View Full Version : WTD: Nice matched pair EL-84's

09-03-2014, 22:26
I've just been playing around with a miniwatt N3 amp and it has really, really surprised me.

Some years ago, I had an Audiospace AS-2i integrated, a little EL-84 which was the sweetest sounding little amp I've ever heard. I foolishly sold it and have been looking for another ever since (sound familiar ?).

Well, with the N3, the search for that sound has ended, this is probably sweeter still. With 3.5W into my fairly sensitive speakers, in a very small listening room this thing absolutely rocks, even with my Deadmau5 and Infected Mushroom dance tunes, yet still has that amazing mid range and delicate, smooth highs which are remarked on positively all over the web.

Anyway, that's the history.

The amp currently has a TJ Full Music signal valve and Sovtek EL-84's as powers. I am looking to experiment with the EL-84's, so, what do you have or can you recommend ?

Thanks chaps

09-03-2014, 22:37
I also have a EL 84 amp, it's an Audio Note Oto SE

I recently contacted Audio Note for suggestions regarding the 84 tube replacement and this is what I got back from them:

"Regarding the EL84 valves; personally I would suggest staying with sensibly priced, current production Russian valves. They are affordable (relatively), reliable and readily available, and sound perfectly acceptable. Power valves have a much shorter lifespan than the small signal valves (ECC83) so I really do not understand paying considerable amounts of money for NOS versions that could last only a couple of years."

I hope that might help you