View Full Version : My first Sub woofer!

19-03-2014, 17:10
I have managed to bag myself the matching sub for my speakers :D (only had to wait 4 or so years!!) It's the Paradigm Servo 15,which apparently is a very good sub! I've never used one before and was wondering if there is anything i need to know setting up wise?

19-03-2014, 18:15
Check if it can keep pace with the bass produced by the Bushmaster. If it can, then make sure you have neighbours who are very understanding. I had some test tracks from Snapper and a couple of Drum&Bass that had the windows rattling like mad.

19-03-2014, 20:59
Check if it can keep pace with the bass produced by the Bushmaster. If it can, then make sure you have neighbours who are very understanding. I had some test tracks from Snapper and a couple of Drum&Bass that had the windows rattling like mad.

Well 1 set of neighbours have moved out,so only 1 neighbour to deal with and i've had no complaints in the few years i have lived here! That may soon change though :eyebrows: I have plenty of dub and drum and bass to put it through it's paces!!

27-03-2014, 18:59
Well after faffing about with the delivery company for about a week! :rolleyes: I have finally got the Subwoofer :D It's a big bugger,so i will be very limited to where it can go! For now it's under the suspended stairs where there is dead space and brings it 3/4 of the way into the room.

Right,so as i said in my original post,i have never had one before and a little advice on how to connect up wouldn't go amiss.

I have an external active crossover (Paradigm X-30) for it as well.So do i take the interconnects from my speakers to the X-30 high pass output? Of which there are 3 sets that include 50Hz,80Hz and 120Hz and then from the X-30 to a line -in on my pre-amp? Then a interconnect from the subwoofer out on the X-30 to the Sub it's self?

Any advice would be most welcome :)

28-03-2014, 08:48
No exactly sure what the set up is from your description but I would go: variable line outs on pre-amp into X30 crossover then line out from X30 into the sub then line out from sub into active speakers. It will depend on the speakers as to which of the high pass settings you want - I would start at the 50H then work upwards from there if that doesn't give enough bass.

29-03-2014, 10:46
No exactly sure what the set up is from your description but I would go: variable line outs on pre-amp into X30 crossover then line out from X30 into the sub then line out from sub into active speakers. It will depend on the speakers as to which of the high pass settings you want - I would start at the 50H then work upwards from there if that doesn't give enough bass.

Hi Martin,

There is only 1 rca output on the sub,so i guess that will have to go to the X-30! I think i have it sussed now,just need to get a 24v psu for the X-30 and a cable for the sub which is at least 5m long and another pair of interconnects between the Croft and X-30! I'm dying to get to town and get the bits i need to get it fired up but have to wait for a delivery :(

I'll try and post some pics in the mean time to show what my set up will be.

29-03-2014, 15:40
I've got the bits i needed to hook everything up but it seems i don't have it sussed!! Not sure if i'm being slow but i just can't figure it out :scratch:

Here is a few pics of the equipment being used.If anyone can point me in the right direction,that would be great!

This is the external crossover

This is the back of the sub

This is the back of my speakers

29-03-2014, 15:59
You need to go pre amp to sub to x over to speakers I think although I cant see your pics properly as on my phone.

29-03-2014, 16:17
You need to go pre amp to sub to x over to speakers I think although I cant see your pics properly as on my phone.

There is only 1 input for the sub though! I've tried various ways now with no result.I have emailed Paradigm for some advice but will not get a responce till at least monday! I'll just keep messing around till something happens!

29-03-2014, 16:48
Run one RCA lead from SUB 1 on the xover into the Low Level input on the sub and that should do it, or am I missing something?

29-03-2014, 16:55
Run one RCA lead from SUB 1 on the xover into the Low Level input on the sub and that should do it, or am I missing something?

Yes i have done that,but how do i connect the pre,X-Over and speakers?? That's the bit that's confusing me! Without the sub,i have 2 interconnects going from the pre-outs on my Croft going to each speaker.Adding the X-Over,if i take the 2 interconnects out the pre-amp and connect to the 80Hz inputs,i then have nothing connected to the pre and X-over and the rest of the connections on the X-Over don't seem to be what i need to connect back to the pre! I'm proper confused on this one :scratch:

29-03-2014, 16:58
You need to connect your preamp into the inputs of the X30, then take a connection from that to (a) the sub, and (b) your main speaker inputs.

