View Full Version : Vantage Audio and Funk platters compared

27-12-2013, 14:50
I have posted very favourable comments about the VA platter previously http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=11686
For the £200 asking price I think it is superb.
However, thanks to a generous discount from Marco I am now the owner of a Funk platter/Achromat combo which has taken things to a new level in terms of enjoyment and realism.
Swapping the magnets was a breeze and from the postie handing it over to the first spin was less than an hour.

I should stress I've only been listening for about 4 hours or so but the improvements are not subtle and become more obvious with longer listening.

Presentation is a little more forward and stereo/3D imaging is rock solid. Everything sounds tighter and sharper. This extends throughout the frequencies but the biggest improvement is in the low frequency control and extension.

I've added a couple of albums to my "test" category of late: "Flamenco" by Solera and "the soul of the blues harmonica" by Shakey Horton. Both have huge dynamic range and fast complex passages with simple miking and minimal mixing. With the Funk the attack of castanets and feet is faster and you can hear individual plucked guitar strings easier. It's more " in your face" as flamenco should be. Perhaps the most obvious improvement on this album is how the foot stomping on the wood boards sounds. With the VA it was clear that it was heels striking wood but with the Funk you can now hear that the stage is hollow as there is a reverberation and "woodiness" to the slams. There is a luscious tone to the "twang" of the Spanish guitar that I'd perhaps describe as on the "sweet" side of neutral. With vocals these differences are reflected in more emotion and expression.

On the Shakey Horton album it's the electric bass that stands out as the area where the Funk is better. Both present the dynamic range and tone of the harmonica the same but the electric bass is more obvious in the mix and has better clarity and definition.

All these improvements make for a more enjoyable (foot tapping) experience that is closer to the live performance.

I suspect the Funk errs slightly on the bright side of neutral but that suits my taste and system.

However, one needs to bear in mind the Funk/Achromat combo costs about £400 more than the Vantage so my comments should be read with that in mind. I still think the VA platter is a terrific step up from the stock platter and for around £200 is great value but there is no denying it's not in the same league as the Funk when it comes to PRaT and realism.


27-12-2013, 14:54
What's more you can actually buy a new Funk platter which now appears increasingly unlikely in the case of Vantage.

27-12-2013, 14:55
What's more you can actually buy a new Funk platter which now appears increasingly unlikely in the case of Vantage.

True - but I have 1 for sale ;)


27-12-2013, 15:57
I still believe the Funk presentation to be more of what is there in the first place, since many records 'offer' rolled off bass, the remaining being mono'd in any case to stop pickups jumping... I have high hopes for the new cheaper Funk deck, as it'll well undercut the likes of the RP6 and offer, to me, rather more than the RP3 does ;)

28-12-2013, 11:11
Hi Steve,

Glad that the platter is hitting the spot nicely - I thought it might... :eyebrows:

The Funk platter/Achromat is certainly a synergistic and musically satisfying combination, when used on the Techy, and one which gave me many hours of musical enjoyment, and so I wish you the same.

Have fun rediscovering your music collection! :cool:


28-12-2013, 11:22
Hi Steve,

I'm guessing you didn't use the VA platter on a standard Technics? Mine is fully standard atm,so just wondering if it will bring about an improvement without highlighting anything else negatively! I'm guessing it wouldn't too much.

28-12-2013, 11:43
Hi Steve,

I'm guessing you didn't use the VA platter on a standard Technics? Mine is fully standard atm,so just wondering if it will bring about an improvement without highlighting anything else negatively! I'm guessing it wouldn't too much.

Hi Darren
Correct. B4 fitting the VA platter I had already had a bearing upgrade (VA) and fitted a Jelco 750. When the platter arrived Richard also fitted an external PSU and upgraded PCB. Since then I swapped the VA bearing for a MN one.

I think the VA platter would give an audible improvement in SQ to your unmodded deck but (at the risk of loosing a potential sale) :doh: would suggest you upgrade the bearing and PSU first as these will bring more sonic benefits.


28-12-2013, 12:04
Thought as much regarding the platter! Well i know about the bearing,psu and tonearm mods ect,as i had them last year,but had to sell them and am looking at getting them back sometime this year,just not quite yet! The potential purchase of the VA platter would be with these mods in mind :)

28-12-2013, 13:57

Have you tried the Clever Clamp yet? Just wondered what you thought of it, if you have :)


28-12-2013, 14:17
Hi Marco
I already had a CC that I occasionally used. In the past I didn't find it made any audible difference but it was so tight on the MN spindle it was a real PITA changing album sides so I gave up. I've not yet tried it or my record weight with the Funk as I'm tuning into the new "default" sound.

29-12-2013, 04:42
No worries, Steve. That makes sense. So how are things progressing with further listening? I usually find that it takes listening to a multitude of different types of music before you can get a proper handle on things.

Which record weight are you using, incidentally?


29-12-2013, 09:49
Well I spent a few hours listening and swapping the CC and record weight yesterday - in particular listening over and over to dark side of the moon - the bells the bells :eek:

Strange to tell but the CC did make the bell crescendo better defined and resolved the multiple bell tones a little better than sans clamp - but (always a but) the quiet voices in the background at the airport were a little less well defined. So its a curates egg at the moment.

I then made the "mistake" of pulling the valves in the S4s just for the hell of it and swapping some others in so my audio memory is all over the shop :mental:

The weight was similar to the CC. I have a "home made" weight off eBay.
