View Full Version : FS: Grado 325i headphones with ear cushion upgrades!

05-01-2014, 07:46
£200 delivered.

I bought these (with standard ear cups) and enjoyed the sound - upfront and upbeat - but my ears complained about the comfort factor. So after a bit of research I invested in a couple of pairs of new ear cups.
A cheap pair which were good http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221335997330?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
And a more expensive pair which are wonderful! http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B009QJ0B64/ref=oh_details_o03_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

The latter are Grado cups designed for their top of the range GS1000 series. They fit the 325i fine, but I understand their use with the 325i is frowned upon by Grado. Having heard them I can understand why! - they bring them a huge step closer to the superbly open and focussed sound of the 1000 series. :D

Anyhoo - the 325i are in good condition (slightly faded print on the transducer units) and work fine.
As to the sound quality - I think the reviews here (http://www.head-fi.org/products/grado-sr-325i-prestige-series-headphones) give the best overall range of opinions, although the 1000 earcups boost the sq substantially imo - and as they don't touch the ear at all they are wonderfully cumfy!

All 3 sets of ear cups included. The two upgrades are near new, the original Grado are a bit tatty.

