View Full Version : Possible new direct drive turntable?

25-03-2014, 08:27
Spotted something interesting on the interweb yesterday - well, interesting to someone like me who's always banging on about how capable Vestax turntables are, anyway!

It appears Vestax have a new sub-brand called Vesta Audio and showed a more hi-fi based direct drive turntable called the ACT-X100 at the recent Musikmesse Music Show in Frankfurt. It appears that all the DJ features such as reverse play and variable speed have been stripped out, leaving the deck as a basic DD with an offboard control box. No word on price or even if it'll go into production but I like the look of it.


As an aside, the desktop speakers on the same page are rather cute, too...

25-03-2014, 08:39
Interesting, Adam... Not my thing, visually, but it could sound very good. Are you going to try and get one to review for HFN? I could see KK going a bundle on one! ;)


25-03-2014, 09:04
Hmm - the looks are not too bad and it appears eminently tweakable/upgradeable!

If they are serious about it costing less than $1000, this must be worth a look. I wonder if that figure includes arm and cart (the implication of the text is yes to arm?).


25-03-2014, 10:41
Interesting, Adam... Not my thing, visually, but it could sound very good. Are you going to try and get one to review for HFN? I could see KK going a bundle on one! ;)


If it does happen then I shall certainly aim to get my grubby mitts on one. Mind you, let's not get too ahead of ourselves yet. The last time Vestax did something like this the turntable was the PDX-01 and I was very excited by it - I used to regularly pester my local DJ emporium to let me know when it was available so that I could buy one.

Result? It never went into production. :wah:

Audio Al
25-03-2014, 11:02
I could live with it visually , although it does look like it was modeled on a oil rig

However its the sound that matters most ;)

25-03-2014, 22:41
Not sure about the need for a smoking jacket and fine malt to complete the listening experience - well, I can understand the fine malt aspect :glug: