View Full Version : The Year According to Emm Labs and Meitner

20-12-2013, 08:42
Just a roundup of the end of the year reviews and awards:

1. EMM Labs PRE2 won The Absolute Sound’s 2013 Golden Ear Award:

"...Ed Meitner's new design, which has a degree of silence and transparency that is amazing in any preamp, much less one this compact. The Pre2-SE reveals the entire recording without coloration or emphasis, and makes any cliches about tube vs. solid-state pointless. Not a trace of edge or softening, superb dynamics, a true reference quality product.", Anthony H. Cordesman, Issue #235 September 2013.

Anthony uses the PRE2 as his reference pre-amp together with his XDS1 V2.

2. Bascom King gave the Meitner MA-1 a great review in The Audiophile Voice:

“In conclusion, I am most impressed with the MA-1. While it is not as expensive as some of the priciest DACs out there, the Meitner MA-1 can easily give some of the most-expensive and highly-touted models a goodrun for the money. I heartily recommend giving this one a very close audition.”, Bascom King

After this review Bascom King purchased the EMM Labs, DAC2X!

3. Jules Coleman has posted a fantastic review of the Meitner MA-2 on Enjoy the Music:


“It (Meitner MA-2) doesn't do this by calling attention to its transparency or resolution, to its speed or its neutrality. It does this by presenting all of the significant musical values – tone, timbre, dynamic consistency, coherence in a fully resolved, integrated whole. It represents a masterful achievement in digital sources, bringing the very best of what EMM Labs (Meitner Audio) has to offer to the music loving audiophile at a price point many are willing to pay.”, Jules Coleman

4. Publisher and editor of the Soundstage! Doug Schneider compared the Meitner MA-1 to the EMM Labs DAC2X:


“But after about a week of listening to the DAC2X, any thoughts of wanting or needing a new turntable vanished because it provided the kind of full, rich, and easy-on-the-ears sound I wanted from analog, plus there was resolution that no analog-based system I've heard has matched. As a result, I now have no inclination whatsoever to pull out records again, let alone get a new turntable. Now that shocked me.” , Doug Schneider

Doug also uses a PRE2 as reference during this product comparison.

20-12-2013, 10:06
The $7000 an MA-1 costs buys one of the best DACs currently out there, so I think just as highly of it as I did before. If that's what you can afford, you won't go wrong buying it. It's what I'd get today if I were spending that much money. The $15,500 for a DAC2X, mind you, is in a different league because all of those little sonic differences between it and the MA-1 add up to something quite a bit bigger. All told, the DAC2X isn't simply one of the best DACs on the market today -- I wouldn't be at all surprised if it is the best there is
Doug Schneider