View Full Version : Let the whole world know your into Hi-Fi

The Barbarian
07-04-2014, 21:49
What you prefer a very simple system or a big system that basically makes for the listerning room focal point! :rolleyes:

Me well i personally cannot stand to see lots of Hi-Fi equipment laying about & have got myself down to one record player, intergrated amp {please don't exile me} & cassette deck, even that is too much i could do without seeing .. I really do not get people that need a wall of equipment in front of them :mental:

tbh i have been considering getting out my old Goodmans 'CM80' music centre that would make for one box less.


07-04-2014, 21:51

The Barbarian
07-04-2014, 21:53
S'ok i have seen enough silly wall of sound in profile pics to last me a lifetime

07-04-2014, 21:53
My system is simple but then all I do in the room is listen to music, read and relax. No tv or fishtank for me.

07-04-2014, 21:54
S'ok i have seen enough silly wall of sound in profile pics to last me a lifetime

I was suggesting we should see pictures of your system. :)

07-04-2014, 21:55
My system is simple but then all I do in the room is listen to music, read and relax. No tv or fishtank for me.

Same here.

The Barbarian
07-04-2014, 21:58
I was suggesting we should see pictures of your system. :)

What system! only a cheap michell deck/A&R Cambs amp & Techy cassette deck, already scrapped the Tuner that's a result.. Besides already got pickkies up.

TT Wall shelf has gone in the bin thank the lord more crap gone. Stripping away all the isolation, did not make a blind bat of difference to my ears.

The Barbarian
08-04-2014, 09:29
Yeh i did not think i would get much feedback from yew lot within this thread


08-04-2014, 09:35
My listening room is my place of retreat so its primary purpose is for music. I don't mind the system being big and imposing as that's what it takes to give me the sound I want, but there is nothing unnecessary in there. It's comfortable with low lighting and has much of my music around me. I don't really see much of the system when I'm listening as I usually listen with my eyes closed.

08-04-2014, 11:21
Lots of navel gazing around here recently.

08-04-2014, 11:45
Yeh i did not think i would get much feedback from yew lot within this thread


I suppose it's a bit like posting that you don't like Harley Davidson bikes in the Harley owners magazine.

08-04-2014, 12:08
Andre has a love/hate relationship with the whole thing; some sort of Dionysian conflict. I just have a house full of junk, some of which works.

It's all good :)

08-04-2014, 12:33
Andre has a love/hate relationship with the whole thing; some sort of Dionysian conflict. I just have a house full of junk, some of which works.

It's all good :)

Can Bi-polar be applied purely to hifi? One minute André seems to be excited at having bought this bit of new old kit and the other new old kit, now is scrapping tuners and wall shelves because he hates having too much gear.. hmmm

André what happed to the enthusiasm for having a whole forum dedicated to idlers, faux-suicidal thread over needing a Thorens TD124 and then going crazy for Lencos and now have a basic Michell deck and absolutely no excess hifi whatsoever?

Not sure what to believe to be honest - not that it matters! Just take it all with a pinch of salt .. or a pint :cool:

08-04-2014, 12:38
My hifi is pretty much just for me so a little bit of a wall of hifi but it's a wall of stuff I want to listen to or not got around to selling on yet (just in case there's synergy with some odd combo).

You can't see much of it in the dark when listening anyway!

If people come around, there doesn't need to be any focal point in a room other than perhaps the guests.

BUT one sets up a room for it's most common use - if that's listening to hifi, then the seats will no-doubt be facing the hifi, it's TV then it seating will face the TV. If entertaining is more common in the room then you set it up for that etc etc etc ...

For me, it's listening to music and general lounging around and I don't have a TV nor have many people around (too messy - go to girlfriend's for that).

08-04-2014, 12:43
I have seating facing the Hi-Fi and seating facing the telly. I just move to the appropriate bit depending on what I am doing. Hi-fi is at the other end of the room to the seating area so it doesn't really dominate but you can't help noticing the speakers given that they are big and yellow :). I don't get many visitors other than people who are similarly affflicted so I have no idea what impression it would have on them although a girlfriend did mention that her mum would not like having 'all those wires everywhere'.

08-04-2014, 12:48
I have seating facing the Hi-Fi and seating facing the telly. I just move to the appropriate bit depending on what I am doing. Hi-fi is at the other end of the room to the seating area so it doesn't really dominate but you can't help noticing the speakers given that they are big and yellow :). I don't get many visitors other than people who are similarly affflicted so I have no idea what impression it would have on them although a girlfriend did mention that her mum would not like having 'all those wires everywhere'.

Hopefully she wasn't suggesting her mum moved in !?

08-04-2014, 12:51
Hopefully she wasn't suggesting her mum moved in !?

No, I think she just uses her mum's opinions as a benchmark for what is and isn't acceptable. Not that unusual with women, I have found ;)

08-04-2014, 12:58
Just tell her that the last woman who complained ended up wearing the wires as a noose necklace.... That usually shuts them up! ;)


08-04-2014, 22:08
At the value of some silver cables, that might be mis-construed as a promise you don't keep.