29-03-2014, 17:17
You need to connect your preamp into the inputs of the X30, then take a connection from that to (a) the sub, and (b) your main speaker inputs.

That's what i intially thought would be the way to do it.If i go from pre-amp to the inputs on the X-30 the only connections to go back the the main speakers are the low lever inputs on the left of the picture of the x-30! Which ends up with no sound at all.

29-03-2014, 17:32
I may be being a bit thick here but the only inputs on the X30 I can see are the Low Level ones, all the rest are outputs... :scratch:

29-03-2014, 17:39
I have tried going from the pre outs to the low level inputs and the used the 80Hz outputs to my main speakers and still nothing! I'm not sure if the X-30 is working or not as the led it has only comes on when it detects a signal.This is turning in to a right PITA!

29-03-2014, 17:41
I'm giving up and gonna watch some footie!

29-03-2014, 17:47
If I understand this correctly the high pass output should feed your power amp unless your speakers are active...

EDIT: haha, they are I see... :doh:

29-03-2014, 17:59
Okay, check to see if you have High Pass set to "IN" and Low Level Input set to Main on the 20's, also, for the moment it may be worth setting them to Always On. Try that and see how you get on ;)

30-03-2014, 11:25
Okay, check to see if you have High Pass set to "IN" and Low Level Input set to Main on the 20's, also, for the moment it may be worth setting them to Always On. Try that and see how you get on ;)

Yep those settings are what i have been using! It's looking like the X-30 is the culprit here! I have contacted the seller to get some more info and can hopefully get to the bottom of this! I have waited for years to get and hear this sub with my speakers and am annoyed that i can't get it working :(

30-03-2014, 11:56
I may have found an issue with the psu for the X-30! On the back of the X-30 it says 24 vac 100mA and the psu i bought has 24v and 750mA! Could this be the source of my issues?

30-03-2014, 13:02
I may have found an issue with the psu for the X-30! On the back of the X-30 it says 24 vac 100mA and the psu i bought has 24v and 750mA! Could this be the source of my issues?

Looks like your PSU could well be chucking out DC.
Where did you get the PSU from?

In theory all you need to run your X-30 is a step down transformer, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is what the "official" PSU is.

30-03-2014, 13:17
Looks like your PSU could well be chucking out DC.
Where did you get the PSU from?

In theory all you need to run your X-30 is a step down transformer, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is what the "official" PSU is.

I got it from maplins,which was a mission in it's self!! I'll wait till i hear from Paradigm on what exactly is the right psu to use before i waste anymore time and money! So much for my weekend of bassy goodness!

08-04-2014, 14:39
I have finally got my sub set up and working :D I have to say i am VERY impressed so far!! I still have some fine tuning to do but so far i'm getting,deep,tight,fast and clean bass! I can't even tell the sub is on! It just sounds like my mains now can and some serious weight and scale! It also seems to have opened up the soundstage even more.The reference 20's are very good at this without the sub!

09-04-2014, 12:21
So was it the wrong PSU that was the problem or something else?

09-04-2014, 17:16
So was it the wrong PSU that was the problem or something else?

Yes it was the wrong psu! I have run into another,potentially dangerous issue though!! I got another psu rated at 24v AC 500mA.It was fine for a few hours then i heard a POP! Then the music went dead! I then went to look at the psu and it was red hot and sizziling inside! I quickly turned everything off!!! The X-30 is rated at 24v AC 100mA.I was lead to believe that it would only draw what it needs so the psu i bought should have been fine! I need some help here before something goes drastically wrong!! I don't know if it's a faulty psu or what! I'm not amused atm :steam: I don't know if the X-30 has been damaged either!

09-04-2014, 20:45
Not good man sorry to hear it. Could well be a faulty psu but it seems unlikely that it would damage the crossover.

09-04-2014, 20:48
Which PSU did you get, and from where?

09-04-2014, 22:10
Which PSU did you get, and from where?

It's this one Chris.


09-04-2014, 22:24
Looks like a faulty PSU then.
The crossover will only draw what it needs.

Is this any good http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AC-AC-MAINS-POWER-ADAPTOR-SUPPLY-CHARGER-PSU-500MA-24V-24-VOLT-/171237350729?pt=UK_ConsumerElectronics_PowerAdapto rs_SM&hash=item27de8a9d49 ?

