View Full Version : Technics SL1210 - superb condition

john diamond
23-01-2014, 22:45
I have up for sale a fully working, slightly modified Technics SL1210 MKII.

Funk Firm platter, Funk Firm arm with silver wiring, Mike New bearing, Time step power supply.

Upgraded component value = £2500

Asking for a fair £800 - would prefer collection

http://i1144.photobucket.com/albums/o495/spinmatic/technicsSL1210_zps899c7bb6.jpg (http://s1144.photobucket.com/user/spinmatic/media/technicsSL1210_zps899c7bb6.jpg.html)

24-01-2014, 08:44
PM Sent.

24-01-2014, 22:13
These things never come up at the right time for me. A few months ago, and I would have snapped this up.
If you don't mind me asking, what do you think of the arm? Apologies for going slightly O/T, but I am interested in the upgrade costs.

25-01-2014, 00:37
Nice one, John, so you finally managed to post your thread! What was going on then? :)

Good luck with the sale, btw. Someone is going to end up with a rather fine turntable!


25-01-2014, 08:45
Someone is going to end up with a rather fine turntable! Marco.

That someone is me :yay:

Just a quick trip to the seaside to pick it up, a mere 500 mile round trip but I'm sure will be worth every mile.

I'm also interested in how this arm performs, whilst trying to find some info on it I read a post that suggested you once had one, is this true, if so what were your impressions? You warned me this could become addictive, how right you were, I see a new MC and SUT in my future :eyebrows:

25-01-2014, 09:02
That's a very nice looking deck, and I suspect it sounds as good as it looks. Congratulations on the transaction, a win-win!


25-01-2014, 09:43
That someone is me :yay:

Just a quick trip to the seaside to pick it up, a mere 500 mile round trip but I'm sure will be worth every mile.

I'm also interested in how this arm performs, whilst trying to find some info on it I read a post that suggested you once had one, is this true, if so what were your impressions? You warned me this could become addictive, how right you were, I see a new MC and SUT in my future :eyebrows:

Nice one, Darren. That's a very good buy. What are you going to do with your other Techy? :)

I note that the one you've just bought still has the stock feet, so the first thing I'd be doing is whipping those off and fitting Isonoes (which I believe you have fitted to your current T/T?)

Nope, I've not tried the Funk Technics arm, but I rate it highly. There's no reason why, sonically, it shouldn't be as good as anything out there up to around £2k. The cartridge you choose to partner it, though, will be crucial in getting the best out of it.

When you get your new T/T, you'll have to bring it round for a listen :cool:


25-01-2014, 18:10
I think those black Isonoes would look really nice on that deck.

25-01-2014, 18:26
There is something rather special about the "look" of a techie, in fact it is totally unique, the more bling you add the better it looks IMO. IT would look the biz with black isonoes on I have to say.

26-01-2014, 08:52
What are you going to do with your other Techy? :)

Well all I need now is a mixer and I can start giggin' :gig:, that's what they're for isn't it? :lol:

On a more serious note, A/B comparisons will more than likely consume my free time for the foreseeable. It's all very well making a change and trying to "remember" what it sounded like but having two TT's side by side opens up a new world of comparison, I know there's the option of "needle dropping" but I can only currently record at a maximum of 20-bit/96khz using an old Sony MD, which just doesn't cut the mustard :(. I've still got a lot to learn (only 3 months into this) and hearing two side by side will enable me to educate myself as to how different parts make a sonic difference, I'm not completely happy just knowing what the consensus is I want to know how the sound changes (if that sentence doesn't highlight my newbie credentials I don't know what will!).

I will probably (eventually) sell my original TT, I bought it on eBay at the end of Oct 2013 (didn't even know about AoS then :() as "In mint condition, the best example you'll find of one of these legendary TT's, never used for DJ'n etc, etc....), it arrived with "Ross's Deck" written on the box, the paint scuffed on the front, a worn bearing, stiff tonearm and sloppy arm lift. Contacted the buyer, he gave me the whole "eBay rules state you've got to return it at your own cost" line, and during our "why should I have to pay £20 to return it, due to your blatant dishonesty you :wanker: :steam:" correspondence I made the mistake of hooking it up and decided better the devil you know. So I've never been 100% happy with it.

Alternately I may just keep it, I'm interested in the concept of a Linear Tracking TT and Ken's (Qwin) implementation using the Techy with a Terminator arm is definitely food for thought.

I note that the one you've just bought still has the stock feet, so the first thing I'd be doing is whipping those off and fitting Isonoes (which I believe you have fitted to your current T/T?)

No, I just have Sorbothane feet, these were the first mod I performed on the 1200, bought them as they were only £20.00, wasn't prepared for the difference they made (as with all the other mod's I've performed), I see Isones's in my future too, MCRU I'm looking at you, not the only item on my shopping list either, damn you with your sexy cables, DAC's and ADC's! :D

Nope, I've not tried the Funk Technics arm, but I rate it highly. There's no reason why, sonically, it shouldn't be as good as anything out there up to around £2k. The cartridge you choose to partner it, though, will be crucial in getting the best out of it.

Will probably be put on the back burner, as curretly my pockets are getting deeper and my arm's shorter :(.

When you get your new T/T, you'll have to bring it round for a listen :cool:


Thanks again for the offer, will defiantly have to find the time (always short of it). Not collecting for a few weeks due to a very busy schedule, plus after a round trip to the Lake District yesterday to pick up a pair of speakers my buttocks need some R&R before another road trip (probably too much information!), so hopefully can arrange something then that works for us both.

Thanks to everyone for words of encouragement.

29-01-2014, 07:03
I'm still kicking myself that I missed this. It has two upgrades I am seriously considering.
If for any reason it does not work out, please let me know.
I don't expect to hear anything though.

29-01-2014, 10:25
Probably the best bargain I've seen on the hifi forums in years, the MN bearing alone costs £450!

I nearly bought it myself and my TT is pretty much upgraded.


john diamond
29-01-2014, 22:15
I was being a dafty - yes it is nice tt, but I am still staying with Technics and have got myself a sp10 - not a lot of difference expect the dynamics are better on the Sp10, but the mike new bearing on the upgraded sl1210 is superior and does give a quieter background overall...

Nice one, John, so you finally managed to post your thread! What was going on then? :)

Good luck with the sale, btw. Someone is going to end up with a rather fine turntable!


31-01-2014, 13:13
Jeeez... If I had saw this in time I would've bought it! The upgrades alone that I have to do on my 1210 and that are fitted on the OPs item cost more than what is was asking for.

This as got to be one of the best deals on the net...

31-01-2014, 13:14
If for any reason the deal doesn't go through, let me know!

31-01-2014, 17:57
If for any reason the deal doesn't go through, let me know!

Join the queue :ner:

31-01-2014, 18:02
And what's the ticket number? :)

31-01-2014, 18:05
I really don't know, what ever posting the same remark two days before you gives me.

I don't think we have a hope of this not going through!