View Full Version : New gear needed

08-02-2014, 18:02
Hi guys,

Well I have got my amp and cdp down from the loft and they are pretty knackered, only fit for the tip now.

So if I ever get some dosh what should I be looking for?

My budget will be quite meager and may have to buy one piece at a time.

Don't know if second hand will work because of being in ireland.

Also car boot sales don't exist in my area.

Bit gutted actually because although I slagged my gear off last year I remembered that I used to love it (hadn't used it for about 10 years)

So if anyone has any suggestions I am all ears.


09-02-2014, 19:26
To elaborate, my amp and cdp are both rusted inside and out, lots of the buttons have stopped working too.

I would like a modest hifi setup can you guys suggest gear that would not break the bank but sound ok. I don't even know how much money I will need.

09-02-2014, 19:56
May I ask what your current non working gear is ?

09-02-2014, 20:19
Of course you can, Yamaha rxv390rds I think and technics slp370 or thereabouts.

09-02-2014, 20:42
Okay :thumbsup: just wanted to gauge what sort of stuff you're used to. I would suggest scouring your local Gumtree/Freeads/eBay sites... You should be able to convince most UK sellers to post to your location, IME its an extra tenner or so to Ireland.

Good cheap gear... Hmm, I assume you already have speakers ? If not then thats the place to start... If cash is that tight a Denon micro system will be very good value & sound quality is on par with budget separates from the likes of Cambridge Audio. UD-M31 should be around £40 & thats CD player, amp & tuner sorted... Partner it with some Mission 780SE & you'll be


09-02-2014, 20:50
I can recommend these guys if you are looking for cheap, but excellent condition gear - http://www.usedhifishop.co.uk/

They have another site which is even cheaper - http://www.greenhomeshop.co.uk/shop/

09-02-2014, 22:20
Thanks istari and Jules, yes dosh is tight at the moment, had pneumonia again last September and haven't worked since and because I am self employed things are a pain at the moment and the weather isn't helping either!

09-02-2014, 22:29
Oh forgot to mention , I don't have speakers either at the moment.

10-02-2014, 16:49
Have tried the like of gumtree etc. But they don't have anything at all in ireland, and prices tend to be high for used equipment.