Roy S
08-04-2014, 22:33
I like a big full rack :eyebrows:

The Grand Wazoo
08-04-2014, 22:44
....... have got myself down to one record player, intergrated amp {please don't exile me} & cassette deck, even that is too much i could do without seeing .. I really do not get people that need a wall of equipment in front of them.....

Yes I know what you mean. There's a story about Monsieur Eiffel, who, every day, went for his morning coffee in a cafe right underneath the Eiffel tower. People thought he was arrogant and conceited for this blatant showboating of his creation until he pointed out that it was the only place in Paris where you couldn't see the bloody thing.

Well, I've taken this story as the inspiration for my new 'low profile' system......


09-04-2014, 11:55
Piccies no worky, Chris.

09-04-2014, 11:57
it worky for me.

09-04-2014, 15:08
There's a story about Monsieur Eiffel, who, every day, went for his morning coffee in a cafe right underneath the Eiffel tower. People thought he was arrogant and conceited for this blatant showboating of his creation until he pointed out that it was the only place in Paris where you couldn't see the bloody thing.

Apparently the French poet Baudelaire so detested the sight of the Eiffel tower, along with the fact that it could be seen from just about every direction, he ended up lunching in the restaurant halfway up the tower, since that was the only place where he could be without having to look at it.

09-04-2014, 15:23
I think your inbox is full Barry


09-04-2014, 15:28
Now sorted Andrew. :)

The Barbarian
09-04-2014, 16:45
Can Bi-polar be applied purely to hifi? One minute André seems to be excited at having bought this bit of new old kit and the other new old kit, now is scrapping tuners and wall shelves because he hates having too much gear.. hmmm

André what happed to the enthusiasm for having a whole forum dedicated to idlers, faux-suicidal thread over needing a Thorens TD124 and then going crazy for Lencos and now have a basic Michell deck and absolutely no excess hifi whatsoever?

Not sure what to believe to be honest - not that it matters! Just take it all with a pinch of salt .. or a pint :cool:

I can assure you there wont be anymore enthusiasm from me about anything. Im done with it all.

A collection of over 800 LP ended up being just this today.. When it's filled up today the doors get closed on the cabinet. Till i fancy putting a record on which is not very often these days.. Even the re-issues on the right might not stay yet.

http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w425/ELPFAN1968/Recurdz.jpg (http://s1075.photobucket.com/user/ELPFAN1968/media/Recurdz.jpg.html)

09-04-2014, 18:21
Did the rest go in a skip, litterally?

Looks a nice cabinet. Personally I don't blame you about cutting down and simplifying life!

The Barbarian
09-04-2014, 18:22
No a dealer is having them as a bulk purchase..

09-04-2014, 18:32
I can assure you there wont be anymore enthusiasm from me about anything. Im done with it all.

A collection of over 800 LP ended up being just this today.. When it's filled up today the doors get closed on the cabinet. Till i fancy putting a record on which is not very often these days.. Even the re-issues on the right might not stay yet.

http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w425/ELPFAN1968/Recurdz.jpg (http://s1075.photobucket.com/user/ELPFAN1968/media/Recurdz.jpg.html)

Well I recognise some Doors records there, and The Who's 'Tommy' - what are the rest?

(Nice to see outer polythene sleeves being used. :))

The Barbarian
09-04-2014, 19:29
Well I recognise some Doors records there, and The Who's 'Tommy' - what are the rest?

(Nice to see outer polythene sleeves being used. :))

Prog LP's:

All Pink Floyd {1967-1979}
All Genesis {1969-1976}
All Emerson, Lake & Palmer {1970-1979}
All Yes {1969-1980}
All Van Der Graaf/Generator {1969-1977}
All King Crimson {1969-1975}

Heavy Rock LP's:

All Deep Purple {1968-1975}
All Black Sabbath {1970-1978}
All Led Zeppelin {1969-1979}

Keeping all mi Beatles LP's, Keeping all mi Doors LP's, Keeping The Who 'Tommy', Keeping mi Cream LP's & the three Jimi Hendrix Experience LP's

That's it done.

09-04-2014, 19:43
Prog LP's:

All Pink Floyd {1967-1979}
All Genesis {1969-1976}
All Emerson, Lake & Palmer {1970-1979}
All Yes {1969-1980}
All Van Der Graaf/Generator {1969-1977}
All King Crimson {1969-1975}

Heavy Rock LP's:

All Deep Purple {1968-1975}
All Black Sabbath {1970-1978}
All Led Zeppelin {1969-1979}

Keeping all mi Beatles LP's, Keeping all mi Doors LP's, Keeping The Who 'Tommy', Keeping mi Cream LP's & the three Jimi Hendrix Experience LP's

That's it done.

