View Full Version : Latest Music Room for 2014

03-01-2014, 15:09
This is our new music room for 2014 and has been taking shape for the last few weeks.

http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab240/Haselsh1/Hi-FiRoomNo1_zps6a265b1d.jpg (http://s867.photobucket.com/user/Haselsh1/media/Hi-FiRoomNo1_zps6a265b1d.jpg.html)

http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab240/Haselsh1/Hi-FiRoomNo2_zps1ca29813.jpg (http://s867.photobucket.com/user/Haselsh1/media/Hi-FiRoomNo2_zps1ca29813.jpg.html)

03-01-2014, 15:23
What's the kit, Shaun - could you list it all please? :)


03-01-2014, 15:43
Yeah of course Marco:

The loudspeakers are KEF Q500's, the turntable is a modified Project RPM4 with an Ortofon OM30 cartridge, the CD player is a Pioneer PD10K SACD player, the amplification is Rotel RC850 preamp with bridged monoblock RB850 power amps and the phono stage is a lowly Musical Fidelity VLPS-1 but may be soon upgarded depending on funds and ebay. Cables are by Van Den Hul but phono cables are Atlas Equator.

03-01-2014, 16:56
Excellent stuff, dude. I've always liked Rotel pre and power combos, which I've found can disgrace a lot of much more expensive set-ups. Should be a nice match with the KEFs!

Oh, and your room's looking superb. Seems like a nice space to be in, so enjoy :cool:


03-01-2014, 17:37
Nice room Shaun.

Ref Picture Discs
I see David Bowie, Let's Dance
Meatloaf, Bat out of Hell
And Phil Lynott, Solo in Soho

What is the third one down?


03-01-2014, 17:50
Very nice Shaun, a great room to chill out and listen to some tunes!:)

04-01-2014, 01:55
Cool looking room Shaun

04-01-2014, 09:21
Nice room Shaun.

Ref Picture Discs
I see David Bowie, Let's Dance
Meatloaf, Bat out of Hell
And Phil Lynott, Solo in Soho

What is the third one down?

I daren't tell you for fear of severe embarassment...!

04-01-2014, 09:24
I daren't tell you for fear of severe embarassment...!

Madonna's "Music" is a great album Shaun.....embrace it!

04-01-2014, 09:25
Very nice Shaun, a great room to chill out and listen to some tunes!:)

Thanks for all of your generous comments. It is actually a nice room to just go and sit in to contemplate the meaning of life even without music. My special thanks go to my partner Sue who did most of the painting whilst I was out at work.

04-01-2014, 09:26
Madonna's "Music" is a great album Shaun.....embrace it!


06-01-2014, 10:20
I have today just bought from Analogue Seduction an Ortofon OM40 stylus to fit the OM30 cartridge so I now cannot wait for that upgrade to arrive. Here's hoping it makes a substantial improvement.

13-01-2014, 14:47
Well the OM40 stylus did make a substantial improvement to the overall sound. The treble is pretty much how it always was, the bass is much better defined but the midrange is vastly better than the old OM30. There is just so much more information now and so many more subtleties. I am now looking for a much better phono stage.

20-01-2014, 15:57
OK so I gave the heave ho to a new phono stage and I have ordered a brand shiny new Fidelity Audio PRE-120 preamplifier. Given that old reviews of my amplifiers claim that the preamp is only average I reckoned it was probably letting the side down so I expect the new 120 pre to arrive this Friday and hopefully it will radicalise the system and give it all a bit of a shake up.

The Black Adder
20-01-2014, 16:20
Jolly neat and rather groovy old boy! :)

27-01-2014, 11:53
Here's the new Fidelity Audio PRE-120 preamplifier. I've had it for just over a week now.

http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab240/Haselsh1/FidelityAudioPre120_zpsaad3865c.jpg (http://s867.photobucket.com/user/Haselsh1/media/FidelityAudioPre120_zpsaad3865c.jpg.html)

28-01-2014, 14:03
Project RPM-4 SE showing the Ortofon OM40 cartridge which is absolutely wonderful sounding. I have just bought a Heed Questar MM phono stage which should arrive in a day or two.

http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab240/Haselsh1/ProjectRPM-4_zps5245a29f.jpg (http://s867.photobucket.com/user/Haselsh1/media/ProjectRPM-4_zps5245a29f.jpg.html)

trio leo
29-01-2014, 15:56
Well done Shaun,
It looks a nice, relaxing and enjoyable music room, hope you thoroughly enjoy your time spent in there.

enjoy your music

regards Al

31-01-2014, 11:43
Here's the new Heed Questar alongside the new Fidelity Audio PRE-120. The Heed is quite a big step up in performance over the Musical Fidelity VLP-S phono stage that I was using.

http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab240/Haselsh1/HeedQuestar_zpsa38d09a4.jpg (http://s867.photobucket.com/user/Haselsh1/media/HeedQuestar_zpsa38d09a4.jpg.html)

31-01-2014, 21:06
Originally Posted by johnB
"Madonna's "Music" is a great album Shaun".....


