View Full Version : Thomas Schick Graphite Headshell

12-03-2014, 20:06
I've been trying out the antithesis of the UWE ebony headshell I purchased recently: a Thomas Schick graphite headshell. This gorgeous hunk of high rigidity fabrication is right up my Dynavector arm's street as far as visual matching is concerned, but I wondered how it would sound compared with the DV metal and UWE wooden headshells in my collection. Francois told me to expect something special, so I finally found the time to carefully transfer my Shelter over and get the alignment precisely right. The Schick is somewhat heavier than the UWE, but I didn't need to switch counterweights. I also took advantage of the Shelter's captive threaded holes to use another set of bolts to hold things firm and spread the load without over-tightening them. Arm height, azimuth and tracking weight all set (1.9g) and I was ready to listen.

So, to the sound. It's different. Not like the UWE plus or minus, but actually different in presentation. There is simply HORDES of detail and leading edge transients. It's like someone cleaned my soundstage with Windolene. There is not a vestige of euphony or warmth (which those who know me know that I dislike) nor is there any harshness or sibilance. I could call it stark but that might sound unmusical, and music is what it definitely allows through. Neutral, then, but with a level of resolution I've not heard before. It frankly amazes me that it extracts levels of performance I didn't think the Shelter had in it. There is also very low surface noise, always a clue to things working well when it comes to turntables. This presentation needs me to reset my expectations of some well loved records, and I intend doing just that. More notes later.

My thanks to Francois of Cala Mighty Sound (calamean) for the kind loan. I'm not at all sure that he'll be getting it back.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3681/13111106543_2bc3c2834b_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/martinwtaylor/13111106543/)
TSchick Headshell (http://www.flickr.com/photos/martinwtaylor/13111106543/) by martinwtaylor (http://www.flickr.com/people/martinwtaylor/), on Flickr

12-03-2014, 22:33
Looks the biz, Martin! It seems to be a more sonically synergistic match for you arm then than the UWE Ebony shell was?

I presume that the Schick is heavier? Aside from other contributory factors towards the above, I suspect that the added mass is also significant.

So are you keeping both headshells or letting one go, once you're sure which one is best? :)


13-03-2014, 06:34
I presume that the Schick is heavier?

It's a little heavier - as stated in my post ;)

So are you keeping both headshells or letting one go, once you're sure which one is best?

I hear a progression - the UWE ebony is better overall than the Dynavector metal (which is itself better than a Sumiko metal). It's smooth and organic and non-harsh and brings out a surprising amount of detail through not obscuring it with resonances. The Schick takes this further by being incredibly detailed, lays bare the sound and is also non-harsh. Combined with the Shelter, it's a detail-meister of the first order and highly dynamic with no colouration that I can detect.

I will likely keep both as the UWE might be a good match for, say, a Lyra should I ever wish to try one.

14-03-2014, 16:25
thanks for sharing your thoughts, i doubt there's a many of those who had a chance to hear it. i kinda dislike the looks (a vertical tail) but i have no reservations about how this would sound...

16-03-2014, 11:30
i'v been a fan of UWE various productions for Denon DL103 carts. i have an ebony headshell + Midas body on a Lenco L75 and panzerholz head+body on Thomas' 12" tonearm+SP10.
they're both absolutely gorgeous and so easy to live with. but this Schick graphite headshell is very tempting... time to run my 2nd SP10 maybe?:rolleyes:

16-03-2014, 16:42
I like it so much I've bought it :)

16-03-2014, 17:16
€250 seems a good buy to me? it looks the biz too, I have a new silver wired jelco arriving soon, may give it a try with that


Wakefield Turntables
16-03-2014, 17:25
Is that a rehoused Denon 103 I see on that headshell?

16-03-2014, 19:46
Is that a rehoused Denon 103 I see on that headshell?

no idea dude just copied the image off a website (oh dear will I get into trouble hope not)

Wakefield Turntables
16-03-2014, 21:06
Yeah it probably is then.

16-03-2014, 23:41
Nope it is not. It is the fantastic Aventurin mkVI from Stein Music. The best cartridge I have ever listened to yet.

It kind of feel strange to right such a thing but this cartridge is damn addictive.

17-03-2014, 01:41
it looks like a clone of benz micro LP in a slightly (but not much) different shaped wooden pod. a similarity between generators is striking! given the number of recent BM OEM-ed cartridges under different brand names, i would be highly surprised if this is made by someone else...

17-03-2014, 12:43
it looks like a clone of benz micro LP in a slightly (but not much) different shaped wooden pod. a similarity between generators is striking! given the number of recent BM OEM-ed cartridges under different brand names, i would be highly surprised if this is made by someone else...

Read all about it here! I never know with Steinmusic what the foo quotient is, but I guess the proof of the pudding...





19-05-2014, 16:55
Mine arrived from Cala today - thank you Francois - great packaging and fast international delivery. Looks the muts nuts - it's just waiting for my Zyx R100 to land from Paul at RFC and then I am good to go.


19-05-2014, 18:00
Great stuff, Steve. I'll be interested in how you find it.

Wakefield Turntables
19-05-2014, 18:20
Tried it and whilst it was good I found it wasnt as good as some of the magnesium headshells that you can purchase for approx 25-30% of the cost.

19-05-2014, 19:05
In what arm, Andy? If the SME 3012 I wouldn't have thought a highly rigid headshell would be the best match.

Wakefield Turntables
19-05-2014, 20:01
In what arm, Andy? If the SME 3012 I wouldn't have thought a highly rigid headshell would be the best match.

Yep, guilty M'lud :o I plonked it on the end of a 3012 with rebodied denon 103. I did have an inkling that they might not work but you know as well as me that sometimes things that shouldn't work sometimes do and with stunninh results. This didn't happen. :(

PS Guess who's going to be trying out a certain VIDA phonostage soon. :whistle:

19-05-2014, 21:05
PS Guess who's going to be trying out a certain VIDA phonostage soon. :whistle:

Now that is a good move. As long as you like your vinyl ultra-clean and neutral with no tonal aberrations, fantastic dynamics and very low noise. It's one of the best pieces of kit I've bought in years.

Wakefield Turntables
19-05-2014, 21:30
Now that is a good move. As long as you like your vinyl ultra-clean and neutral with no tonal aberrations, fantastic dynamics and very low noise. It's one of the best pieces of kit I've bought in years.

I also considered Allnic 3000. :eek:

19-05-2014, 21:48
Well i'll need to wait until the Zyx arrives but the advice from Francois at Cala Mighty Sound was that the graphite Schick/Zyx combination has real synergy and works very well in the Jelco 750.
I did a lot of "asking around" before laying out this sort of moola for a 'shell but like all these things it's just not possible to try before you buy. Currently my Decca Blue+Deccapod is in an Oyaide TF2 and I have an empty Sumiko with custom finger lift so have a few choices although I suspect when the Zyx finally arrives and I have set it up I doubt I'll be in much of a jury to swap "shells :mental:

Wakefield Turntables
20-05-2014, 07:23
Well i'll need to wait until the Zyx arrives but the advice from Francois at Cala Mighty Sound was that the graphite Schick/Zyx combination has real synergy and works very well in the Jelco 750.
I did a lot of "asking around" before laying out this sort of mullah for a 'shell but like all these things it's just not possible to try before you buy. Currently my Decca Blue+Deccapod is in an Oyaide TF2 and I have an empty Sumiko with custom finger lift so have a few choices although I suspect when the Zyx finally arrives and I have set it up I doubt I'll be in much of a jury to swap "shells :mental:

Good luck. ;)

20-05-2014, 07:30
Good luck. ;)
