View Full Version : SAE 1000

10-04-2014, 16:15
Rather then dilute Marco's Denon thread, I wanted to follow on from this comment:

I love my SAE 1000E, but it took a while to get on-song. For the first couple of hours, it was really, really bad - no bass, no treble - but after four hours or so, it started to loosen up and continued to improve steadily up to the twenty-odd hour mark at which point it was like someone threw a switch and everything just snapped into place. Wouldn't be surprised if your 1000LT doesn't need the same kind of time to run in.

If it is going to sound better at the 20 hour mark, I am in for a treat. I certainly can't complain about lack of bass in my system from the moment the stylus hit the groove.

I know a few people here have tried the SAE 1000 either in E or LT variety, but at the moment I think I prefer it to my 2M Black. It's early days on both, and the run in period has yet to be completed, but straight out the box it seems better. That's my initial impression anyway.

When my FX1200 goes back on, I'll be able to play with the VTA much easier, so I should be able to do the 2M Black proper justice. It will be a while before I post back on this thread with my "findings", but one thing is for sure, I am in for an interesting time in the next few weeks.

06-05-2014, 20:06
It's been almost a month, and the SAE is still on my arm.
I think it sounds great, and it's definitely opened up a bit from my first experience. The detail retrieval is really good, and the tonal balance seems to be neutral, with no real emphasis in any specific area.

The FX1200 should be back on my deck very soon - hopefully by the weekend, so some extensive listening is currently being planned.
I'll also swap my 2M Black and AT150 back in at that point.