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View Full Version : Album Club - Week 137: 18/03/2014: Gomez - Bring It On (1998)

Album Club
18-03-2014, 00:02
Time for a new album: It's time for John (johnB) to take his place in the hot seat this week. Thanks a lot John.
Please enter into the discussion if you wish to vote, and listen to the entire album before commenting.

Gomez - Bring It On (1998)



My choice is the 1998 debut album from Gomez, "Bring It On".

This may be well know as it won the Mercury Award in 1998.

I just love the interplay of the contrasting vocals, the roots/blues/indie (?) influenced musicianship, and the great songwriting.

This band were all in their very early 20s when they produced this album.

If you like this also listen to "Liquid Skin" from 1999 which I think is even better......but I've chosen "Bring It On" as it was their debut.

Hope you like it.

Wiki page for Bring It On (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bring_It_On_(Gomez_album))
Wiki page for Gomez (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gomez_(band))

18-03-2014, 00:17
This was reissued on limited vinyl end of last year and still available. It is a great recording in addition to the original blend of musical styles. Since I played it recently I can confidently give this 8/10.

18-03-2014, 06:04
A 8 for me and also enjoy how they mix different styles together

18-03-2014, 21:10
I'd be disappointed if I've chosen a universally liked LP after my previous efforts, which have all been slated! Must try harder.

mr sneff
19-03-2014, 20:02
I'd never heard of either the album or the band before, but I was very pleasantly surprised by this album. The songs are well produced and arranged, there's enough quirkiness in the arrangements to hold my interest and the standard of musicianship is high. I'll definitely be listening to this album again :)

19-03-2014, 20:26
Well this is embarrassing, seems I have this but appears to have never been played - looking at my EAC rip log I have had it awhile too!

Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008
EAC extraction logfile from 02 April 2011, 16:21
Gomez / Bring It On
Used drive : PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-215D Adapter: 4 ID: 0

I'll get right on it :o

20-03-2014, 12:55
I'd be disappointed if I've chosen a universally liked LP after my previous efforts, which have all been slated! Must try harder.

Sorry to disappoint you John but, I FRIGGIN' LOVE THIS ALBUM!!! 9/10

Excuse me but it's going on again... :D

20-03-2014, 14:12
Sorry to disappoint you John but, I FRIGGIN' LOVE THIS ALBUM!!! 9/10

Excuse me but it's going on again... :D

I'm not surprised Dave.
But I still can't believe that nobody liked the Dexys album I put up on album Club before!

20-03-2014, 15:01
I'm not surprised Dave.
But I still can't believe that nobody liked the Dexys album I put up on album Club before!

I like DMR John but that particular album failed to connect with me for some reason... :scratch:

20-03-2014, 15:18
Sorry to disappoint you John but, I FRIGGIN' LOVE THIS ALBUM!!! 9/10

Excuse me but it's going on again... :D

Yes an excellent album. The new vinyl is one of the best sounding pressings I have ever purchases. Apparently this is an all analogue recording. Sorry to rub it in for those listening from files or streaming services. :)

20-03-2014, 22:15
Ere this ain't half bad, I think I'll buy it . . . oh, hang on I already did :doh:

Yup, easy 8/10 from me. I have Liquid Skin too and seen them once - I must play them some more, so thanks for the reminder.

22-03-2014, 09:46
An 8 from me, I have the CD but actually prefer the stream as the CD has one of the 'hardest' sounding masterings going. Gomez more recent stuff is still good too 'How we operate' being a particular favourite.

Still a great album though.

28-03-2014, 18:45
Heard of Gomez but can't recall hearing any songs, listening to it now.

28-03-2014, 20:51
Hmm very interesting is this, there are times I think I am listening to Pearl Jam as the vocalist sounds like Eddie Vedder, can't vote at present need more time :)

31-03-2014, 17:45
Yep quite like this, not quite an eight so 7/10 from me.

07-04-2014, 22:41
Have always liked this Album
from me

08-04-2014, 18:32
Nothing to excite me with this one I'm afraid. 4/10 from me.


11-04-2014, 06:12
This one has really thrown me, in that I don't know what to make of it. It could be one of those sleepers that will creep up on me one day when I'm in the right mood. There are some good moments and some frankly very strange moments. Overall, I'll give it an interested-in-listening-further 6/10.

13-04-2014, 18:39
Recently bought this album and absolutely love it... Great vocals, excellent stereo imagery and good tunes... Excellent :) 10/10 for me.

21-05-2014, 10:50
Bit late to this

9/10 on the Mikeometer

9/10 for the engineering and production too

Abandoned Shopping Trolley just as good IMO