View Full Version : Mastersound Due Trente Single Ended Integrated Amplifier

10-01-2014, 02:05
I have owned this amplifier for about a year and have thoroughly enjoyed it. After several valve amps I think this was the best.
This amp is beautifully hand made in Italy and sounds and looks fabulous.
It is 2 x 30wpc parallel single ended designed for KT88's but I preferred it with 6550's so Reissue Tungsols fitted.
As with all my gear it has been caressed :rolleyes: so in pristine condition.



Retail price is £3195 and selling for £1900. I don't trust couriers with valve equipment so pick up or meet half way. I live in the West Midlands.

10-01-2014, 02:42
Can you post up some pics of the amp in question asap please Alan, this is a condition for selling gear in Private Exhibitions. If you don't know how to then PM me and I will give you an email address to send them to and I will place them in your original post...

10-01-2014, 08:17
I'll pop some up for Alan today guys :)
This is a fantastic amp! Alan has total OCD so moving back over to solid state has no bearing on this amps performance, simply kinder on his wallet as he has a tendency to have to source every tube known to man and can deive himself nuts with the small differences in presentation leading to sleepless nights and scratch marks on his head.

Take away the option of a tweak and maybe he will get some sleep tonight! :)

10-01-2014, 08:42
A true audiophile then :D

10-01-2014, 09:06
Alan is an audiophile in extremis ! :facepull: :youtheman:

-- and a great bloke to do the business with. :thumbsup:

10-01-2014, 10:10
Jerry has been a good friend for a long time and Danny for just this last year.
Is it any wonder I am driving myself 'round the bend with swapping?
Seriously thank you for the kind words and IT REALLY IS A SMASHING AMP. :)

Lee Henley
10-01-2014, 10:13
I use one of these amps myself, all be it the EL34 model, it was this amplifier of Alans that got me into the Mastersound sound, they really are wonderful amplifiers and someone on here is going to get a bargain, and as the other guys have mentioned on here Alan is a smashing bloke to deal with, buy with confidence


10-01-2014, 11:27
Here are pics of the actual amp for sale ...



10-01-2014, 12:56
And there's my ventriloquist way of posting pics, cheers Jerry :)

10-01-2014, 13:10
gottle of geer, gottle of geer :lol:

10-01-2014, 13:42
I've edited your original post Alan to include the images.

10-01-2014, 14:03
Alan you are the archetypal tube guy, it's guaranteed that solid state won't 't keep you happy for long and you'll be be back with bottles sooner or later. Was the same with the Vandies, you ended up going back. Think carefully before selling this ....

10-01-2014, 14:12
You are quite right, Tom - but he won't listen - he never does :nono:

Stubborn as a mule. :lol:

10-01-2014, 16:24
A female mule at that!

11-01-2014, 02:23
Still for sale.
I take on board all the comments but this time I am determined to give up the bottle. :rolleyes:

16-01-2014, 16:53