Marty :D

03-02-2014, 10:20
Originally Posted by johnB
"Madonna's "Music" is a great album Shaun".....


Marty :D

Yes, especially on vinyl but not picture disc vinyl.

03-02-2014, 11:27
Yeah of course Marco:

The loudspeakers are KEF Q500's, the turntable is a modified Project RPM4 with an Ortofon OM30 cartridge, the CD player is a Pioneer PD10K SACD player, the amplification is Rotel RC850 preamp with bridged monoblock RB850 power amps and the phono stage is a lowly Musical Fidelity VLPS-1 but may be soon upgarded depending on funds and ebay. Cables are by Van Den Hul but phono cables are Atlas Equator.

Nice system Shaun, I used to use the Rotel 860 pre power amps and they are excellent, I preferred them by-amped rather than mono blocked though, there was more power in mono but a bit crude less finesse IMO


03-02-2014, 11:49
Nice system Shaun, I used to use the Rotel 860 pre power amps and they are excellent, I preferred them by-amped rather than mono blocked though, there was more power in mono but a bit crude less finesse IMO


Yes I agree with you Alan, they are a lot more forceful when used in mono. As a stereo pair they sound a lot more refined but that doesn't suit the electronic music I listen to regularly so I use them as mono's.

03-02-2014, 11:54
Just as an addition, I'd like to add that the Heed Questar MM phono stage has brought about a massive improvement in the realism of vocals when compared to the Musical Fidelity VLP-S that I have been using for quite a while. The stereo imaging of the Questar is also noticeably better than the VLP-S and there is a tad more bass definition.

03-02-2014, 12:28
funny you should say that I have been listening to Vinyl since the early seventy's and have always had cheapish phono stages and carts, it was only last year I bought a nice Ortofon Kontrapunkt B and I knocked up a battery phono stage and I now realise what I have been missing for so many years, there really is a world of difference.
Have a mate who has the Heed and its also a cracking phono stage


03-02-2014, 13:06
Yes Alan, when I buy a new piece of analogue kit I sit there and wonder why I have wasted my money but then on second or third listen I realise just how much of a difference there actually is. After about a week I am amazed by how much of a difference there actually is. At this very moment I am bidding on a Gyrodeck with RB300 arm which I hope to win but when it arrives the next thing will be an Origin Live tonearm to complete the picture. I wonder how much of a difference that will produce over a Pro-Ject RPM-4...? Once again, I am hoping it will be substantial.

03-02-2014, 13:17
The Gyrodeck are a lovely turntable, love it hope you win it :eyebrows:

Here is mine



05-02-2014, 10:41
The Gyrodeck are a lovely turntable, love it hope you win it :eyebrows:

Here is mine



To say that I was swamped with bids is an understatement. My maximum bid was £855 which I thought was enough for an early Gyrodeck with a Rega arm but no, I was totally swamped. Due to the fact I now have a surplus of money to spend, I have bought an all important Moth Mk II record cleaning machine to undo the damage done by a Spin Clean wet washer that made my records resemble a screwed up crisp packet. I hope the Moth works better.

05-02-2014, 13:43
, I have bought an all important Moth Mk II record cleaning machine to .

Good move. Better than a TT upgrade.

05-02-2014, 15:59
You know, with the Spin Clean wet washer, I was using high purity demineralised water sourced from my work and the official Spin Clean solution but no, this system just effectively ruined twenty of my vinyl records by making them crackle like a screwed up crisp bag. I am so hoping that the Moth can undo the damage because some of this vinyl cannot be replaced. I guess that in reality, I should have tested just one record, but stupid me actually believed what I had been told. Why would I not...?

05-02-2014, 16:01
Good move. Better than a TT upgrade.

Martin, many thanks for that opinion and comment. I value such comments.

13-02-2014, 17:49
Well, I received the Moth RCM and I can report that it is quite amazing but unfortnately it cannot quite undo all of the damage that was done by the Spin Clean device. That thing left all kinds of crap in the grooves whereas the Moth appears to work so well. I guess you often do get what you pay for.

13-02-2014, 18:18
Well, I received the Moth RCM and I can report that it is quite amazing but unfortnately it cannot quite undo all of the damage that was done by the Spin Clean device. That thing left all kinds of crap in the grooves whereas the Moth appears to work so well. I guess you often do get what you pay for.

Keep trying with different solutions and additional rinses. If it is just crud the Moth should eventually remove it. I'm guessing you used the drying cloths supplied with the Spin Clean which sounds a completely daft idea. If you had bought a Disco Antistat you would not have had as many problems. Don't overdry (let last drop of cleaning solution evaporate) otherwise you will reintroduce static which may account for part of the problem. As long as you haven't scratched the vinyl it should come back. I also recommend the Mo-Fi brush which has better groove penetration than the bristle brushes normally supplied with RCMs.


