View Full Version : FS Reference 3A Veena

06-04-2014, 21:14
These have been in and out of my system for 6 months or so now and had a week or two with mr mortlok a short while ago. They are back at mine now and the time has come for them to go. They do something irreplaceable with regards to imaging and tone and sounded superb with my old Coft combo!
my current amp(s) work really well with my T&A criterions and will do me for a bit :)

Anyway as per previous ad when I bought them,


they have some marks from some previous clumsy handling, the maple hides them well but they are there. Overall, they look great and wonderfully engineered and put together.
They are boxed etc and will beat the pants off so many speakers available for this money, they will provide some real WOW moments. Easy to drive and the best imaging I've experienced in my system.

