View Full Version : F/S Pioneer DV737 DVD/CD player

02-03-2014, 14:41
http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/Sgtgrash/Hifi%20Stuff/ae3e80b7-e535-4ee6-9869-0ea83335ad90.jpg (http://s1019.photobucket.com/user/Sgtgrash/media/Hifi%20Stuff/ae3e80b7-e535-4ee6-9869-0ea83335ad90.jpg.html)http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/Sgtgrash/Hifi%20Stuff/2014-01-02150900.jpg (http://s1019.photobucket.com/user/Sgtgrash/media/Hifi%20Stuff/2014-01-02150900.jpg.html)http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/Sgtgrash/Hifi%20Stuff/AoS%20Sales/DV737damage.jpg (http://s1019.photobucket.com/user/Sgtgrash/media/Hifi%20Stuff/AoS%20Sales/DV737damage.jpg.html)
http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/Sgtgrash/Hifi%20Stuff/PioneerDV737innards.jpg (http://s1019.photobucket.com/user/Sgtgrash/media/Hifi%20Stuff/PioneerDV737innards.jpg.html)http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/Sgtgrash/Hifi%20Stuff/PioneerDV737transport.jpg (http://s1019.photobucket.com/user/Sgtgrash/media/Hifi%20Stuff/PioneerDV737transport.jpg.html)

PIONEER DV737 DVD/CD Player/Transport

Up for sale here is an excellent example of this DVD/CD player from Pioneer. The DV737 is the successor to the much lauded DV717 and is effectively the same unit in restyled casework and with enhanced DVD playback facilities, however these units really shine when playing CD's and have a well deserved reputation for being just a wee bit special in this regard. It arrived at synsei towers feeling a tad under the weather, the drive mech was very noisy, the loading draw was suffering from agoraphobia and would make a beeline back indoors whenever the eject button was pressed, plus it appeared to be suffering from a bad case of myopia as it struggled to read disks more often than not. I almost gave up on it and in fact I offered it up for sale in this sorry state of tune in a previous listing. However SWMBO persuaded me that it might be worth taking a look at it before moving it on because as she correctly pointed out, I have managed to resurrect a few silver disk players previously, so I removed it from sale.

For a while the Pioneer lay unloved in a corner until last week when I mustered up the motivation to strip it down. Inside it was a bit of a mess, there was a lot of accumulated dust which had got into all the delicate parts of the mechanism and was thus impairing the smooth operation of the unit. I thoroughly and carefully cleaned everything, including the lens and the lens carriage rails which were caked in semi-solid black deposits, a mixture of dust and the original lubricant applied during manufacture. Upon removing this gunk I re-lubricated the rails with graphite, a fine and robust lubricant well suited for this application, by rubbing the rails repeatedly with a pencil. Once satisfied that all was well I fired the machine up and stuck a disk in it et voila, it works perfectly. I've had it in the system for several days now and it hasn't missed a beat in that time. Only once has the draw returned back into the unit unbidden and that was when I fired it up after the deep clean,. I wouldn't be confident stating that this issue is totally fixed but in three days of operation it has done it just the once which is a huge improvement over before. The deep clean has also solved the noisy drive issue (with a little help from some light oil sparingly and carefully applied) and it is now as quiet as a mouse.

Cosmetically this unit is in good condition. There is a small nick to the top, righthand edge of the facia which I have highlighted in one of the photographs and there are a few very minor blemishes here and there but otherwise the machine looks mighty fine. There is some minor scuffing around the Pioneer logo on the remote control but this is only visible if one gets up close and personal with it. The remote is in perfect working order and will come supplied with new batteries. One cool feature of the remote is that it has a button on the left hand side which if pressed illuminates the most commonly used buttons with a gentle, red glow, handy if you are listening in the dark.

"So, how much are you asking for it Dave?", I hear you ask. Well, considering I've spent a bit of time fettling the Pioneer to return it to working condition I reckon £80 is not unreasonable for such a fine player, this will include insured P&P so a bit of a billy bargain then... ;)

02-03-2014, 14:47
Both my 717's do the drawer trick as well, but as yet I have not mustered the energy to take a look see. It happens less frequently with a CD in the tray.
Looks like stonking good bargain there for a truly great transport.

02-03-2014, 15:06
Both my 717's do the drawer trick as well, but as yet I have not mustered the energy to take a look see. It happens less frequently with a CD in the tray.
Looks like stonking good bargain there for a truly great transport.

It's a lovely sounding unit that's for sure Grant and frankly a bit of a looker. Try taking yours apart to give 'em a deep clean, it worked for me ;)

02-03-2014, 22:37
I have a 717 - I assume the 717 and 737 sound the same when used as a CDT -- viz. absolutely stonking wonderful! ;)

Some folks seem to think that CD transport quality doesn't matter much - that's probably because they haven't heard one of these Pioneers!

Music has more presence, transparency and dynamic get and go.:thumbsup:

03-03-2014, 09:32
PM sent

03-03-2014, 10:39
PM sent

PM answered ;)

03-03-2014, 11:32
Provisionally sold :)

03-03-2014, 20:47
737 is a great CD transport to my ears!

03-03-2014, 20:51
737 is a great CD transport to my ears!

Well, Pioneer DVD player... It was good enough for Goldmund & that was a much lowlier model.

04-03-2014, 21:54
Hi Dave

Just to say this sounds amazing on my system, never thought it possible, thanks again

04-03-2014, 22:31
Excellent Kevin I'm glad it's doing it for you, it is quite a machine ;)

Roy S
01-04-2014, 19:02
Just won one on ebay, only £20 but does the drawer trick, you just have to be quick (I'll try giving it a clean up & relube when I have time). Does sound rather good.


01-04-2014, 20:05
I grabbed the drawer when it was about to go back in and then pulled it with steady pressure and it came out a little further.....now works fine.

Roy S
01-04-2014, 20:13
I grabbed the drawer when it was about to go back in and then pulled it with steady pressure and it came out a little further.....now works fine.

Cheers Grant, I'll give that a try.