View Full Version : Wanted: technics 1210 mk 2 stock arm

21-02-2014, 22:56
Bought a techie but the VTA is seized ...

I have reviewed the YouTube vids on how to fix this but wondered if someone had one in a cupboard after fitting a Jelco or another tonearm.

A bit strapped for cash hence not heading for a better more expensive replacement ... Unless someone has a bargain they want to offer me...

What have you got?

23-02-2014, 11:16

23-02-2014, 13:20
Was just about to reply and say you can have mine just pay me postage , but I've checked the VTA and it also seems stuck :doh:

Took if off my deck about 5 years ago.

If you have no luck with the current arm and can't find a non stuck one consider me a fall back plan:)


23-02-2014, 14:48
I had a similar 'stuck' one on my working Techie. Having nothing to lose, believe it or not I took a large Stilson wrench to it, gently of course (at least initially ;) ), and it came loose. If you try it take some precautions to protect the surface of the housing from the jaws of the wrench and don't over-force it - but it worked for me.

23-02-2014, 23:57

I'd still like to buy if you are willing ...

Having watched the videos which variously use a hair drier or a blow torch to loosen the stuck VTA - I'd rather source a spare first.

With a spare I know I am no worst off than I am now .... Mine is stuck at the right height for the AT95e I have fitted ...

Let me know if you are willing...


24-02-2014, 20:52
Thanks for the PMs - responding in order ...

Mike - looks like I might have found a working option ...

Will PM if I need to or work out how to fix them :-)

25-02-2014, 01:14
Cool give me a shout if you need to.:)