn't sign up on here just to flog stuff, but when a few days ago, having let the impulse buy Primare settle in, I decided these had to go, I thought I'd give it a try. I did hestitate, first!
I can't do photos at the moment, I'm afraid, so please take the posts down.

18-04-2014, 21:30
... and one for this:
http://i1174.photobucket.com/albums/r602/eisenach2/DSC_0018_zps987073f8.jpg (http://s1174.photobucket.com/user/eisenach2/media/DSC_0018_zps987073f8.jpg.html)

The Grand Wazoo
18-04-2014, 22:11
That's great, thanks Martin.
Good luck with the sale.

Spectral Morn
18-04-2014, 23:44
PM was sent but no reply :scratch:

Regards Neil

19-04-2014, 00:20
its an extremely good dac, more so with the linear PSU.
So much more like a good record player (if you know what I mean) than the MDac.
Heard em both, Mdac a big no no imo.

Young reminded me of the Rega dac, but with more incisive leading edge detail, involvement and "air".
An even more relaxed sound but (converesly) more leading edge detail and involvement,
All the "analogue" musicality the Rega has is there, just that there's more witht eh Young....but not in a hifi way; you just know it sounds right.

Like Digital vs good Analogue.

Neil, its a good buy, worth chasing up.

Spectral Morn
19-04-2014, 09:15

Neil, its a good buy, worth chasing up.

I will. The PM was sent before the photo went up so I am a bit confused re no reply, but there have been other folks not getting notification of pms I sent recently - so maybe a forum operation issue.

Regards Neil

19-04-2014, 18:18
PM was sent but no reply :scratch:
Regards Neil

Sorry, Neil, I've only just seen your post, and didn't receive notification of your pm (which I've now seen).
It's on ebay now with a Buy it Now price of £650 plus £25 postage, so I don't think I can get out of that. Even with the postage, it's a bargain price.

Spectral Morn
20-04-2014, 09:35
Sorry, Neil, I've only just seen your post, and didn't receive notification of your pm (which I've now seen).
It's on ebay now with a Buy it Now price of £650 plus £25 postage, so I don't think I can get out of that. Even with the postage, it's a bargain price.

Yep I have had a few others not get pm notifications.... Weird.

Shame as that's a bit more than I wanted to spend, so I will pass on it.

Regards Neil