07-03-2014, 10:19
Happily, I won the bidding on a fairly recent model Thorens TD160 B motor unit which should arrive later on today. My plan is to fit a Jelco SA750D tonearm if I can afford a good one and keep my precious Ortofon OM40 until I can afford a fine high output moving coil. With a bit of luck, I shall then be quite happy with my vinyl setup.

07-03-2014, 20:49
http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab240/Haselsh1/ThorensTD160BNo1_zps7dbda545.jpg (http://s867.photobucket.com/user/Haselsh1/media/ThorensTD160BNo1_zps7dbda545.jpg.html)

08-03-2014, 10:29
I am thinking of fitting a secondhand Jelco SA750D to the Thorens if I am lucky enough to get one or, failing that, I shall fit a brand new Jelco SA250 from Analogue Seduction. I am also going to fit an acrylic, white turntable mat at some point. After this, I may just be happy with what I have.

22-03-2014, 14:10
http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab240/Haselsh1/ThorensTD160Bcrossprocessed_zpsf7acb977.jpg (http://s867.photobucket.com/user/Haselsh1/media/ThorensTD160Bcrossprocessed_zpsf7acb977.jpg.html)

The final example of my Thorens TD160 B MkII complete with Sumiko headshell, Pro-Ject cork mat, aluminium puck and Ortofon OM 40 cartridge. The arm ended up being a fine example of a Linn LVV which has turned out to be a really good match with everything else. Now I can start buying loads of secondhand vinyl and cleaning it all with the Moth.

Spectral Morn
22-03-2014, 15:33
http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab240/Haselsh1/ThorensTD160Bcrossprocessed_zpsf7acb977.jpg (http://s867.photobucket.com/user/Haselsh1/media/ThorensTD160Bcrossprocessed_zpsf7acb977.jpg.html)

The final example of my Thorens TD160 B MkII complete with Sumiko headshell, Pro-Ject cork mat, aluminium puck and Ortofon OM 40 cartridge. The arm ended up being a fine example of a Linn LVV which has turned out to be a really good match with everything else. Now I can start buying loads of secondhand vinyl and cleaning it all with the Moth.

Very nice Shaun

Regards Neil

23-03-2014, 07:30
The final example of my Thorens TD160 B MkII complete with Sumiko headshell, Pro-Ject cork mat, aluminium puck and Ortofon OM 40 cartridge. The arm ended up being a fine example of a Linn LVV which has turned out to be a really good match with everything else. Now I can start buying loads of secondhand vinyl and cleaning it all with the Moth.

Nice one, Shaun. Apart from the turntable being nice, I respect your choice of tonearm. The much maligned (by some) LV V, if one can find a good example, which I'm sure yours is, is a lovely musical sounding design - far better, IMO, than the supposedly superior LV X! It also matches very well with Thorens T/Ts, so you've got a nice combination there!

However, your T/T deserves a better cartridge... In that respect, I implore you to try a Denon DL-103 (as it's a match made in heaven with an LV V), which if you buy the matching Denon SUT - this little chap:


...will allow you to use it with your Heed, on its MM setting. Honestly, Shaun, please give that combination a go, as I'm confident you'd be bowled over by the sound it produces! :)


23-03-2014, 09:06
Marco, I respect your knowledge and judgement when it comes to the Denon DL-103 and matching SUT. I now have to wait until July before I have recharged my financial batteries so I shall be on the lookout around that time. Thank you for the advice.

23-03-2014, 10:52
Nice one, Shaun. When the time comes I don't think you'll regret it! In the meantime, enjoy your rather nice turntable :)


23-03-2014, 11:43
Nice one, Shaun. Apart from the turntable being nice, I respect your choice of tonearm. The much maligned (by some) LV V, if one can find a good example, which I'm sure yours is, is a lovely musical sounding design - far better, IMO, than the supposedly superior LV X! It also matches very well with Thorens T/Ts, so you've got a nice combination there!

However, your T/T deserves a better cartridge... In that respect, I implore you to try a Denon DL-103 (as it's a match made in heaven with an LV V), which if you buy the matching Denon SUT - this little chap:


...will allow you to use it with your Heed, on its MM setting. Honestly, Shaun, please give that combination a go, as I'm confident you'd be bowled over by the sound it produces! :)


I fancy one of those combos myself and is next on my upgrade list although they only seem to be available from Japan and the States.

23-03-2014, 12:39
Only the SUT, Grant - you can get DL-103s in the UK, no problem :)

Best place, IME, to obtain an AU-300LC is from Audiocubes, who offer a secure, prompt and efficient service: http://www.audiocubes2.com/product_info.php/products_id/264