This might also be good http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/maplin-15a-acac-fixed-voltage-24v-power-supply-l55br

09-04-2014, 22:51
Yeah sounds like it,i'm not having much luck so far with this! Should have been a simple process! But so far has cost me about £70 with all the fucks ups! :steam:

Either of those look fine! I very dubious about spending money on anything cheap now though!

09-04-2014, 23:00
I very dubious about spending money on anything cheap now though!

There's an increasing awareness about cheap PSUs causing more problems than they're worth.


09-04-2014, 23:34
Whoa,what the hell was that!?

09-04-2014, 23:40
An E-Cigarette turned torpedo.
Damned thing killed the PSU charging it, and had a go at injuring the young lady behind the bar.
She escaped with burns on her arm and also on her dress.
The floor still bears the scars.


10-04-2014, 00:11
An E-Cigarette turned torpedo.
Damned thing killed the PSU charging it, and had a go at injuring the young lady behind the bar.
She escaped with burns on her arm and also on her dress.
The floor still bears the scars.


Ahh right,poor woman! If you want to smoke,smoke bloody tabacco! If you want to give up,then bloody give up!

11-04-2014, 21:05
Have a new psu ordered.Went for the one Chris linked to on ebay as it has a 1 year warranty as well.Hopefully this one doesn't melt on me! Can't wait to get the sub hooked up again! Have a week off work so can really see how it performs :eyebrows:

12-04-2014, 09:19
Psu has turned up.It feels far more substantial then the last one,being almost twice as heavy about 1/3rd bigger and just feels of better quality! Let the fun begin...again!

14-04-2014, 12:07
There is no way i can go back to not using a sub now after listening to one in my system the last couple of days! The way it underpins music with a solid,clean and deep bass is amazing! It's in no way overbearing or taking focus off the other freq's.I still have a little setting up to do.Everynow and again i can slightly hear the sub on some freq's! I'm getting close to sorting that out though!

Do other's use subs? Is it intergrated well with the mains?

And yes Stan,it can keep up with the Bushmaster :eyebrows:

14-04-2014, 12:19
Yes I am using a sub at the moment. I've had a few over the years. The trick is to tune it so you can't tell it is there which sounds counter-intuitive but too much sub and it mucks up the illusion of image and soundstage and it sounds like you are listening to a system rather than just the recording. I start high then back it off and I use typical rock recordings, not bass-heavy material, to tune it in. Once it sounds right with them it will sound right with anything.

Although I can't hear it in the room if I go in the back or upstairs it is quite noticeable. Not sure what my neighbours are making of it...

14-04-2014, 12:33
Yes I am using a sub at the moment. I've had a few over the years. The trick is to tune it so you can't tell it is there which sounds counter-intuitive but too much sub and it mucks up the illusion of image and soundstage and it sounds like you are listening to a system rather than just the recording. I start high then back it off and I use typical rock recordings, not bass-heavy material, to tune it in. Once it sounds right with them it will sound right with anything.

Although I can't hear it in the room if I go in the back or upstairs it is quite noticeable. Not sure what my neighbours are making of it...

I've been using a mixture of music and at different levels! The only time i 'hear' the sub is on certain Drum and bass/dub tracks! The sub has opened up my sounstage even more! Not sure how or why this is,but it's an added bonus! Yeah i've been trying to get the balance right between how deep the bass goes against the loudness and think i'm pretty much there on that front! I was a little worried about it not being fast enough to keep up with the mains but i don't need to worry about that what so ever! The claims of this sub being especially suited to music is spot on!

I've had no complaints from anyone yet,mind you,no neighbours are home,so it's party time for me at the moment :gig:

03-05-2014, 12:14
Bit of an update.After trying a few various positions with the sub,i have now settled on a position which gives the best balance! I've been fiddling with the settings foe a few weeks now and think i have got it just right! I have to say that the reference 20's and servo 15 make a formidable partnership :eyebrows: Amazing transparency,bags full of control,not a hint of distortion no matter the levels and a very natural presentation!

I'm totally overjoyed at what they can do and wouldn't dream of changing them for anything else ;) I think i would have to spend far,far,far more on a modern equivalent to better what i have,than what i spent to get the paradigms!!

It's a shame they brought out the reference 20's when they did,as they would sell like hot cakes in today's market place! I can see why you never see any for sale (took me 3yrs to get the reference 20's and 4+yrs to get the servo 15!).

As value for money items,these have to be up there!