Any for me.............:wheniwasaboy:

09-04-2014, 19:59
I spotted the best and greatest live rock album of all time in the records on the left.
It's the one with the gold spine :eyebrows:

I was quite surprised at the number of albums I recognised in André's cupboard, and that is without zooming in on the image.

10-04-2014, 04:09
There is a forum called The Luddite Music Appreciation Society, I believe they meet up every Thursday evening in a cave somewhere in the Pennines. Proceedings begin at sundown (it used to be 7pm, however since the membership destroyed all their watches..... :eyebrows:) If you're planning on attending you'll need to bring your own Lute... :D

10-04-2014, 06:48
I spotted the best and greatest live rock album of all time in the records on the left.
It's the one with the gold spine :eyebrows:

Made in Japan.

Mr. C
10-04-2014, 14:56
Made in Japan.

Absolutely 100%, though Live in Japan the 3 disc'er form the earlier 90's has a much greater feeling of being there.

If you give me a couple of weeks I can arrange an album of the month type session where I can accommodate 6-8 for a very special performance, if anyone is interested in hearing these awesome musicians playing at their peak and captured at the time as good as it gets, then let me know and I will reserve you a place in the front row of the TAD time machine and transport back to the Tokyo Budokan 17th August 1972 where you can hear and feel Blackmore/Gillian/Glover/Lord/Paice delivering a personal concert of a life time.


There will be some quality high resolution content as well so something for everyone here.

Just drop me a PM if you wish to participate will be a weekend gig though :)

10-04-2014, 15:43
I be well up for that Tony

10-04-2014, 17:07
Am a bit of a recluse when it comes to such things but would also be very interested!

10-04-2014, 21:26
It would be great to hear those TADs again, Tony. I'm not very free of most weekends, though.

Roy S
12-04-2014, 00:18
Prog LP's:

All Pink Floyd {1967-1979}
All Genesis {1969-1976}
All Emerson, Lake & Palmer {1970-1979}
All Yes {1969-1980}
All Van Der Graaf/Generator {1969-1977}
All King Crimson {1969-1975}

Heavy Rock LP's:

All Deep Purple {1968-1975}
All Black Sabbath {1970-1978}
All Led Zeppelin {1969-1979}

Keeping all mi Beatles LP's, Keeping all mi Doors LP's, Keeping The Who 'Tommy', Keeping mi Cream LP's & the three Jimi Hendrix Experience LP's

That's it done.

What about The Nice Mr.B?

15-04-2014, 18:55
Prog LP's:

All Pink Floyd {1967-1979}
All Genesis {1969-1976}
All Emerson, Lake & Palmer {1970-1979}
All Yes {1969-1980}
All Van Der Graaf/Generator {1969-1977}
All King Crimson {1969-1975}

Heavy Rock LP's:

All Deep Purple {1968-1975}
All Black Sabbath {1970-1978}
All Led Zeppelin {1969-1979}

Keeping all mi Beatles LP's, Keeping all mi Doors LP's, Keeping The Who 'Tommy', Keeping mi Cream LP's & the three Jimi Hendrix Experience LP's

That's it done.

Might be a small collection, but a seriously mighty one. Lots of timeless stuff there would easily survive on this collection, well, Yes is a bit much for me. :p

15-04-2014, 18:57
Oh and do I see an "80s" album in there? ;)

The Barbarian
15-04-2014, 21:13
Oh and do I see an "80s" album in there? ;)

More than one cos i made a mistake i have Genesis 'Duke' {'80} & 'Abacab' {'81}

but only cos they were part of the '76-82' Vinyl box set, however i do like 'Duke'

24-04-2014, 22:12
Ooooooo err matron
I like a big full rack :eyebrows:

24-04-2014, 22:26
I think the whole concept of hifi is of an age. Sadly of an age from which i decend/ascend. I have considered all of the debates discussed ad nausium over the years (male jewelry, penis envy et al) and my final word on the matter is that pride, the love and appreciation of engineering the search for the lost chord will all have their place in the que as to why people like to display their hifi as peacocks do with their feathers or warriers do with their weaponry or war paint. At this stage of history many of us are holding on to better times and still live on the high it has given us all these years.
Ooooooo err matron

26-04-2014, 10:29
I hardly have anyone to display it to, and many who do come round couldn't care less about high quality music. It matters not, I like it and that's all that counts. Peacock behaviour is for the young who haven't discovered inner harmony :)

26-04-2014, 10:53
Steve I think you have some very valid points there, hi-fi being of an age.

Trouble with modern technology is they try to make everything too small, and for quality sound it just doesn't work.
I'm so glad I have an appreciation for good sound.


27-04-2014, 10:57
Mine's for me to listen to music with. Don't care what it looks like but for convenience it's tucked away in a cupboard until it's in use. Apart from me little Neat motive 3's of course. That cupboard is handy. My very good wifey wouldn't know what's in there and certainly hasn't spotted the arrival of a Teddy PR1 a couple of months ago....