View Full Version : Something a bit special....

10-03-2014, 10:36
...has arrived today. :carrot: I've been wanting one of these for a few years, in fact I bought one from the USA a long time ago but it never arrived! :doh: However, this one has....looking forward to getting this going. :eyebrows:



Audio Al
10-03-2014, 11:26

2 Black and white close up images of a `TT

Are you going too get them framed ?

10-03-2014, 12:11
Gloss black... Sansui? No (no matching google images)

Kenwood? Yes a KD9010... no, wrong feet.

KD7010 / KD990

10-03-2014, 12:14
Kenwood KD 990??


10-03-2014, 12:35
Looks like there's big variety in pricing! Hope you got a good price.

Past ebay gives €199 (a buy it now bargain I guess), €452, €602 (both auctions) and a BIN sold for €990 .. one with BIN €880 at the moment.

Looks like Germany is the place to buy!

Oh, there's a joker in Canada asking $3000 (US dollars)!

10-03-2014, 13:13
...has arrived today. :carrot: I've been wanting one of these for a few years, in fact I bought one from the USA a long time ago but it never arrived! :doh: However, this one has....looking forward to getting this going. :eyebrows:



Good on you Neal, Best feeling ever getting hold of something you've hankered after for ages :eyebrows: :lol:

Ammonite Audio
10-03-2014, 13:46
I've often wondered how one of those would compare to my KD-770D, which is a whole lot better than a first glance would suggest. I think the drive systems are very similar in both decks, but is a cast alloy spider chassis better than my KD-770D's cheapo chipboard? If you ever want to find out, my deck is available for a session!

10-03-2014, 15:19
Yep, its a KD-990! I did pay way too much for it, I know, I know but there's not a mark on it and I've just checked the main bearing and arm, it seems perfect. The only concern I have is our mains voltage, the KD is rated for 220v.....we can hit 250v+ So looking for ways to lower it.

Its different to the 770 in that it has a cast alloy skeleton inside that couple the arm to the motor assembly directly, the plinth is just for decoration. Interesting the main bearing is grease filled like the 770.

Ali Tait
10-03-2014, 15:23
Bucking tranny Neal.

10-03-2014, 16:20
Just replace the transformer!

This photo shows it just supplies two lots of 14V to the smoothing section on the control board:


10-03-2014, 16:34
Good I am sure you love it

10-03-2014, 17:31
Thanks John, Ali, yes just found out about a bucking transformer, I have a 24v toroidal somewhere that would probably do, the deck only draws 14w peak and 9w continuous...

The Mighty Quinn
10-03-2014, 21:44
Nice score!

You will be posting your opinions about the KD-990 compared to your tweaked out PL-71, right?

13-03-2014, 13:45
10-03-2014, 21:44The Mighty Quinn
Nice score!

You will be posting your opinions about the KD-990 compared to your tweaked out PL-71, right?

Sure, at some point, I've got a few other turntables to try it against as well.

I built a bucking TX to lower the voltage to 220v.

It's taken a bit of setting up but I think Im nearly there now. Its certainly different and its taking a bit of getting used to... I'm using the rebuilt DL103D as its a good match with the OEM headshell and arm...it's also still running in so the sound is subtlety changing. But is it sounding very good at the moment.

15-03-2014, 16:47
We'll the KD-990 is proving to be a detail retrieval meister. Coupled with my rebuilt 103D it's unbelievable the information it digs out of the groove...it can be fascinating....and also frustrating because it's a ruthless revealing combination, it really shows up bad mastering and poor pressings. On the up side its killed sibilance just about totally, this could prove annoying at times with the 103R.

But there's a problem I think: When I had the 103D on my GL99/GH242 I found the presentation to be detailed but also very 'musical'. Music just flowed with a seemingly effortless ease if that makes sense. On the KD it's upfront, in your face presentation, demanding you listen to it... I'm beginning to think the Arm may be the cause, it's not the ideal mass as I first thought and I found an old review from 1989 that showed the arm has a couple of nasty resonant peaks at 1 and 3khz, I'm going to try the SA or R on it and see where it takes me before I consider anything drastic!

17-03-2014, 12:16
Like you I went from an idler drive to a KD 990. More recently I've been using a Technics SL 1200. The direct drive turntables both had (to my ears) a more in your face kind of sound. Very detailed, but is it more pleasant to listen to? I'm not so sure.

18-03-2014, 21:00
Thanks Mike.

I feel I'm getting a handle on the sound now or simply getting used to it ;) ....two small corrected errors on my part have improved things noticably. First I hadn't tightened the cartridge bolts sufficiently :doh: and the loading was set too low. With both of these corrected the sound is now much more engaging and relaxing but still remains detailed with great treble clarity.

I've also had time to compare to the PL-71. The clarity, control and sure footed ness of the presentation is much better with the 990, the PL-71 can still boogie like a good'un on some tracks but it lacks control and for the first time after listening to the 990 for some time I noticed a very slight pitch instability with the PL-71....it's only slight but now I've heard it I can pick it out each time. The top end is smeared in comparison as well but that could be down to the different stylus profile on the 103SA.

Think I'll wheel out my SP-10 next for a comparison...

27-03-2014, 14:28
Well that's the PL-71 relegated to the second division! The more I've listened to the KD-990 the more I'm appreciating what is does, I think its a keeper…for now ;) One comparison I'm going to try is the PL-71 against a KD-550, I've had the 550 in the system before but only on a casual basis…it will be interesting to see how it stacks up longer term.

